Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Dems are trying to destroy America - look at what’s going on in Virginia where a blackface governor and now that they control the government there what they’re trying to pull - media dropped the blackface scandal and calls for governor to resign - had he been republican - news woulda been pounding him relentlessly - now they wanna outlaw gun clubs and self-defense classes - Dems NEED people to rely on the government NOT themselves - their evil is SHOWING !!!!!
Geez - they seem so f’d up who can say - their primary focus seems to be unseating an elected president months before an election -so what the PEOPLE want seems irrelevant to them. Like all Dems they believe they know better than the people they are supposed to serve. If they ever get control - they’ll go after guns just like they are in Virginia - I hope Americans will stand up to them - if not we’re finished as a free country - bastards want ALL the control over everything and taking our 2nd Amendment rights away speeds them on their way.
Seems like impeachment bullshit will be squashed next week get on with business

you mean the cover up for a criminal?
they may get away with it...maybe not....see how public opinion goes

I have no doubt he will get out of this...has everything stacked in his favor and all facts and witness's blocked...can't lose.....but what about all these people involved in all this....good chance house goes back to Dems!
you mean the cover up for a criminal?
they may get away with it...maybe not....see how public opinion goes

I have no doubt he will get out of this...has everything stacked in his favor and all facts and witness's blocked...can't lose.....but what about all these people involved in all this....good chance house goes back to Dems!
Because it was all bullshit
Seems like impeachment bullshit will be squashed next week get on with business
Don't count your chickens just yet, bubba ... all it takes is 4 or more Republicans to say "we want to see the evidence & witnesses that were not allowed in the House hearing ... then "suddenly" things will change. This will involve the Republicans up for Senate re-election ... it ONLY takes four. The RIGHT and JUSTICE way to go is to hear the evidence before making a decision. And to think, you folks don't want the truth. You're afraid of the truth ... for you folks, its all about protecting Trump, now.
you mean the cover up for a criminal?
they may get away with it...maybe not....see how public opinion goes

I have no doubt he will get out of this...has everything stacked in his favor and all facts and witness's blocked...can't lose.....but what about all these people involved in all this....good chance house goes back to Dems!
Wishful, blind faith thinking, in this country, at this time in history anything can happen.
Don't count your chickens just yet, bubba ... all it takes is 4 or more Republicans to say "we want to see the evidence & witnesses that were not allowed in the House hearing ... then "suddenly" things will change. This will involve the Republicans up for Senate re-election ... it ONLY takes four. The RIGHT and JUSTICE way to go is to hear the evidence before making a decision. And to think, you folks don't want the truth. You're afraid of the truth ... for you folks, its all about protecting Trump, now.
Truth what truth, if they want truth investigate Biden and in turn it will lead to Obama's part in Ukrainian corruption. I have news for you, Trump makes a lot of mistakes in voicing his politically incorrect way of thinking. But your hero Obama is an unseen viper that has craftily slithered through 8 years of corruption and lies. There was no possible, logical reason for that corrupt energy company to place the vice president's unqualified (useless really) ******* on the company's board of directors, if it wasn't to influence Biden to use his position to get Obama to give them pull, protection or whatever.
There was no possible, logical reason for that corrupt energy company to place the vice president's unqualified (useless really) ******* on the company's board of director
Let's suppose, for a minute, that you are correct ... then what's Trump's excuse for putting his ******* in his administration and about 90% of the other crooks, liars, and thieves he appointed? Huhhhhhhhh?!
Besides, Republicans may start their OWN investigations, as they did Hillary, and as they did Obama's birth certificate, but Trevor's position & pay has absolutely NOTHING to do with the extorsion the President did with Ukraine ... withholding arms for a conditional investigation ... all Trump was doing is the same thing he did with Hillary, trying to tarnish the reputation and image of an opponent to his JOB .... no other relevancy.
You know it, I know it, practically everyone else knows it ... so, bring the evidence to court and LET'S HAVE A FAIR TRIAL, otherwise, Republicans and the President are HIDING SOMETHING ... let them PROVE THAT THEY AREN'T!