Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Lmao, you are hilarious!

Thanks, philosophy classes really help with's existence, human values and all.

I type in bold and may sometimes use ALL CAPS because that's how I type!
Oh I understand perfectly. I have a neighbor lady, who goes out at 2am and screams at the sky. That's how she communicates. It's a democrat thing.

Since you like that lifestyle, then of course you identify more as a white nationalist like Trump!

Don't worry. White Sissy Nation is delayed. We can't find a designer to tie together the high heeled jackboots with the black leather bustiers and the peaked officer's caps.
Thanks, philosophy classes really help with's existence, human values and all.

Oh I understand perfectly. I have a neighbor lady, who goes out at 2am and screams at the sky. That's how she communicates. It's a democrat thing.

Don't worry. White Sissy Nation is delayed. We can't find a designer to tie together the high heeled jackboots with the black leather bustiers and the peaked officer's caps.
There you go again, picking and choosing WHAT you want to respond too! I find that as a sign of weakness! Why not respond to the ENTIRE post? You and Trump are DEFINITELY weak! Good for your neighbor because I am not affiliated with a political party!

Why do you think all these cities compete

jobs!....what is your point?....because he employs a bunch of people he should get off paying taxes?...if you are saying they should get off from taxes because of the amount of employees they have....guess you might want to expand your thinking and just Bankrupt the country….they are by no means the largest employer!

Employment in the U.S. aviation industry - Statistics ...
Aug 29, 2016 · As of December 2017, American Airlines was acknowledged to be both the leading passenger airline in the U.S. by number of full-time employees and also having the best paid pilots in …

do you know bezos is currently trying to sue trump.....trump cut him out of a billion dollar government contract
jobs!....what is your point?....because he employs a bunch of people he should get off paying taxes?...if you are saying they should get off from taxes because of the amount of employees they have....guess you might want to expand your thinking and just Bankrupt the country….they are by no means the largest employer!

Employment in the U.S. aviation industry - Statistics ...
Aug 29, 2016 · As of December 2017, American Airlines was acknowledged to be both the leading passenger airline in the U.S. by number of full-time employees and also having the best paid pilots in …

do you know bezos is currently trying to sue trump.....trump cut him out of a billion dollar government contract
They pay taxes the owner pays taxes
jobs!....what is your point?....because he employs a bunch of people he should get off paying taxes?...if you are saying they should get off from taxes because of the amount of employees they have....guess you might want to expand your thinking and just Bankrupt the country….they are by no means the largest employer!

Employment in the U.S. aviation industry - Statistics ...
Aug 29, 2016 · As of December 2017, American Airlines was acknowledged to be both the leading passenger airline in the U.S. by number of full-time employees and also having the best paid pilots in …

do you know bezos is currently trying to sue trump.....trump cut him out of a billion dollar government contract
I remember that, @subhub174014! For some reason, Trump cannot stand him though he has ALWAYS been jealous of Bezos!
What you mean is no federal taxes, they still pay state income, properties tax,excise tax etc
true....they still pay state...I would think...but sometimes a state will give big reductions in taxes if they locate there and hire a lot of no telling what they really pay.....WAL MART gets a big cut state and federal everytime they build a new store....but even so....they pay little to nothing in fed taxes.....who pays to run the country and the social programs.... and all the subsidies wal mart and wall street and others get?
They pay taxes the owner pays taxes
not sure where you are going or what you are saying...…..the airline has more employees nation wide than any corp and they pay taxes in every state...…..for the employees and the fuel and office space and runways they use....matter of fact the airline is charged by the pound when a plane lands on the runway according to how much passengers and cargo it has on it...….and pays a huge amount in office space to each city......airline expenditures run into the billions....with no tax breaks!...but you feel amazon should get a break....for what reason?...because they employ a large amount in one city?
point is….taxes is what makes the country go...….and if all these corps are not paying.....something has to be cut or done away with....a good start would be in washington where they all draw big money for life!...and health care for life!...….as for individual taxes...….supposedly based on same rate no matter your naturally if you make pay more....but even then those that makes big bucks has a habit of coming up with a lot of tax breaks....that those "without" don't seem to be able to get....they pay people to find all those tax breaks that these congressional lawyers set up for them

speaking of congress...….just a little food for thought...….why is it that when you vote someone out of office their pay does not stop......when they decide to does not stop....the rest of the country has to retire...or be 62 or whatever......not someone in congress

How Congress Retirement Pay Compares to the Overall Average

While many Americans are struggling to save for retirement and employee pension programs, both public and private—and while many are facing lots of uncomfortable realities—elected representatives and senators in the United States Congress still receive envious pension benefits for life. Retirement pay for Congress is not normally a big election-year issue, but it might serve as evidence of a disconnect between lawmakers and mainstream America.


The median net worth for a member of Congress surpassed $1 million in 2013, where it remained through 2018. This compares to the average American household median net worth of less than $60,000. As reported by the Center for Responsive Politics, "it would take the combined wealth of more than 18 American households to equal the value of a single federal lawmaker's household." Entering 2019, less than 10% of U.S. households could be classified as millionaires, compared to more than 50% of the members of Congress.12
CNBC. "Some say 'millionaire is the new middle class'—here's how many Americans are actually worth $1 million." Accessed Oct. 18, 2019.
Congressional members are eligible for their own unique pension plans under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), though there are other retirement benefits available, ranging from Social Security and the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS).3 Currently, members of Congress are eligible for a pension dependent on the member's age at retirement, length of service, and salary. The pension value can be up to 80% of the member's final salary.4 Currently, Congressional pay is $174,000 per year, which, at an 80% rate, equates to a lifelong pension benefit of $139,200.5 All benefits are taxpayer-funded.

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Not looking good for the right....hope it holds and people stay with it...….2 main…..and income inequality......they can they have done for 12 years care is for income inequality.....take more than just raising the minimum wage...although some states doing that which helps trumps numbers...…..but for the most part....wages are not keeping up with inflation.....
you people do understand that back when Ike was charging 95% income taxes to big could get major breaks....if you expanded your company.....made improvements to your company....or by giving pay raises to employees
point is….taxes is what makes the country go...….and if all these corps are not paying.....something has to be cut or done away with....a good start would be in washington where they all draw big money for life!...and health care for life!...….as for individual taxes...….supposedly based on same rate no matter your naturally if you make pay more....but even then those that makes big bucks has a habit of coming up with a lot of tax breaks....that those "without" don't seem to be able to get....they pay people to find all those tax breaks that these congressional lawyers set up for them

speaking of congress...….just a little food for thought...….why is it that when you vote someone out of office their pay does not stop......when they decide to does not stop....the rest of the country has to retire...or be 62 or whatever......not someone in congress

How Congress Retirement Pay Compares to the Overall Average

While many Americans are struggling to save for retirement and employee pension programs, both public and private—and while many are facing lots of uncomfortable realities—elected representatives and senators in the United States Congress still receive envious pension benefits for life. Retirement pay for Congress is not normally a big election-year issue, but it might serve as evidence of a disconnect between lawmakers and mainstream America.


The median net worth for a member of Congress surpassed $1 million in 2013, where it remained through 2018. This compares to the average American household median net worth of less than $60,000. As reported by the Center for Responsive Politics, "it would take the combined wealth of more than 18 American households to equal the value of a single federal lawmaker's household." Entering 2019, less than 10% of U.S. households could be classified as millionaires, compared to more than 50% of the members of Congress.12
CNBC. "Some say 'millionaire is the new middle class'—here's how many Americans are actually worth $1 million." Accessed Oct. 18, 2019.
Congressional members are eligible for their own unique pension plans under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), though there are other retirement benefits available, ranging from Social Security and the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS).3 Currently, members of Congress are eligible for a pension dependent on the member's age at retirement, length of service, and salary. The pension value can be up to 80% of the member's final salary.4 Currently, Congressional pay is $174,000 per year, which, at an 80% rate, equates to a lifelong pension benefit of $139,200.5 All benefits are taxpayer-funded.

Real easy to pay yourself very well when you hold the moneybag. They are suppose to be our servants, aren't they? Lets give them all a huge pay cut. Revalue all there benefits, term limits definitely, an complaints we fire them with no more pay.
Real easy to pay yourself very well when you hold the moneybag. They are suppose to be our servants, aren't they? Lets give them all a huge pay cut. Revalue all there benefits, term limits definitely, an complaints we fire them with no more pay.

be nice….but just like term limits....they vote on all that....they are not going to ******* the golden goose...…...a few years ago someone proposed that people who leave congress not get any more pay until retirement never even came up for a vote....can you imagine how much money that would have saved?

good example....look at Paul Ryan...….retired to spend time with his ******* before they got to old.....he might be 50?....but drawing the same pay as if he was still in congress...…..we don't get any of that...… nice if we could just tell your employer I am retiring next year......leave and the pay continues

well first that is fox biz...…..they are going to say anything against the right ...even if it is not true…….that's why it is called an opinion network!.....also Obama tried a couple times to rework the tax code...….but the party of no.....the obstructionist party gave no support and did nothing....Obama might have pointed out the error and the right did nothing.....which is how i'm guessing actually took place
Real easy to pay yourself very well when you hold the moneybag. They are suppose to be our servants, aren't they? Lets give them all a huge pay cut. Revalue all there benefits, term limits definitely, an complaints we fire them with no more pay.

you know what is funny about that...the pres could just send them home...never been done and would not go over very well

Powers of the president of the United States

The powers of the president of the United States include those powers explicitly granted by Article II of the United States Constitution to the president of the United States, powers granted by Acts of Congress, implied powers, and also a great deal of soft power that is attached to the presidency.[1]

The Constitution explicitly assigns the president the power to sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of their Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors. The president shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed and the president has the power to appoint and remove executive officers. The president may make treaties, which need to be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate, and is accorded those foreign-affairs functions not otherwise granted to Congress or shared with the Senate. Thus, the president can control the formation and communication of foreign policy and can direct the nation's diplomatic corps. The president may also appoint Article III judges and some officers with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. In the condition of a Senate recess, the president may make a temporary appointment.

Perhaps the next

The next time you attempt to belittle someone, consider not showing your own ignorance....Trump's impeachment IS the indictment; that's why there was a trial in the Senate. I paid attention in my civics class as well as my political science classes....did you?
I am belittling your intelligence. Once a person is found innocent, the accused crime is proven to have never occurred. The house indictment was so fundamentally flawed at so many levels, it could not be considered an honest indictment under any circumstance. It was an indictment that was a better fit for a Stalinist show trial. Now I ask the question. Did you take a civics 100 class? Cause you sure don’t sound like you did.
you can't argue with "it"

That's true. You certainly can't. Because I'm always 3 moves ahead of you, can anticipate each of your tired cliches and then smack you with neoteric commentary.

Plus, you spend way too much time with your nubbin in a full two-finger grip; fantasizing about my sex life. You're always bringing my sissy sex back into the conversation, for your vicarious gratification.

Well Flaccid Felix, if I told you about my sex life, your little nubbin would draw away the one drop of ******* that's providing oxygen to your brain cell.

You might survive in that catatonic state for years and I can't be responsible for the increased Medicaid cost to the taxpayers.
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