Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Nah, that "White Sissy Pride" phrase is a RACIAL TERM! Since you like that lifestyle, then of course you identify more as a white nationalist like Trump! After all, Trump did call himself a "Nationalist", though seems like most Trump supporters have forgotten that! By the way, when it comes to talking about that RACIAL TERM, I figured you wouldn't answer my question! Most folks who are afraid to talk about that seem to always want to dodge and avoid answering that question!

Oh, I'll answer.

As the Leader of the White Sissy Nationalists, I'm going to abolish the Republican and Democrat Parties, as State enemies...

....and ******* everyone to declare their allegiance to the Nanzi Party.
I am belittling your intelligence. Once a person is found innocent, the accused crime is proven to have never occurred. The house indictment was so fundamentally flawed at so many levels, it could not be considered an honest indictment under any circumstance. It was an indictment that was a better fit for a Stalinist show trial. Now I ask the question. Did you take a civics 100 class? Cause you sure don’t sound like you did.
No, your delusion of grandeur leads you to think you are, when the truth is you disgrace and embarrass yourself with your angry, weak, and hateful venom not realizing you are not as important as you think you are.
I am belittling your intelligence. Once a person is found innocent, the accused crime is proven to have never occurred. The house indictment was so fundamentally flawed at so many levels, it could not be considered an honest indictment under any circumstance. It was an indictment that was a better fit for a Stalinist show trial. Now I ask the question. Did you take a civics 100 class? Cause you sure don’t sound like you did.

apparently you know nothing of the constitution nor anything about the law.....hard to belittle someone else's intelligence when you are lacking in that yourself…...won't discuss details.....people already know...people with any sense...….bottom line....he is impeached....and the trial never occurred...ever see a trial with no witness's?
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looks like Biden may have fucked up last night....letting temper get the best of him?.....NH is Sanders stomping grounds...but Pete pulled out some votes......he is probably the best one to beat trump.....but you have to win the nomination.....don't do that by running if things look bad for your campaign.....Like to see Biden get it....but I could live with Pete or Amy...both very presidential!

although they keep fighting amongst themselves.....not uniting anything....people lose interest....who ever the winner is has a tough job bringing everyone back in
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Trump does not have to pardon anyone....he just has his personal attny get the sentence reduced or done away with

Barr takes control of legal matters of interest to Trump, including Stone sentencing

WASHINGTON — The U.S. attorney who had presided over an inconclusive criminal investigation into former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe was abruptly removed from that job last month in one of several recent moves by Attorney General William Barr to take control of legal matters of personal interest to President Donald Trump, according to multiple people familiar with the matter.

A person familiar with the matter has confirmed to NBC News that President Trump has now rescinded the nomination of the U.S. attorney, Jessie Liu, for a job as an undersecretary at the Treasury Department.

On Tuesday, all four line prosecutors withdrew from the case against Trump associate Roger Stone — and one quit the Justice Department altogether — after Barr and his top aides intervened to reverse a stiff sentencing recommendation of up to nine years in prison that the line prosecutors had filed with the court Monday.

But that wasn't the first time senior political appointees reached into a case involving a former Trump aide, officials told NBC News. Senior officials at the Justice Department also intervened last month to help change the government's sentencing recommendation for Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who pled guilty to lying to the FBI. While once the prosecutors in the case had recommended up to six months in jail for Flynn, their latest filing now says they believe probation would be appropriate.

The new filing came on the same day Jessie Liu, was removed from her job, to be replaced the next day by a former prosecutor selected by Barr. Liu had been overseeing the criminal investigation into McCabe, who was accused by the department's inspector general of lying to investigators. McCabe has not been charged, despite calls by President Trump for him to go to prison.

The resignations and the unusual moves by Barr come as Trump has sought revenge against government officials who testified after being subpoenaed by congressional Democrats in their impeachment investigation. In the days since the Senate acquitted him, Trump fired his ambassador to the European Union, a political supporter the president nominated, and had other officials moved out of the White House.

"This signals to me that there has been a political infestation," NBC News legal analyst Chuck Rosenberg, a former U.S. attorney, said on MSNBC. "And that is the single most dangerous thing that you can do to the Department of Justice."

With impeachment in rear view, Pelosi looks to next attack on Trump

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is looking to make a sharp pivot ¨from the heated politics of impeachment and lash President Donald Trump in another key area: the economy.

In a series of private meetings this week, Pelosi has all but explicitly told her members that with the election just nine months away, it’s time for Democrats to shift the spotlight away from the Ukraine scandal and other controversies ensnaring Trump.

To further underscore that point, Pelosi hosted a special speaker’s meeting on Tuesday with a top Obama economics adviser to explain to Democrats why the economy isn’t actually as strong as Trump claims and how they can message that to voters.

For moderate Democrats in competitive districts— including those where Trump dominated in 2016 — the shift away from impeachment less than a week after the Senate acquitted the president is a welcome reprieve

“I’m glad that we’re shifting and pivoting to something else.
Every time I poll in my area, it’s always the same thing: education, health care and the economy,” said Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas, who is facing a fierce primary challenger from the left in his sprawling south Texas district.

The centrist Democrat said he sees Pelosi’s shift to the economy as a signal that talk of impeachment and investigations are over in the House, at least for now. A series of ongoing court cases, though, could renew the push among some Democrats to investigate Trump, including the bid to interview former White House counsel Don McGahn. But Democrats risk appearing as sore losers in light of the president’s acquittal.

“That is what I understand,” Cuellar said, jokingly tapping a wall outside the House chamber, as if to knock on wood. “That is what I’m hoping.”

Democrats, including Pelosi, argue that they’ve been talking about the economy nonstop since taking back control of the House — and have passed a new major trade agreement and a slew of other bills, most of which are languishing in the Republican Senate.

But after the Senate cleared Trump, Democrats are privately hoping their message can break through and damage a president who is heading into his reelection campaign more emboldened than ever.

Rep. Ron Kind of Wisconsin, who represents a Trump-district. Kind said Trump’s real problem is in states that are key to his reelection, like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where some haven’t benefited from the president’s economic good fortune.

“You still see record farm bankruptcies taking place in Wisconsin, a manufacturing recession, stagnant wage growth and no paid family or medical leave policy,” Kind said. “These are major problems holding us back economically.”

Democrats have already begun to aggressively go after Trump’s track record on the economy, teeing up the same line of attack that they attribute to recapturing the House in 2018. But they can’t decide exactly how to message it.

Some Democrats are eager to go all in on hammering Trump, saying he’s lying about the claims he makes about the state of the economy when he came into office, the reality behind the rising wages and jobs numbers and the impact the Republican tax law has had on the middle class.

“Look, I think everyone will acknowledge, the stock market is up and unemployment is down, but that doesn’t tell the full picture,” said Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), who heads the caucus’ messaging committee.

“I think all of us hear from our constituents. They know the economy is improving, but their own personal situation isn’t getting better,” Cicilline said.

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looks like Biden may have fucked up last night....letting temper get the best of him?.....NH is Sanders stomping grounds...but Pete pulled out some votes......he is probably the best one to beat trump.....but you have to win the nomination.....don't do that by running if things look bad for your campaign.....Like to see Biden get it....but I could live with Pete or Amy...both very presidential!

although they keep fighting amongst themselves.....not uniting anything....people lose interest....who ever the winner is has a tough job bringing everyone back in

Think the DNC gonna put it to Bernie again - Bloomberg trying to buy the election - with Biden going down in flames bet ya DNC throws in with Bloomberg and throws their superdelegates behind him once again pulling the rug out from under the Bern - anyway it comes out your party only has a selection of bozo candidates which President Trump will eat alive.

Nice avatar by the way - one of the greats has passed at 103 - Doc Holiday role ?
And what would you suggest he do, STIFF, change his belief from something that is true? Unlike the Republicans in the Senate, who many felt Trump should be dismissed as President but were balless to say it openingly fearing his retaliations?
Both of you are grown men @MacNfries and @BlkCumsHeavy where you can make up your own minds about things in America. If you desire to remain with the side of the "lying dog-faced pony soldiers" what can I say?

looks like Biden may have fucked up last night....letting temper get the best of him?.....NH is Sanders stomping grounds...but Pete pulled out some votes......he is probably the best one to beat trump.....but you have to win the nomination.....don't do that by running if things look bad for your campaign.....Like to see Biden get it....but I could live with Pete or Amy...both very presidential!

although they keep fighting amongst themselves.....not uniting anything....people lose interest....who ever the winner is has a tough job bringing everyone back in
It appears that it is as confusing for you and the Democrats in General on the campaign trail as it is getting for me on the inside with trump. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. I cannot imagine Bernie Sanders as President, and Biden has some kind of issue going on . Amy Klobuchar I find interesting, Buttigieg doesn't impress me and Warren is a phony but I thought early on that she might pull it off, no more. Trump, I still like and plan to vote for but I wish he would stop bragging, I don't know but I believe his ego feeds his fire to WIN WIN WIN as he says.
Think the DNC gonna put it to Bernie again - Bloomberg trying to buy the election - with Biden going down in flames bet ya DNC throws in with Bloomberg and throws their superdelegates behind him once again pulling the rug out from under the Bern - anyway it comes out your party only has a selection of bozo candidates which President Trump will eat alive.
I am trying to keep an open mind instead of much name calling. Again I know for a fact that if Sanders wins, the recession that would follow would be horrific. The United States of America needs Trump again, even as unconventional as he is. In today's America many of the wealthy 1% will not allow Socialism to control their cash and investments. Millions and millions of Jobs will be affected in one day as trillions will be gone.
Think the DNC gonna put it to Bernie again - Bloomberg trying to buy the election - with Biden going down in flames bet ya DNC throws in with Bloomberg and throws their superdelegates behind him once again pulling the rug out from under the Bern - anyway it comes out your party only has a selection of bozo candidates which President Trump will eat alive.

Nice avatar by the way - one of the greats has passed at 103 - Doc Holiday role ?

the bern….always pulling some sneaky *******....and crying the blues now he is not getting enough votes.....the only people he is popular with is the college *******....most people don't care for all his other *******...independents would never vote for him!
Even warren who looks to be sliding and who claims to be a friend of Sanders...….but who did she push for last night....Amy knobblecocker

Bloomberg rising in the polls....and pulling a lot of blacks away from biden...nice guy...good record on helping.....really putting out some adds trashing trump......see them here several times a day......NEVER see a dam add here...I just think his gun stance will hurt now it puts it down to 3 and I think any of the 3 are good and can pull the independents....Biden...right still working on trashing him.....and he is NOT running a very smart campaign and probably doing himself more harm than trump and company can do...….Pete got a lot of good ideas...conservative...even looks presidential...but will the gay thing help or hurt...…..that leaves Amy...….smart...conservative...experienced...but will the country vote for a woman.....a lot did last time....but the trump/Russian team put an end to it....can/will they do it again

trump is ripe for the taking....all the corruption that just never ends...… care which he personally finished killing.....and the economy...he likes to say how good it is....but the avg American is NOT seeing it

yep...103 ..hard to believe......Peter fonda also died recently
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