Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

you stated and your post was on how great the trade deal was...…..I showed where it wasn't...…..then you tried to bring up Clintons trade.....and I showed you where he had a good economic seem to move or change the lines when you are above!

as for your new and previous......I showed you where trump has the worst policy of about any president!
the only thing he leads the country on is bullshit ...lies....and blind followers who buy the bullshit....most of the country and even the world see him for what he is.... a bullshitter and a egomanic
No I show both so you could see difference but your to narrow minded
you stated and your post was on how great the trade deal was...…..I showed where it wasn't...…..then you tried to bring up Clintons trade.....and I showed you where he had a good economic seem to move or change the lines when you are above!

as for your new and previous......I showed you where trump has the worst policy of about any president!
the only thing he leads the country on is bullshit ...lies....and blind followers who buy the bullshit....most of the country and even the world see him for what he is.... a bullshitter and a egomanic
If any one changed subject it was you
I have always maintained Clinton fucked us with that deal and Trump was first president with the balls since to call them on it

and you have always been wrong...…..same as with your statements that Obama created the only see things twisted to the right and NOTHING factual

trump has done NOTHING....except to tell you how great he is and you believe it has only been 3 states.....but looks like the independants are starting to lean towards Sanders.....and they are THE key to this election

The “fuck” is ole Uncle Joe is running for President yet says he running for the senate - you’re only entitled to so many gaffes - he has GREATLY gone over his limit. Half the time he doesn’t know where he is and now he doesn’t correctly say what he’s running for - does NOT inspire confidence in one’s ability to run a country.

Sides it obvious your party has gone commie and turned away from moderates. Enjoy feelin the Bern.

Free baby care

Free health care for everyone - specially illegals

Free college and pay back all school loans

Trouble is the bozo needs prolly over a hundred trillion to do all of that - your party has gone beyond ridiculous to redankulous - can’t imagine your pain - but better get used to it - SUX. Completely unbelievable to me your party has gone SO FAR LEFT :|

If you guys run Bernie against Trump you’ll get yer red arses handed to ya - just scary so many commies in your party now.

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The “fuck” is ole Uncle Joe is running for President yet says he running for the senate - you’re only entitled to so many gaffes - he has GREATLY gone over his limit. Half the time he doesn’t know where he is and now he doesn’t correctly say what he’s running for - does NOT inspire confidence in one’s ability to run a country.

Sides it obvious your party has gone commie and turned away from moderates. Enjoy feelin the Bern.

Free baby care

Free health care for everyone - specially illegals

Free college and pay back all school loans

Trouble is the bozo needs prolly over a hundred trillion to do all of that - your party has gone beyond ridiculous to redankulous - can’t imagine your pain - but better get used to it - SUX. Completely unbelievable to me your party has gone SO FAR LEFT :|

If you guys run Bernie against Trump you’ll get yer red arses handed to ya - just scary so many commies in your party now.

Who knows - old age - effects some people harder than others - Uncle Joe is just over the hill - it’s so obvious - he just isn’t up to it.
I feel bad for him.

The “fuck” is ole Uncle Joe is running for President yet says he running for the senate - you’re only entitled to so many gaffes - he has GREATLY gone over his limit. Half the time he doesn’t know where he is and now he doesn’t correctly say what he’s running for - does NOT inspire confidence in one’s ability to run a country.

Sides it obvious your party has gone commie and turned away from moderates. Enjoy feelin the Bern.

Free baby care

Free health care for everyone - specially illegals

Free college and pay back all school loans

Trouble is the bozo needs prolly over a hundred trillion to do all of that - your party has gone beyond ridiculous to redankulous - can’t imagine your pain - but better get used to it - SUX. Completely unbelievable to me your party has gone SO FAR LEFT :|

If you guys run Bernie against Trump you’ll get yer red arses handed to ya - just scary so many commies in your party now.


I never said he was running for the senate....and willing to bet he didn't either!

as for turning commie...….think I have posted that a bunch of time....P.utin owns the gop!

well must be the time for the freebies...…….he seems to have a lot of conservative backing him now....don't understand it....but we can't take another 4 years of attilla the none

according to several surveys...Bernie beats trump.....I would have never guessed it...I thought that was why trumpo and Russia wanting Bernie....easy pickings....who you asking me for...I'm no soothsayer.....

I got more than my tired old ass can handle on the 55 210handyman wagon....maybe just a little old for these resto's anymore