Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You do understand that no one has been indicted for a crime let alone found guilty. That concept is taught in a civics 100 class like you would expect to take in high school, or earlier. You did take a class like that? Did you?

guess you never heard of conspiracy/ took a class to know what that is didn't you
You Democrats think your so smart,

we don't think....we know...….have someone of normal intelligence read some of what you guys write on here.....several of you show a real lack of education

Trump didn't just win with less educated voters, or "poorly educated," as he called them, he crushed it. It's true Trump did perform the best of any candidate among highly educated voters, too, but not nearly so well. He gained 37% of the votes from those with postgraduate education, with Marco Rubio earning 29%
Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him…

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Dec 04, 2015 · Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. Yahoo broke down the results further, finding that Donald Trump “runs significantly stronger among less-educated, less-affluent voters, and performs particularly well among voters in the 50-64 age range.”

he needs some kind of trade deal...….nothing with China...….the one with Mexico is not as good as what we had....and there are NO jobs coming back...….jobs still going over seas at a higher rate than before thanks to trump.....gave all the tax breaks to the wealthy …...all they did was sock buy backs that makes the stock market look good and does nothing for the worker...….and speaking of that Telephone took their money and used it to move all their call centers to India...….losing several thousand more jobs over seas

just can not understand how some of you miss all that when it is in the news everyday
he needs some kind of trade deal...….nothing with China...….the one with Mexico is not as good as what we had....and there are NO jobs coming back...….jobs still going over seas at a higher rate than before thanks to trump.....gave all the tax breaks to the wealthy …...all they did was sock buy backs that makes the stock market look good and does nothing for the worker...….and speaking of that Telephone took their money and used it to move all their call centers to India...….losing several thousand more jobs over seas

just can not understand how some of you miss all that when it is in the news everyday
I was just reading in a metal fabricating magazine how good the trade deal is with Mexico I'll find online links
I was just reading in a metal fabricating magazine how good the trade deal is with Mexico I'll find online links

read the state of the union I posted with FACT CHeCK....that deal sucks!

excerpt right guys just to willing to buy a pig in a poke

He then glossed over the recent signed China-US phase 1 trade deal as well as the NAFTA 2.0 USMCA trade deal. he said they were great achievements, but refused to indicate in what sense. In recent weeks he has declared China would buy $100 billion more in US goods this year as part of that deal. But the fact is China never agreed to that and most economists estimate it will be well less than $50B, and maybe not even that now that the coronavirus is undermining US-China trade.

And so far as the USMCA is concerned, Trump in the SOTU speech reported it will produce 100,000 new US jobs
. But even a cursory reading of the terms of that deal show there are no measures designed to bring back jobs from Mexico to the US. In both the trade deals, there’s really ‘no there there’, as economists are now beginning to determine. Both the China and USMCA trade deals are just old wine in new bottles, as they say, corked up with a lot of bombast, hyperbole, and factual misrepresentation.
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read the state of the union I posted with FACT CHeCK....that deal sucks!

excerpt right here

He then glossed over the recent signed China-US phase 1 trade deal as well as the NAFTA 2.0 USMCA trade deal. he said they were great achievements, but refused to indicate in what sense. In recent weeks he has declared China would buy $100 billion more in US goods this year as part of that deal. But the fact is China never agreed to that and most economists estimate it will be well less than $50B, and maybe not even that now that the coronavirus is undermining US-China trade.

And so far as the USMCA is concerned, Trump in the SOTU speech reported it will produce 100,000 new US jobs
. But even a cursory reading of the terms of that deal show there are no measures designed to bring back jobs from Mexico to the US. In both the trade deals, there’s really ‘no there there’, as economists are now beginning to determine. Both the China and USMCA trade deals are just old wine in new bottles, as they say, corked up with a lot of bombast, hyperbole, and factual misrepresentation.
For you great for America
Just heard those people camping out for President Trump in New Hampshire have been there since the weekend and it’s been raining and miserable - there’s 15,000 to 20,000 more than can even get into the rally.

This is the kinda thing that should show those whining Dem bozos just how good their stupid biased polls are.
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Anyone with any knowledge or common sense in today's world has no excuse for supporting the Democratic, Socialistic, Liberal, Train-wreck Leftist may be college educated, but most fail at being intelligent with Wisdom.

Just heard those people camping out for President Trump in New Hampshire have been there since the weekend and it’s been raining and miserable - there’s 15,000 to 20,000 more than can even get into the rally.

This is the kinda thing that should show those whining Dem bozos just how good their stupid biased polls are.

IF the number 15,000 to 20,000 people that will fail to be seated inside SNHU Arena, in Manchester which has 11,770 seats, isn't prophetic to open the eyes of the Democrats and reassure the Republican's of the American People commitment to Trump, then there is little hope for the left. Where I live in central Maine is a couple of hours from Manchester NH our next door neighbor. Here today it has been snowing but over the weekend we had snow, sleet and freezing rain with a temperature as low as 5 degrees Saturday morning. It has to be very uncomfortable for those in line.
what's your point....I think he is right....Independants will not support Sanders....majority of country wants health care fixed....which is something the right has been unable to do for 12 years now.....but the independants won't vote for sanders...….I'm not an independent and I will have to think about it