Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You might have missed @Allforthewifey 's breaking news @subhub174014 and it is a stunner...

'GAME OVER,' Trump declares, as old Bolton, Schiff videos surface amid Senate impeachment trial

Part of that article states with supporting videos that...

"Separately, Fox News has identified clips of Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., now the lead House impeachment manager, in which he says Bolton had a distinct 'lack of credibility' and was prone to 'conspiracy theories.' This week, Schiff said Bolton needed to testify in the impeachment trial as an important and believable witness.

'This is someone who's likely to exaggerate the dangerous impulses of the president toward belligerence, his proclivity to act without thinking, and his love of conspiracy theories,' Schiff told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on March 22, 2018, when Trump named Bolton national security adviser."

( Courtesy of @Allforthewifey: )

saw is trump's version....which is not necessarily the facts...….although at the time Bolton was NOT someone people wanted for the job...he was a commentator on Fox.....very anti Iran and a few other things...but got the job and in no way means he is not a witness…...just that trump doesn't want him to be one

but look at trumps history and past...still president!
Here is the list of Republicans who are not supporting Trump
Oct 08, 2016 · "Donald Trump does not represent me or my party," Fiorina said in a Facebook post. "I understand the responsibility of Republicans to support their nominee. Our nominee has weighty ...

These Republicans are denouncing Trump by name - CNNPolitics
Aug 16, 2017 · Republicans are mixed in their response after President Donald Trump's unpredictable news conference Tuesday, when he defended white supremacists.

Vulnerable Senate Republicans Shrink From Defending Trump ...
Oct 24, 2019 · There is no indication so far that Senate Republicans will desert Mr. Trump in large enough numbers to join with Democrats and make up the two-thirds majority required to remove him.

Trump Targets Republicans Who Won't Support Him |
Donald Trump has started punishing Republicans who don't back him — sending the clear message to get in line or get out. The latest issue came to a head when he was openly critical of New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez at a recent rally in Albuquerque, the Washington Examiner reports.

The Vainglorious NeverTrumpers
Mar 28, 2019 · Never mind that most NeverTrumpers are or were members of the Republican Party, and that most Trump supporters are Republican. They view Trump and his fans as lepers, unworthy to breathe the same rarefied air as the woke NeverTrumpers who see through the Trumpian smoke and mirrors. Trump is a charlatan, they say,...

Donald Trump describes Republican critics as 'human scum'
Oct 23, 2019 · "The Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats," Trump tweeted Thursday ...
A surprising number of Republicans want Donald Trump off the ticket in 2020

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump likes to boast that he is the most popular Republican president among Republicans that has ever existed.
"How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%?" he tweeted earlier this month.

That may be changing, at least according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll that shows 1 in 3 Republican and Republican-leaning voters would like the GOP to nominate "someone other" than Trump in 2020.

That's a BIG number -- and speaks to the fact that there remains, at least in the broader Republican Party, a significant pocket of people who have simply never come around on Trump. People who don't believe that he represents the present or future of the GOP and are in search of some sort of alternative to him in 2020.

Who are these people? Largely who you would expect. Among those identifying as "liberal/moderate" Republicans, 49% want Trump to be renominated, while 48% want some other candidate to be the 2020 nominee. Among "very conservative" Republicans, 85% want to see Trump renominated while just 11% prefer another candidate. Overall, "conservatives" are more likely to want Trump to be renominated (74% Trump/23% someone else) than Republicans more broadly (65% Trump/32% someone else).
This Post-ABC poll comes at a very interesting moment in both Trump's presidency and the broader debate about the future direction of the Republican Party.

The vast majority of recent polling suggests that the just-ended 35-day government shutdown did damage to Trump's already not-so-good job approval ratings. In the Post poll, just 37% approved of the job Trump is doing. That's broadly consistent with the 41.6% average approval rating for Trump in Real Clear Politics' polling average.

And external events continue to cloud Trump's political future. The arrest of his longtime associate Roger Stone on Friday and the expected release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report sometime in the next few months have served to highlight Trump's very real weaknesses heading into 2020.

Not coincidentally, there's been renewed talk of a serious Republican taking on the President in the 2020 primaries. While former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake took himself out of consideration on Tuesday morning, there are still plenty of names mentioned, including former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse and, perhaps most intriguingly, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan.
This, from a New York Times piece digging into the potential of a 2020 primary challenge to Trump, is telling:

"Mr. Trump still commands the loyalty of a passionate electoral base that has rallied to him in trying moments, and advisers believe he will have room to right himself while Democratic presidential candidates are mired in a long nomination fight. Yet they are also growing anxious that he could face a draining primary of his own next year.
"Several prominent Trump antagonists are actively urging other Republicans to take on the president, and a popular governor, Larry Hogan of Maryland, has indicated he is newly open to their entreaties."

In his 2019 inauguration speech, Hogan cited his ******* -- a Republican congressman from Maryland who cast the lone Republican vote for all three articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon.

"Despite tremendous political pressure, he put aside partisanship and answered the demands of his conscience to do what he thought was the right thing for the nation that he loved," Hogan recalled.

Then, turning to his own work in Maryland, he offered this thought, which sounds a lot like a man thinking of running for a national office:

"While the tenor of today's national politics may have strayed from the noble example they set, I still believe that what unites us is greater than that which divides us. And to those who say our political system is too broken and can't be fixed, I would argue that we have already shown a better path forward. And if we can accomplish that here in Maryland, then there is no place in America where these very same principles cannot succeed."

Right? Eyebrows raised and all that?

I do think someone credible -- whether that someone is Hogan or Kasich or someone else I don't know -- runs against Trump in the 2020 GOP primaries. But even with the Post-ABC poll numbers in mind, that challenger is very, very unlikely to beat Trump.

Yes, there is resistance in some pockets of the GOP to the President. But the most conservative voters, who tend to make up the party's most committed base, are still very much behind Trump. As is the vast majority of the GOP infrastructure, which still means something -- particularly in a primary fight.

Simply put: There's a reason incumbent presidents just don't lose renomination all that often. And by "all that often," I mean that it has happened once -- ever. President Franklin Pierce lost his bid to be renominated as the Democratic choice for president in 1856 to James Buchanan. For all the focus on the 1980 primary fight between President Jimmy Carter and then Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, people sometimes forget that Carter, as embattled as he was, wound up winning renomination over Kennedy. (Want to read a GREAT book on that primary? Try Jon Ward's new one: "Camelot's End.")

Now, that's not to say there isn't real value for a Hogan or a Kasich to run -- even if their chances of victory are, um, not high. The danger for non-Trump Republicans is that the President destroys any semblance of what the party used to be before he became its leader. That when Trump leaves office -- whether in 2021 or 2025 -- there is no GOP outside of Trump.

Hogan, Kasich, and according to the Post-ABC poll, a decent number of other Republicans don't share Trump's view of the party or the country. And they have a vested interest in making sure that there is some Republican Party that has stood apart from Trump, so that when Trump is gone they can go to the public and say, "See, we all weren't -- and aren't -- like this!"

Running against Trump -- even in a likely quixotic primary -- could well preserve the idea of Republicanism apart from Trump for whenever Trump leaves office. And for whoever does decide to take up that anti-Trump mantle, he (or she) will likely be the first among equals in the presidential primary fight that follows Trump's departure from office.


How Much Does Trump Pay People to Cheer at His Rallies?
Donald Trump was accused of breaking the law during his campaign by hiring paid actors to attend his rallies. Although the Federal Election Commission dismissed the charges, a lot of U.S. citizens haven’t.

Did a Craigslist Ad Solicit Paid Attendees to Donald Trump ...
Oct 13, 2018 · President Trump is known for boasting about the size of the crowds at his rallies, sometimes exaggerating the number of people in attendance, according to press reports. Trump has also accused Democrats of hiring paid protesters to disrupt Congressional hearings, albeit without any evidence to prove it.

Mystery ad offers pay for Trump support at rally
Mystery ad offers pay for Trump support at rally. A possibly fake Craigslist ad offered to pay actors, "minorities especially," to appear as supporters for President Donald Trump at his Phoenix rally.

Are some folks paid to attend, applaud, and scream at ...
Some get substantially more ($500-$600) to stage “impromptu” demonstrations at Trump rallies, to help stir up the crowd. The operational purpose is like the laugh track on sitcom TV shows - if enough people start laughing, cheering, and clapping,...

Rand Paul's attempt to name the whistleblower in ...
2 hours ago · Sen. Rand Paul insisted that the Senate openly name the anonymous Ukraine whistleblower during Thursday's question and answer period. There's nothing wrong with naming the whistleblower per se …

just more of this dicktatorship……..trying to punish anyone who tells on them.....trying to get free reign over government and rule with supreme authority

Sen. Chuck Grassley: We need whistleblowers for good ...
Sen. Chuck Grassley: We need whistleblowers for good government. The first whistleblower law was unanimously passed by the Continental Congress on July 30, 1778. Even at the founding of this nation, the importance of whistleblowers was clear.

Chuck Grassley defends Ukraine whistleblower, breaking ...
Oct 01, 2019 · Sen. Chuck Grassley defended the unidentified intelligence community whistleblower who's been repeatedly attacked by the president The statement by the powerful Iowa senator did not mention Trump ...

Whistleblower Has Been Backed Up By Multiple Witnesses ...
Nov 01, 2019 · Whistleblower Has Been Backed Up By Multiple Witnesses Sign in to follow this . ... but others heard and read the same thing and didn’t have a problem with it? Sheeesh! 2 ... Whistle blower complaint has been verified by multiple credible witnesses. Love how …

The Whistleblower Complaint Has Largely Been Corroborated. Here's How. · Nov 9, 2019 · Article from:
see a pattern here?....connect the dots if you can.....someone help...... edited since I'm a nice guy

How Hitler Controlled the Press - UNT Digital Library
Oct 04, 2019 · Description. Adolf Hitler advocated total control of the press for many years before he was elected Führer. Almost immediately after he assumed power in 1932, Hitler began writing new laws and regulations that totally exorcised all freedoms from the German press. This study follows the path that Hitler took to control the German press from 1920...

How media ‘fluff’ helped Hitler rise to power - University ...
Aug 28, 2015 · The cover of Heinrich Hoffmann’s book, “Hitler Away From It All,” shows Hitler standing with a view of his mountain estate on the Obersalzberg. Hitler helped design the renovated villa and often hosted guests, including journalists and prominent statesmen, at the residence in the 1930s.

Putin's Press: How Russia's President Controls The News ...
Oct 24, 2015 · In 2001 and 2002, he took control of the two biggest TV channels, ORT (now First Channel) and NTV. The state broadcaster, RTR (now Rossiya 1), was already under his control. The Russian media portrays anything going on from the point of view of Vladimir Putin.

Putin dissolves state news agency, tightens grip on Russia ...
Dec 09, 2013 · President Vladimir Putin tightened his control over Russia's media on Monday by dissolving the main state news agency and replacing it with an organization that is to promote Moscow's image abroad.

Censorship in China - Wikipedia
Censorship in the People's Republic of China is implemented or mandated by the PRC's ruling party, the Communist Party of China. The government censors content for mainly political reasons, but also to maintain its control over the populace. The Chinese government asserts that it has the legal right to control the Internet's content within their territory and that their censorship rules do not infringe on the citizen's right to free speech

AP Exclusive: China tightens up on info after Xinjiang leaks
Dec 14, 2019 · The Xinjiang regional government in China’s far west is deleting data, destroying documents, tightening controls on information and has held high-level meetings in response to leaks of classified papers on its mass detention camps for Uighurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities, according to four people in contact with government employees there.

North Korea's tightly controlled media - BBC News
Dec 19, 2011 · Media within North Korea - known officially as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea - are among the most tightly controlled in the world, and fall under the governance of the Korean Workers' Party or, according to some - until his death - the "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-il himself.

How Nixon Ruined The Relationship Between The White House ...
The White House has become much more secretive and selective about what it communicates to the public over the years, and President Richard Nixon could be to blame. Prior to Nixon, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was known for facilitating a give-and-take relationship between the White House and the press.

Richard Nixon and the History of ... - The New Yorker
But in “The Making of the President 1960” Theodore H. White says Mr. Nixon was convinced long before his 1960 nomination that the press was conspiring against him. Perhaps he resented the press for labelling as McCarthyesque his tactics as a candidate for …

Trump Wants to Censor the Media - The Atlantic
Oct 05, 2017 · Trump Wants to Censor the Media The president’s call for a Senate investigation into news outlets for publishing unflattering stories about him is an attack on freedom of the press

Trump’s Seven Techniques to Control the Media –
    1. Berate the media. Last week, Trump summoned two dozen TV news anchors and executives to …
    2. Blacklist critical media. During the campaign, Trump blacklisted news outlets whose coverage he …
    3. Turn the public against the media. Trump refers to journalists as “lying,” “dishonest,” “disgusting” …
    4. Condemn satirical or critical comments. Trump continues to condemn the coverage he’s received …
Last edited:
as much as trump and the trumptards like to talk about fake news because they put out articles trump or any other president does not want out...…..they have served the country well over the years!

The Iran-Contra Scandal
The Declassified History

The Press and Watergate | The Nation
Mar 25, 2009 · The Press and Watergate The Washington Post and its reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein deservedly won the Pulitzer Prize for demonstrating the immense value of an independent press

List of federal political scandals in the United States

This article provides a list of political scandals that involve officials from the government of the United States, sorted from most recent date to least recent.

Makin up for lost time with the propaganda flow.

Watching the impeachment coverage on CNN mostly just Dems repeating the same ole same ole horseshite and WAH WAH WAHing away - enough is enough - put a fork in it your DONE !!!!!
Makin up for lost time with the propaganda flow.

Watching the impeachment coverage on CNN mostly just Dems repeating the same ole same ole horseshite and WAH WAH WAHing away - enough is enough - put a fork in it your DONE !!!!!
Real talk though, isnt due process more important than political alignment? Not choosing sides, but if dems/anybody bring proof wouldnt that be more important than what democrats are parroting and choosing a side? You'd get the truth
Rand Paul's attempt to name the whistleblower in ...
2 hours ago · Sen. Rand Paul insisted that the Senate openly name the anonymous Ukraine whistleblower during Thursday's question and answer period. There's nothing wrong with naming the whistleblower per se …

just more of this dicktatorship……..trying to punish anyone who tells on them.....trying to get free reign over government and rule with supreme authority

Sen. Chuck Grassley: We need whistleblowers for good ...
Sen. Chuck Grassley: We need whistleblowers for good government. The first whistleblower law was unanimously passed by the Continental Congress on July 30, 1778. Even at the founding of this nation, the importance of whistleblowers was clear.

Chuck Grassley defends Ukraine whistleblower, breaking ...
Oct 01, 2019 · Sen. Chuck Grassley defended the unidentified intelligence community whistleblower who's been repeatedly attacked by the president The statement by the powerful Iowa senator did not mention Trump ...

Whistleblower Has Been Backed Up By Multiple Witnesses ...
Nov 01, 2019 · Whistleblower Has Been Backed Up By Multiple Witnesses Sign in to follow this . ... but others heard and read the same thing and didn’t have a problem with it? Sheeesh! 2 ... Whistle blower complaint has been verified by multiple credible witnesses. Love how …

The Whistleblower Complaint Has Largely Been Corroborated. Here's How. · Nov 9, 2019 · Article from:
I thought we could face accusers
What a display of complete garbage, Trumps side continues to use proper placement of the law and common sense, Schiff and his flunkies continue to lie, point fingers, keep falsely accusing and play acting. Trump did not have to cheat by investigating Biden like they keep saying over and over again. Biden deserves to be investigated, that video when he bragged about Quick-Pro-Quo is all they need to put him on trial. Schiff thinks he is on a stage acting, very bad acting, that fool simply loves to hear himself talk, he can't shut his mouth.

Body language tells a great deal about truth and lies.

I thought we could face accusers
Ah, so you want your cake and eat it to, do you? You want Trump to get to meet his accuser, BUT ... you don't want Trump to meet the Democrat congressmen or Mueller, huh? That's strange (not really) ... should go both ways, shouldn't it? What if Joe Biden would agree to face the Republicans if Trump would agree to face the Democrats; do you think Trump would agree to that one? Honestly?
"Party above the Law" ... "Party above the PEOPLE" ... that's the Republicans. That's the President!
Ah, so you want your cake and eat it to, do you? You want Trump to get to meet his accuser, BUT ... you don't want Trump to meet the Democrat congressmen or Mueller, huh? That's strange (not really) ... should go both ways, shouldn't it? What if Joe Biden would agree to face the Republicans if Trump would agree to face the Democrats; do you think Trump would agree to that one? Honestly?
"Party above the Law" ... "Party above the PEOPLE" ... that's the Republicans. That's the President!
Somebody said you did something