Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

of course it one of his speech's on it...…..pretty evident he is a bumbling fucking idiot...…...Oh wait....he was that before the I guess he just continues to mutate into the walking brain dead...….very similar to you I might add
You are not the person to call Trump or anyone else a bumbling idiot. You prove that you are the closed minded idiot every time you post anything. Every person that claims to be a Democrat at this time is nothing other then a puppet on a string or ignorant beyond words, some of you fools are both.
You are not the person to call Trump or anyone else a bumbling idiot. You prove that you are the closed minded idiot every time you post anything. Every person that claims to be a Democrat at this time is nothing other then a puppet on a string or ignorant beyond words, some of you fools are both.

I think I can spot an idiot when I see one....and you are no rocket scientist
Spends a lotta time lookin in the mirror :LOL:

I wouldn't be surprised.....I can normally spot someone with a fake IQ pretty easy..........and he fits the bill...…….he needs to spend more time reading the news......but then you lack in the education your self......nice to see you are not letting that education get in the way of your stupidity.
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Fuck you it's the wuhan virus
The liberals at CNN were happily calling it the Wuhan Corona Virus repeatedly....until they decided to try and use Trump's use of names linking it to Wuhan or China as yet another way to attack him....suddenly it was xenophobic of him to call it a foreign virus. Of course the useful idiots bobble their heads right along....

The liberals at CNN were happily calling it the Wuhan Corona Virus repeatedly....until they decided to try and use Trump's use of names linking it to Wuhan or China as yet another way to attack him....suddenly it was xenophobic of him to call it a foreign virus. Of course the useful idiots bobble their heads right along....

damn…….another CNN right wingers watch it more than us lefties.....but then you need it...… sure won't learn anything from fox...….the opinion network
The liberals at CNN were happily calling it the Wuhan Corona Virus repeatedly....until they decided to try and use Trump's use of names linking it to Wuhan or China as yet another way to attack him....suddenly it was xenophobic of him to call it a foreign virus. Of course the useful idiots bobble their heads right along....

Calling it the Wuhan Corona virus is quite appropriate given the Wuhan province was where it was originally isolated. It's not uncommon to name viruses in this manner....e.g. "ebola" whose genus was named after the Ebola river near where it was first discovered. The knuckle-dragging public commonly calls it just ebola, but that is the genus....there's actually 6 known species of ebola, each named for locations where they were discovered: Zaire Ebolavirus, Bundibugyo ebolavirus, Reston ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, Bombali ebolavirus, and Taï Forest ebolavirus

Such xenophobia in those names....Trump must have named them himself back in his epidemiological career days.
we have half as many cases here in the US compared to Germany...….and twice as many deaths...…..

who in the fuck is in charge around here?

can't the country afford medicine?...….don't the people have health care?.....neither are an issue the right cares about!

Germany2,750.... 25.... 6
United States1,762......31.....41

I know all kinds of trump supporters on here will defend trump saying nothing his fault.....but the fact remains......he cut funding to the cdc……..there have been virus's around the world before and never really effected the US...…...and the more speeches he makes the more incompetent he looks...…………………….….this is going to hurt a lot of people

true I never did like the sob to begin with.....but just how many ways can he break an oath.....and still be a republican favorite?
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