Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Maybe just maybe the President was trying to uncover corruption in a person seeking to be the next president - from what is coming out Biden has played this game before with his brother James - his sister - and other family members - he used his position as VP to make everyone related to him wealthy - whatcha wanna bet a lot of that found it’s way back to him - he’s a swamp creature - even with a biased media the truth will find it’s way out.
well....she WILL get a lot of votes out of that.....and how long before the other Dems follow suit?

Warren wants task ******* to investigate Trump administration*******-investigate-trump-administration-68424348
4 hours ago · WASHINGTON -- Elizabeth Warren says she’ll create a federal task ******* to investigate corruption during the Trump administration if she’s elected president. The Massachusetts senator on ...

Warren pledges to 'cleanse' the 'curruption' from Trump ...
Jan 21, 2020 · Warren pledges to 'cleanse' the 'curruption' from Trump administration beginning with transition if elected. WASHINGTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren slams Trump administration as 'corrupt ...
Jan 02, 2019 · Just days after taking her first formal step toward a presidential run in 2020, Sen. Elizabeth Warren took aim at the Trump administration, accusing the president and his cabinet members of “wallowing” in “corruption.” However,...
there will come a time when all this gets investigated

Democrats decry McConnell's impeachment rules as 'cover-up'

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial quickly burst into a partisan fight Tuesday as proceedings began unfolding at the Capitol. Democrats objected strongly to rules proposed by the Republican leader for compressed arguments and a speedy trial.

I really believe the country is fatigued from endless accusations and investigations into an elected president by an opposition party that has hated him since before he even was elected - I never hated Dems - but - I’m starting to - their endless whining is redankulous :|

Sometimes enough is enough and we’re only months from another election - let the people speak - ya freaking whining sore LOSERS!!!!!
well....she WILL get a lot of votes out of that.....and how long before the other Dems follow suit?

Warren wants task ******* to investigate Trump administration*******-investigate-trump-administration-68424348
4 hours ago · WASHINGTON -- Elizabeth Warren says she’ll create a federal task ******* to investigate corruption during the Trump administration if she’s elected president. The Massachusetts senator on ...

Warren pledges to 'cleanse' the 'curruption' from Trump ...
Jan 21, 2020 · Warren pledges to 'cleanse' the 'curruption' from Trump administration beginning with transition if elected. WASHINGTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren slams Trump administration as 'corrupt ...
Jan 02, 2019 · Just days after taking her first formal step toward a presidential run in 2020, Sen. Elizabeth Warren took aim at the Trump administration, accusing the president and his cabinet members of “wallowing” in “corruption.” However,...

When you Dems accuse the loudest - you’re doing what ya accuse your opposition of.
Mmmmm this is NOT going to work in trump nor mcConnells favore for a speedy trial with no facts!

71% of Republicans Want Mitch McConnell to Call Witnesses at Trump Impeachment Trial, New Poll Shows

About 71 percent of Republicans believe that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should call witnesses during President Donald Trump's impeachment trial, a new survey showed.

I really believe the country is fatigued from endless accusations and investigations into an elected president by an opposition party that has hated him since before he even was elected - I never hated Dems - but - I’m starting to - their endless whining is redankulous :|

Sometimes enough is enough and we’re only months from another election - let the people speak - ya freaking whining sore LOSERS!!!!!

yeah...and you believe in trump....and the tooth fairy......might want to reconsider your beliefs
Opinions | Trump and his Republican cronies have made three big mistakes

The president’s argument comes down to the bald assertion that a president can abuse power by enlisting a foreign power to corrupt an election — a trifecta (abuse of power, betrayal of national security, election rigging) that the Framers saw as precisely the sort of conduct deserving of impeachment.

While the two aides agree with the reference from Trump’s attorneys on page 81 of their brief that the July 25 call was the most important piece of evidence, they remind us it is also the most damning. In that call, Trump, like a mob boss, makes Ukraine an offer it cannot refuse (“do us a favor though”): Trump will release aid the Congress deemed to be in our national security interest in exchange for investigating Burisma and former vice president Joe Biden. Put differently, Trump will endanger national security to get a foreign government’s help smearing an American political opponent

Given the absence of factual evidence disputing key facts against the president, his defense boils down to the assertion that “what Trump did was okay,” one Democratic aide pointed out. Trump has attempted to use “national security as a sword” against a domestic political adversary. Now, Senate Republicans are being dragooned to approve that stunning proposition.

All the propaganda and biased horseshite in the world will NOT dissuade me from the belief that you freakin whining sore LOSERS are terrified to have to run against President Trump again with the bozos you have to field -so you are DESPERATE to impeach the President and take the choice away from the PEOPLE - Dems are showing how fearful they are and what cowards they be.
Maybe just maybe the President was trying to uncover corruption in a person seeking to be the next president - from what is coming out Biden has played this game before with his brother James - his sister - and other family members - he used his position as VP to make everyone related to him wealthy - whatcha wanna bet a lot of that found it’s way back to him - he’s a swamp creature - even with a biased media the truth will find it’s way out.

wrong again...….first it was not his job....that is what the FBI is for...….second they had both already been cleared by our gov and Ukraines gov....a long time ago......and ...Trump didn't really care for an investigation...he just wanted an announcement of one

and you are way off on Biden...listening to that right wing bullshit again.....but even if it is true...…..why does Biden actions become criminal and the trump familes not....a little bias there?
All the propaganda and biased horseshite in the world will NOT dissuade me from the belief that you freakin whining sore LOSERS are terrified to have to run against President Trump again with the bozos you have to field -so you are DESPERATE to impeach the President and take the choice away from the PEOPLE - Dems are showing how fearful they are and what cowards they be.

guess you haven't paid a lot of attention today...71% of republicans want to hear from witness's....must have some doubts?....or unwilling to be part of a cover-up?
well....she WILL get a lot of votes out of that.....and how long before the other Dems follow suit?

Warren wants task ******* to investigate Trump administration*******-investigate-trump-administration-68424348
4 hours ago · WASHINGTON -- Elizabeth Warren says she’ll create a federal task ******* to investigate corruption during the Trump administration if she’s elected president. The Massachusetts senator on ...

Warren pledges to 'cleanse' the 'curruption' from Trump ...
Jan 21, 2020 · Warren pledges to 'cleanse' the 'curruption' from Trump administration beginning with transition if elected. WASHINGTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren slams Trump administration as 'corrupt ...
Jan 02, 2019 · Just days after taking her first formal step toward a presidential run in 2020, Sen. Elizabeth Warren took aim at the Trump administration, accusing the president and his cabinet members of “wallowing” in “corruption.” However,...
Warren will promise everything and do nothing
wrong again...….first it was not his job....that is what the FBI is for...….second they had both already been cleared by our gov and Ukraines gov....a long time ago......and ...Trump didn't really care for an investigation...he just wanted an announcement of one

and you are way off on Biden...listening to that right wing bullshit again.....but even if it is true...…..why does Biden actions become criminal and the trump familes not....a little bias there?

Such horseshite - Dems are deaf dumb and blind to their own indiscretions :|
guess you haven't paid a lot of attention today...71% of republicans want to hear from witness's....must have some doubts?....or unwilling to be part of a cover-up?
No they want him cleared by a just trial to bring out all the lies and foolishness the Democrat party has done in a complete and total farce of a bias impeachment with nothing other then they had the majority in the House to to follow their leader like sheep to the slaughter.
Such horseshite - Dems are deaf dumb and blind to their own indiscretions :| know the old saying "a stiff dick has no conscience"......well trump has been fucking the country long enough....time to put a stop to it.....trumptards will just have to learn the facts...

see post #6820 on page 341
No they want him cleared by a just trial to bring out all the lies and foolishness the Democrat party has done in a complete and total farce of a bias impeachment with nothing other then they had the majority in the House to to follow their leader like sheep to the slaughter.
more jibberish from a republican bobble head......
you to see #6820 on page 341