Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Don’t know why we let non Americans think they matter when it comes to influencing our election
I guess they have a right to voice their opinion as well because this is a paid member web sight , I do agree with you that they don't make any difference in our elections.
Are you suggesting that Trump should never have honored Gen Charles McGee (of the Tuskegee Airmen) in front of all Americans?

Are you suggesting that Trump should have refused to support the aspirations of Gen McGee's great-grandson Lanphier to attend the Air ******* Academy?

Are you saying that was racist?

your original statement in case you forgot...…….and my answer below....nothing more to say...unless you are saying the honor he gave was not genuine....I am not disputing that at all...but I am saying it was part of a race ploy.....way above your really want to make it some kind of race thing...……..try again

Why a Race-Baiting Trump Is Courting Black Voters - The ...
Aug 03, 2019 · The Trump campaign said it was eager to deliver its message to black voters. “President Trump has an excellent record benefitting black Americans, which we will enthusiastically communicate,” said Tim Murtaugh, a campaign spokesman. “Black unemployment has hit an all-time low, paychecks are rising,...

Trump shocks black voters — by trying to get their votes ...
Dec 13, 2019 · Trump received just 8 percent of the black vote in 2016, and his campaign aides concede he’s never going to win more than a narrow slice of African American support.

nice to see you are not letting your education get in the way of your stupidity
you are trying to make it racial....I'm just saying it was mostly a show for the black vote....end of conversation

get off your knees maybe so much wouldn't go over your head
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Come on Mac, name a single instance that Trump did trample on the constitution?
•Bribery & Extortion for one - Article II, Sect. 4 The $391 million withheld to Ukraine, contingent on finding/fabricating lies about Biden​
•Rule of Law - Article II, Sect. 3 Congress makes the laws, the President signs off on them. The money going to Ukraine came from the Nat'l Defense Authorization Act thgh the Secty of Defense & Secty of State. Violation under "high crimes & misdemeanors"
•Blocked aid to Puerto Rico​
•Deprived immigrants & refugees, requesting protection of the law​
•Meeting privately (off the record) several times with our adversaries and sharing highly classified documents with them​

Trump is the only person I've ever seen who could be taken to court for federal crimes and get to name WHO can testify and WHAT documents can be presented. You know the Senate trial was all a big sham ... whether you admit it or not.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, probably. Trump is unable to do anything having to do with "good faith"

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...but I am saying it was part of a race really want to make it some kind of race thing...……..try again

It's all about race........aaaand.........don't make it all about race.

Contradicting yourself in only 2 of your fractured phrases reveals your dizzyness. Earth spinning too fast again?

You are grasping about in the dark like Joe Biden at a Girl Scout sleep-over.
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Bribery & Extortion for one - Article II, Sect. 4 The $391 million withheld to Ukraine, contingent on finding/fabricating lies about Biden
No charges were filed because it never happened. The aid was released and now an investigation is being done on Biden for his role in geting that Ukranian prosecuror fired.

•Rule of Law - Article II, Sect. 3 Congress makes the laws, the President signs off on them. The money going to Ukraine came from the Nat'l Defense Authorization Act thgh the Secty of Defense & Secty of State. Violation under "high crimes & misdemeanors"
No charges were filed because the aid was released.

•Blocked aid to Puerto Rico
We found out a lot of that aid was going to corrupt officials. Again no charges were filed.

•Deprived immigrants & refugees, requesting protection of the law
Come on Mac, you can do better than that. Everyone of them had access to lawyers.

•Meeting privately (off the record) several times with our adversaries and sharing highly classified documents with them
What laws did he violate?
What laws did he violate?
I'm not going back & forth with you, syscom; I have to get up early in the AM. Had the Democrats been allow to call their witnesses and present the documents, you know as well as everyone else, Trump would be the first in US HISTORY to have been REMOVED from office. If they thought the witnesses & documents didn't matter, then WHY BLOCK THEM from being used in court?
Trump's been a liar and deceiver ever since taking office. I still say he'll get caught before he leaves office. Too many hounds smelling his trail now. But, he'll try to cheat in the election AGAIN, and AGAIN he'll get called on it .... just wait and see.
I'm not going back & forth with you, syscom; I have to get up early in the AM. Had the Democrats been allow to call their witnesses and present the documents, you know as well as everyone else, Trump would be the first in US HISTORY to have been REMOVED from office. If they thought the witnesses & documents didn't matter, then WHY BLOCK THEM from being used in court?
Trump's been a liar and deceiver ever since taking office. I still say he'll get caught before he leaves office. Too many hounds smelling his trail now. But, he'll try to cheat in the election AGAIN, and AGAIN he'll get called on it .... just wait and see.
Well I am telling you that you claim laws were broken. Yet not one US attorney has found that he did. Face the facts. Just because YOU HOPE he did, does not make it factual. And those documents you claim he is hiding? AG's have full access to them and already looked them over and didnt find anything.
...unless you are saying the honor he gave was not genuine....I am not disputing that at all...

Lemme sissy-splain what Floyd the Flaccid Fapper just said:

The 2 negatives mean he agrees that Gen McGee is not deserving of genuine honor. The liberal white male cannot abide a successful Black man. Because successful Black men don't need intrusive oversight -- and that is literally all liberal white males can do to project smug self-righteousness.
your original statement in case you forgot...…….and my answer below....nothing more to say...unless you are saying the honor he gave was not genuine....I am not disputing that at all...but I am saying it was part of a race ploy.....way above your really want to make it some kind of race thing...……..try again

nice to see you are not letting your education get in the way of your stupidity
you are trying to make it racial....I'm just saying it was mostly a show for the black vote....end of conversation

get off your knees maybe so much wouldn't go over your head
He keeps going on and on and on wanting a response back from me so bad! That whole thing was a race ploy indeed! Even had numerous Blacks who were ACTUALLY offended by it! Finally, most of the Black people have figured out Trump though took them so long to figure that ******* out! You hit the nail right on the head, @subhub174014!
do you know how stupid you look....well we have know that for a about how stupid you you think people can't go back and read you insanity? made a foolish statement...I answered it and gave a link...and a few more links in case you are even slower than I think

Trump’s Plea to Black Voters Showcases Find-Just-a-Few ...
3 days ago · President Donald Trump is ramping up his appeals to African Americans, including a State of the Union speech on Tuesday that illustrated his campaign’s effort to lure enough black

Let’s Talk About All The Black Folks Trump Had At The ...
For a racist president, Donald Trump sure did invite a lot of Black folks to be his special guests at the State of the Union address. But a closer look beneath the surface of the president's words ...
He made a FOOLISH post earlier trying to read my mind and *******! I already posted a link regarding what I said about the State of the Union, yet he FAILS to even read it! All in all though, his ass just wanted a response back from me! As usual, an outsider dipping in my conversation and then coming on the back end of it trying to instigate! If Trump truly "cared" for the Black voter like he claims, why wait until Black History Month to do it? Like you stated previously, @subhub174014, it was ALL a race ploy! As a matter of fact, in an article that I read that focused on Black voters:

“You’ll see a lot of these things happen where the Republican Party will try to put forward an image of being racially inclusive; however, they won’t change their party platform,” McDaniel said. “So a lot of this is image work.” Trump will face questions about his sincerity toward black voters given past allegations of racism and the GOP’s overall track record on outreach to minorities which has not been very good.
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Some poor picked on people need to get over the pity party they live in. I am white and I watched the whole state of the union address and never thought twice about white versus black. I saw a 100 year old hero with his grandson wanting to be like him. Racism is a subject that many really know little about. You want facts.... enjoy.

Your dear friend NEWT GINGRICH

all that just proves a most drunks or druggies....they don't see they have a problem....they think they are fine and it is everyone else who has the problem
How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
It is the party of Donald Trump, the “Muslim ban,” the border wall, David Duke and all the other white supremacists running for election on the Republican ticket in the midterm elections.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party hate America: It’s ...
Aug 18, 2019 · Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate majority leader, and other high-ranking Republicans, have declined to lift a finger to secure American democracy. Hatred for American cities, racist hostility toward black and Hispanic citizens,..

Is the GOP a hate group? | The Seattle Times
For half a century, then, the GOP has taught white voters racial resentment, taught them to prioritize concerns about white prerogative over concerns about shuttered factories, dirty water, lack of...

Two current Republican congressional candidates, in Wisconsin and Illinois, are a Nazi Party leader and a white supremacist.Read more:
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Yes, I Hate Republicans And No, I Will Not Apologize
Nov 14, 2016 · There are two kinds of Republicans: the ignorant and the evil. Either they are uninformed and dumb or aware of the world and other cultures other than their own and just too corrupt or bigoted to care. It's just that being a Republican seems to now stand for religious nuts, rich, rednecks, and racists.
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I'm not going back & forth with you, syscom; I have to get up early in the AM. Had the Democrats been allow to call their witnesses and present the documents, you know as well as everyone else, Trump would be the first in US HISTORY to have been REMOVED from office. If they thought the witnesses & documents didn't matter, then WHY BLOCK THEM from being used in court?
Trump's been a liar and deceiver ever since taking office. I still say he'll get caught before he leaves office. Too many hounds smelling his trail now. But, he'll try to cheat in the election AGAIN, and AGAIN he'll get called on it .... just wait and see.
Didn’t have a chance to call witnesses? They had the chance to call witnesses at the house impeachment inquiry.