Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

just more of the right working to improve America.....through obstruction..... ignorance......and defeating the will of the people....but then trump and company have already shown the people who they are more concerned with.....big biz over our water and air......big biz over our parks and sacred land.....willing to let americans die over lack of health care...….promote hate and division and race play all in the name of a better America?

House passed nearly 400 bills this year — and McConnell is ...
Jul 26, 2019 · "The president and Mitch McConnell need to get to work and bring those bills to the Senate floor so we can complete our work for the American people." Unfortunately, McConnell has vowed to make the Senate a "legislative graveyard" by refusing to …

McConnell vows to block 395 House bills: 'We're not gonna ...
7 hours ago · Speaking to Fox News, McConnell (R-KY), the self-proclaimed "Grim Reaper," confirmed that he was holding up 395 pieces of legislation, which does not take into account the growing pile of bills that have made it to his desk since the start of the new year. "It is true.

"Grim Reaper" Mitch McConnell admits there are 395 House ...
6 hours ago · "Grim Reaper" Mitch McConnell admits there are 395 House bills sitting in the Senate: "we're not going to pass those" Close. 10.4k. Posted by. American Expat. 3 hours ago ... I’m positive all 395 bills are partisan sham docs written by the do-nothing-Democrats.

Trump ignores 395 bills Democrats have passed to claim ...
Sep 24, 2019 · Trump ignores 395 bills Democrats have passed to claim they're only focused on impeachment. By. Josh Israel - ... With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — the self proclaimed "grim reaper" — ruling the upper chamber, ... McConnell has made it clear that this and other House Democratic proposals are dead on arrival in the Senate.
Our Government should not be involved in health care at all. The government sticking there nose in everything is just wrong, hearth care should be a business not government programs. Medical for Vets of foreign wars and men and women while in the service, yes. The public NO.
just more of the right taking care of america

What Are the New Work Requirements for Medicaid?

Medicaid was created alongside Medicare in 1965. While Medicare was intended to offer affordable health care for seniors, the goal of Medicaid was to provide care for people who could not otherwise afford it—those with low incomes, with disabilities, or both. Some people may even be eligible for both programs.

Medicaid has undergone changes over the years, most notably with the Affordable Care Act in 2010, more commonly known as Obamacare. Starting in 2014, states had the choice to accept additional federal funding in the short-term through 2020 to pursue Medicaid expansion. Now, it seems ever more sweeping changes may come to pass.

On January 11, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, under CMS head Seema Vera, has encouraged states to design pilot programs that impose work or job training requirements on Medicaid recipients. The goal, she claims, is to improve the quality of life for people on Medicaid. States can make their proposals through waivers, but they must then get federal approval.

The issue is far more complex than CMS leads you to believe.

Work and Wellness
In all likelihood, the issue is less about health and wellbeing than about dollars and cents. After all, the Trump administration did try to cut hundreds of millions of dollars from Medicaid in 2017 with the failed American Health Care Act/Better Care Reconciliation Act.

Instead of matching spending with the states, the law would have used block grants or per capita limits to fund Medicaid programs. Most states would be unable to make up for the shortfall and would need to reduce benefits, create waiting lists, require people to pay for coverage, or impose other cost-cutting changes.

Republicans have made it clear that they intend to reform Medicaid in 2018.
Work requirements are the first step towards that goal. These requirements are expected to reduce the number of people eligible for Medicaid and to decrease overall enrollment in the program. The overall effect would be to decrease Medicaid spending and to shift care towards employer-sponsored health plans.

There have been no studies to show that working in and of itself improves quality of life. To the contrary, there are studies that show that Medicaid expansion has improved both health outcomes and community involvement.

A 2015 study in the journal PLoS One compared more than 16,000 low-income adults in states with and without Medicaid expansion. The researchers found that not only were low-income individuals more likely to be black or rural residents, but they were also more likely to have better health outcomes if they lived in states that had Medicaid expansion.

When it comes to community involvement, states with Medicaid expansion have shown an increase in volunteerism from their Medicaid recipients. This is shown in a 2017 study in the journal Socius. Whether volunteering was formal through an organization or informal within neighborhoods, rates were notably increased, especially within minority groups.

Able-Bodied Americans and Medicaid Work Requirements
In 2016, 72.2 million people were enrolled in the program. Generally speaking, the majority of Medicaid recipients are children. Once children, the elderly, and people on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are excluded, 24.6 million adults remain.

Of that group, 60 percent (14.8 million) are working—42 percent full time (at least 35 hours per week) and 18 percent part-time. Of those not working (9.8 million), 14 percent have an illness or disability, 12 percent are involved in caregiving, 6 percent are in school, and 7 percent are not working for other reasons.

CMS specifically states that work requirements should only be considered for able-bodied candidates, but they don't define what that means.

People who qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) also qualify for Medicaid. However, having a disability recognized by these programs is not always easy. The criteria are strict and the majority of cases are denied. In 2010, only 34.8 percent of 2,838,485 applications were approved, down from 56.1 percent in 2000. In fact, the number of approvals has decreased annually since 2005. That leaves a lot of people with impairments without a defined disability.

Each state will need to set its own guidelines for what it deems to be "able-bodied". For example, Kentucky, the first and only state to have a work requirement waiver approved, recognizes people with cancer, *******-clotting disorders, or alcohol or substance abuse disorder as "medically frail."

Satisfying the Medicaid Work Requirement
As to the work requirements themselves, Kentucky and nine other states have applied for waivers. Arkansas, Kentucky, and Wisconsin require 80 hours of work per month; Indiana up to 20 hours per week; Arizona, Maine, and Mississippi 20 hours of work per week; Kansas and New Hampshire 20 to 30 hours per week; and Utah three consecutive months of job search/training unless they are working 30 hours per week.

What constitutes "work" also varies by state. Activities range from employment to volunteerism. This is the breakdown according to each state's most current Medicaid waiver application.

  • Caregiving for a non-dependent person with a disabling medical condition — Kentucky
  • ******* treatment — Kentucky
  • Education — Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire
  • Employment — Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Utah, Wisconsin
  • Job search — Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, Utah
  • Job training — Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Utah, Wisconsin
  • Volunteering — Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi

Exemptions From Medicaid Work Requirements
Not everyone will be faced with a Medicaid work requirement. Each state that applies for a waiver specifies who is exempt from the requirement. For each exemption category, a state may require that different criteria be met.

The most common exemption is age. All states excuse anyone 65 years and older from these work requirements. Some states allow more flexibility. Arkansas and Wisconsin exempt people 50 years and younger; Arizona 55 years and younger; and Indiana and Utah 60 years and younger.

Caring for children 6 years and younger or for a dependent disabled baby or adult generally makes one exempt as well. Some states may extend this to older children and even foster care. In Kentucky, only one person per household is exempt if they care for a dependent minor or an adult with disabilities.

Although hours spent in ******* treatment meets the work requirement in Kentucky, it is considered an exemption in Arkansas, Indiana, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Utah, and Wisconsin. Students are also excluded from the requirement. However, the age of the student and the number of hours of school attendance may come into play. Being on unemployment compensation could make you exempt in Maine, Utah, and Wisconsin but not in the other states that have applied for waivers.

Interestingly, Kentucky has added a new alternative for people who do not otherwise meet the work requirement, a health and financial literacy course. The addition has raised concerns. It may unfairly challenge people who are not fluent in written or spoken language. It may also be difficult for people to complete if they have not completed a primary education.

The Debate on Medicaid Work Requirements
Those who support Medicaid work requirements emphasize how it will save money for the states. Contrary to the GOP's opposition to the Affordable Care Act, these work requirements may have the unintended consequence of strengthening it. As of Jan. 2018, only 33 states, including the District of Columbia, had pursued Medicaid expansion. Looking towards work requirements as a means to decrease program costs, more states—Idaho, Kansas, North Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming—are now looking to expand.

While Kentucky is expected to save $2.4 billion in Medicaid expenses over five years with their proposal, it is expected that 95,000 people will lose their health coverage.
A class action suit was filed in a federal court on Jan. 24 by 16 Kentucky Medicaid recipients. They claim the work requirements change the intended purpose of Medicaid which is to provide health care for the poor.

There may be suits in other states if the federal government approves other Medicaid waivers. The results of a lawsuit could affect the future of Medicaid. A win could make it harder for the current administration to proceed with Medicaid reform while a loss could allow for more changes to the program in the near future.

A Word From Verywell

Medicaid is about to undergo some major changes. Starting in 2018, states can apply to add work requirements to their Medicaid programs. To date, ten states have applied and the first state, Kentucky, has been approved with the first enrollment changes to take place in July.

While some people may be exempt from these work requirements based on age, caregiving, disability, or for being an active student, many won't. Whether or not you are for or against Medicaid work requirements, more states may choose to expand Medicaid as a result.
Our Government should not be involved in health care at all. The government sticking there nose in everything is just wrong, hearth care should be a business not government programs. Medical for Vets of foreign wars and men and women while in the service, yes. The public NO.

Yes, People Die When They Don't Have Access To Health Care
One study in the American Journal of Public Health estimated in 2009 that as many as 45,000 people died every year for want of health insurance. When Labrador and other Republicans in the House of Representatives voted last week to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a law designed to make the insurance market more humane, Billy Koehler was there ― in portrait form.

United States Comes in Last Again on Health, Compared to ...
Nov 16, 2016 · The group surveyed 26,863 adults from Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. It found 43 percent of low-income Americans went without medical care because of costs.

Why Are U.S. Health Costs The World's Highest? Study ...
Mar 13, 2018 · Switzerland is next-highest, at $939. The average for all 11 prosperous countries included in the study is only $749. • A U.S. heart bypass operation costs on average $75,345, according to recent data, compared to $15,742 in the Netherlands and $36,509 in Switzerland.

Study: 45,000 Deaths Per Year Due to Lack of Health ...
Oct 15, 2018 · A new study from the Harvard School of Medicine says that 45,000 people die every year due to a lack of health insurance, and therefore a lack of access to ongoing medical care for a wide variety of treatable conditions.

Survey: 79 Million Americans Have Problems with Medical ...
A recent survey from The Commonwealth Fund finds that many people are struggling to pay their medical bills and have accumulated medical debt over time. In fact, 41 percent of working-age Americans—or 72 million people—have medical bill problems or …

Do 643,000 Bankruptcies Occur in the U.S. Every Year Due ...
Apr 22, 2016 · Do 643,000 Bankruptcies Occur in the U.S. Every Year Due to Medical Bills? A popular meme holds that 643,000 Americans go bankrupt every year over medical bills, but the underlying math is …
Our Government should not be involved in health care at all. The government sticking there nose in everything is just wrong, hearth care should be a business not government programs. Medical for Vets of foreign wars and men and women while in the service, yes. The public NO.
typical right wing... racist... anti American thinking....let me take a wild guess here and say you have medicare…..I know of 2 different people who have had serious injuries on the insurance and got a small settlement....unable to ever work can't walk without a walker (was a conductor on a train...without warning train changed directions and threw him off)….anyway both draw medicare/Medicaid...….both have been repeatedly kicked off and had to refile

if the employers were ****** to cover their employees like they did years ago....wouldn't be quite the problem it is now....but with the help of the right they just can't afford to pay benefits any more
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typical right wing... racist... anti American thinking
The United States was not formed to have our Government to be a welfare country. Stop calling me racist, Racism has nothing to do with it. I do understand that you can't just pull the plug on different programs without a plan and time to change a lousy system. I don't call you racist or anything like that and I am not going to stand for it. Every program that is managed by the Government wastes way to much money and provides lousy service. How many private companies would survive one year wasting money like our government does?
The United States was not formed to have our Government to be a welfare country. Stop calling me racist, Racism has nothing to do with it. I do understand that you can't just pull the plug on different programs without a plan and time to change a lousy system. I don't call you racist or anything like that and I am not going to stand for it. Every program that is managed by the Government wastes way to much money and provides lousy service. How many private companies would survive one year wasting money like our government does?

you are what you are....because of what you support....and want for the country was formed to be a welfare country.....providing affordable health care should be a responsibility employers would offer and people should be able to afford.....they can do it in every other country...except here.....but in your right wing racist obstructionist anti American is fine to see people in this country die for the lack of it....while employers just keep getting richer.....who says it has to be managed by the government......just take the greed and corruption out of it

tell me there mr right winger.....why was this signed and just who does it benefit!

Bush: No Medicare price negotiations - MarketWatch*******-price-negotiations
Jan 11, 2007 · WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- President Bush would veto Democratic legislation allowing the federal government to negotiate ******* prices for seniors and others enrolled in Medicare's prescription-******* plan, the White House said Thursday.

more greed!

This Is Why Your ******* Prescriptions Cost So Damn Much

When the Republican-controlled Congress approved a landmark program in 2003 to help seniors buy prescription *******, it slapped on an unusual restriction: The federal government was barred from negotiating cheaper prices for those medicines. Instead, the job of holding down costs was outsourced to the insurance companies delivering the subsidized new coverage, known as Medicare Part D.

The ban on government price bargaining, justified by supporters on free-market grounds, has been derided by critics as a giant gift to the ******* industry. Democratic lawmakers began introducing bills to free the government to use its vast purchasing power to negotiate better deals even before former President George W. Bush signed the Part D law, known as the Medicare Modernization Act.

All those measures over the last 13 years have failed, almost always without ever even getting a hearing, much less being brought up for a vote. That’s happened even though surveys have shown broad public support for the idea. For example, a Kaiser Family Foundation poll found last year that 93 percent of Democrats and 74 percent of Republicans favor letting the government negotiate Part D prescription ******* prices.

Prescription ******* costs go up as McConnell blocks bill ...
Jan 08, 2020 · Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is blocking a bill that could lower the cost of prescription ******* for breast cancer, diabetes, and more. Since the beginning of 2020, the prices of almost 500 prescription ******* have increased, yet Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell still refuses to hold a vote on a House-passed bill

I have never known any one person that repeatedly makes foolish and flat stupid statements one after another like you do
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don't suppose they could have applied that money to the cost of health care...lowering it just a bit do you?

they can spend that much money and yet can't afford to lower the cost!.....typical of the right

Revealed: millions spent by lobbyists fighting Obama ...
Oct 01, 2009 · America's healthcare industry has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to block the introduction of public medical insurance and stall other reforms promised by Barack Obama. ... Health companies

Health-Care CEOs Made an Infuriating Amount of Money Last ...
Apr 08, 2019 · Health-Care CEOs Made an Infuriating Amount of Money Last Year. The average CEO makes $18 million annually while one out of every five Americans is struggling with medical debt. Last year, 62 CEOs of health-care companies made a combined total of $1.1 billion in compensation.

Which Industry Spends the Most on Lobbying?
Following the passage of the ACA and subsequent developments under the Trump Administration, health insurance companies have been very involved in the legislative process, looking to influence new ...

thank god for else would our congressman make any money...….wait....wasn't trump going to stop that.....he must have forgot about it being to busy stuffing his own pockets

Lobbying’s top 50: Who’s spending big
Fifty companies and industry groups shelled out more than $716 million to lobby the federal government and Congress last year, according to data provided to The Hill by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The eye-popping total represents nearly a quarter of all federal lobbying dollars in 2016 and a slight increase over 2015, when the 50 biggest spenders doled out $715 million.

Lobbying’s top 50: Who’s spending big | TheHill
Other companies that increased their spending included Prudential Financial, which paid lobbyists $9.4 million in 2016, an 18 percent increase over 2015; AbbVie which spent 39 percent more on lobbying; and T-Mobile, which spent $8,089,900, an increase of 32 percent.

Regulatory lobbying has increased under the Trump ...
Jul 11, 2018 · Keeping in mind that lobbying meetings tend to be lowest in a president’s first year, Trump’s pattern represents a continuation of this ongoing trend. Compared to Obama’s first year, meetings went from an average of 2.2 per week to 3.9 per week under Trump, an increase of about 80 percent.

Lobbying money spikes under President Trump
Sep 11, 2017 · A major increase in spending by tech companies has been one of the biggest stories over the past few years in the lobbying world. As they gain size, power, and …
I have never been call a racist in 62 years. Yes I have medicare, I like you worked and earned it. Expecting other's to be ****** to pay anyone else's responsibilities is wrong, I still pay taxes, just not income Tax or Social Security any longer, I don't know why I bother trying to communicate with you. You are unjustly Judgmental of everyone that don't see the world as you do. Trump will win in November so you might as well get used to it.
I have never been call a racist in 62 years. Yes I have medicare, I like you worked and earned it. Expecting other's to be ****** to pay anyone else's responsibilities is wrong, I still pay taxes, just not income Tax or Social Security any longer, I don't know why I bother trying to communicate with you. You are unjustly Judgmental of everyone that don't see the world as you do. Trump will win in November so you might as well get used to it.

not judgmental……..just people are so sold on trump you are to blind to see he is fucking you also......but I have no sympathy for you trumpatards…..
I will leave this conversation to mac since he works in it....maybe he can explain something you right wingers can understand
I have never been call a racist in 62 years

Awwww come on now...….with you supporting a racists I'm sure you have heard it several times since the election.....I know you don't lead that sheltered a life.....someone pumps you full of *******

Yes I have medicare, I like you worked and earned it

good ...nice to are going to receive some cuts also......but I suppose you think because you supported trump he won't cut yours!

Expecting other's to be ****** to pay anyone else's responsibilities is wrong,

used to be part of why people chose one employer over another was the degree of health care...….but when the right started fucking unions.…...we lost most benefits and employers pay what the want now and people have no right to try and ask for take what they give you or they will use immigrants to do the work!....but then trumps adage is do as I say not as I do

President Trump Hired Undocumented Immigrants for $4 An ...
President Donald Trump hired hundreds of undocumented Polish immigrants to demolish a New York City building in 1980 and paid them as little as $4 an hour without providing proper safety equipment ...

I don't know why I bother trying to communicate with you.

I don't either...….you are completely and totally right wing mind fucked.....ever consider going back and get an education?
Last edited: might want to consider this because trump university taught you nothing.....

HH and blkdlaur went here I think.....just trying to help you out....please feel free to ask for any more help you might need.....I enjoy helping those in need

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Slow Learner FAQ – School Psychologist Files
Special Education services are provided for students who have a disability. Slow learners typically do not have a disability, even though they need extra support. Cognitive abilities are too high for these learners to be considered for an Intellectual Disability.

Slow learners do not need special education because they do not have a medical problem. It is only they do not perform well in school, in a given project and their learning progress is very slow. Students with below average cognitive abilities whom we cannot term as disabled are called slow learners.

. BTW...that's a joke....after all the crazy statements you make I enjoy ……….you deserve alittle payback
Smh, you're doing that same thing that you do again and again picking and choosing what you prefer to respond too! You didn't even respond to the bottom part of my post! Why did you omit that part?

Because I am interested in the standard of rhetoric that you apply to language to determine when it is Truth and when it is Racist.

In the post that you have now deleted, you explain that your very harsh criticism of the poverty-stricken Black community is objective Truth, but if a white politician were to make those same observations, he would be dismissed as Racist.

My question to you is: if an observation is objective Truth, how can that observation be dismissed based upon the race of the observer?

Study Finds Trump Voters Have Drastically Lower IQ Than ...
Feb 26, 2017 · “The test was 200 questions, and each completed test gave us an average IQ score based on answers. On average, a Trump voter would score in the 30th percentile, or have an average intelligence level of about 71, far below the 90 to 110 that is considered ‘normal.’ A non-Trump voter would score an average of approximately 96.”

Donald Trump Voters: Call Them 'Cognitively Challenged ...
The headline results — in which low cognitive ability is a particularly powerful predictor of Trump support — don’t pop out until the researchers include a bunch of statistical controls.

you can see this on here a lot!

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Dec 04, 2015 · Digging a little deeper into the CNN/ORC research accounts for some of this by pointing out that Trump’s support seems divided between the less-educated and the wealthy, with 40 percent support from voters who earn less than $50,000 and 33 percent from voters who earn more.

Dec 07, 2015 · The pollsters found that almost 90% of those who have voted for Trump in the polls belonged to the bottom half of the IQ spectrum. While the pollsters chose not to disclose how they determined the demographics and IQ scores of the poll respondents, they made it absolutely clear that Trump voters had IQ scores ranging from 55 to 85 (mentally inadequate to low intelligence).

this would be a combination of the RNC and the Russian bots

Trump Supporters Appear To Be Misinformed, Not Uninformed ...
Jan 07, 2016 · Don’t expect Trump’s fans to abandon him anytime soon. And while there are reasons to think Trump supporters may be less likely to vote, that many seem misinformed is …

Trump Won Because Voters Are Ignorant, Literally – Foreign ...
Nov 10, 2016 · But never before have the lesser-educated so uniformly supported a candidate. Trump supporters might retort: “That’s because Trump supports the little guy and Clinton helps the already privileged college grads.” But that’s false: Trump supporters in the primaries had an average income of about $72,000 per year.
Because I am interested in the standard of rhetoric that you apply to language to determine when it is Truth and when it is Racist.

In the post that you have now deleted, you explain that your very harsh criticism of the poverty-stricken Black community is objective Truth, but if a white politician were to make those same observations, he would be dismissed as Racist.

My question to you is: if an observation is objective Truth, how can that observation be dismissed based upon the race of the observer?
Nope, my post is STILL there!
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How dare he put America first

correction ...he doesn't put America first.....he puts trump first

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
Jan 14, 2019 · Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President. When candidate Donald Trump said he was gong to “drain the swamp,” most people thought it meant he would stop corruption in Washington D.C. That means limiting access of lobbyists, curbing deals with foreign governments, and refusing to profit off the White House.

lobbyist have increased under trump...making Washington a pay for play city

How Is Donald Trump Profiting From the Presidency? Let Us ...
Mar 05, 2018 · The Chinese government has granted Trump at least 39 trademarks, some of which had been previously rejected, since he took office; Ivanka Trump, the president's ******* and senior adviser, has also gotten at least seven since she joined the administration. It's good to …

what happened to buy American....goes that does not apply to him...more of that do as I say not as I do

Donald Trump Reports He’s Getting Richer as President ...
Jun 16, 2017 · Properties that Trump frequently visited as president saw the largest boost in income. Trump claimed more than $37 million in income from Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach County resort in Florida he described as his “Winter White House,” as well as $20 million in income from the nearby golf club he owns in Jupiter, Florida.

a lot of that would be the us paying for the secret service to protect his lard ass

Trump Still Makes Money From His Properties. Is This ...
Dec 17, 2018 · The Constitution prohibits the president from accepting payments from foreign and domestic governments. President Trump owns hotels and other properties that are frequented by foreign and domestic government officials. These facts, claim plaintiffs in two lawsuits...

foreign countries wanting something from trump...have to stay at his hotels....some have year long leases on rooms

Trump's children take in millions overseas as president ...
Oct 10, 2019 · Time and again, Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens as he battles a …

cuckner made millions from the Saudi's since trump being president....had one tower in NY he was losing millions the Saudis to buy it from him

How Trump Is Making Money in the White House, and Why ...
Trump’s businesses are benefiting from his family being in powerincluding his resorts like Mar-a-Lago and his D.C. hotel. Trump is using his position as president to promote his own business interests, which is the key issue here, and the problem that the framers intended to avoid.