Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

...When Trump chose the option of killing Soleimani, top military officials, flabbergasted, were immediately alarmed about the prospect of Iranian retaliatory strikes on U.S. troops in the region. ... The New York Times

Following the strikes against the ARAMCO refinery last summer, Saudi officials have sought multiple paths to reduce future risks from augmented defenses to seeking agreements from other parties not to support such attacks. One such path: asking the US (#ImPOTUS) to ask Iraq(i officials) to find secure paths to mediate with Iran to reduce tensions.

According to the Iraqi Prime Minister, the key player: Major General Suleimani.

“I was supposed to meet Soleimani at the morning the day he was killed, he came to deliver me a message from Iran responding to the message we delivered from Saudi to Iran” Iraqi PM said... Daily Kos
...When Trump chose the option of killing Soleimani, top military officials, flabbergasted, were immediately alarmed about the prospect of Iranian retaliatory strikes on U.S. troops in the region. ... The New York Times

Following the strikes against the ARAMCO refinery last summer, Saudi officials have sought multiple paths to reduce future risks from augmented defenses to seeking agreements from other parties not to support such attacks. One such path: asking the US (#ImPOTUS) to ask Iraq(i officials) to find secure paths to mediate with Iran to reduce tensions.

According to the Iraqi Prime Minister, the key player: Major General Suleimani.

“I was supposed to meet Soleimani at the morning the day he was killed, he came to deliver me a message from Iran responding to the message we delivered from Saudi to Iran” Iraqi PM said... Daily Kos
Links would be nice @edlarson .
America is the largest oil producer now @edlarson, but what of existing contracts that exist where America gets oil from the Middle East? Those contracts don't automatically get reneged?

What was unclear about what I said??? Pack up and get the fuck out of the Middle East! E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! You may care about oil contracts, I don't. I care about American lives being subordinate to business. Now is a great time to make a concerted effort to get off oil anyway. Fuck the kingdom of Saud. Fuck the Yemeni's. Fuck Iraq and fuck the U.A.E. When they stop fighting over medieval ideations and are ready to join civilized society, Western civilization should welcome them. Until then let those fuckers ******* each other.
What was unclear about what I said??? Pack up and get the fuck out of the Middle East! E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! You may care about oil contracts, I don't. I care about American lives being subordinate to business. Now is a great time to make a concerted effort to get off oil anyway. Fuck the kingdom of Saud. Fuck the Yemeni's. Fuck Iraq and fuck the U.A.E. When they stop fighting over medieval ideations and are ready to join civilized society, Western civilization should welcome them. Until then let those fuckers ******* each other.
As I said earlier it is a losing strategy where outsiders would eventually supercede America in technological development. If America closed itself off from the world after the Ford's Model T, and the Wright brothers developed the first airplane thinking America was the ultimate fighting ******* on the planet which it was at that time. Afterwards if America would become complacent for a hundred years, America would be at the mercy of the Nazis thanks to Von Braun, the Russians after Sputnik, and have no cellphones or computers. Then American's of this generation (and possibly future ones) would curse your decision that you made back then @edlarson as they would effectively be slaves to other nations.

And I almost forgot about Al Qaeda? After their attacks, America would be at their mercy if they had access to more developed Von Braun rockets that America knew nothing about because she closed herself off from the world? And Einstein would probably be a scientist for either the Nazis or the Russians and either of them would get the nukes first as well.

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What was unclear about what I said??? Pack up and get the fuck out of the Middle East! E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! You may care about oil contracts, I don't. I care about American lives being subordinate to business. Now is a great time to make a concerted effort to get off oil anyway. Fuck the kingdom of Saud. Fuck the Yemeni's. Fuck Iraq and fuck the U.A.E. When they stop fighting over medieval ideations and are ready to join civilized society, Western civilization should welcome them. Until then let those fuckers ******* each other.
By shutting America out of that part of the world you are avoiding possible future engineers, scientists, other people of influence that America can benefit from. Look at Somalia. If you decided to shut off any communication with that nation you would be denying yourself of an ally in the form of Ilhan Omar who can cheer on opposing Trump? A member of "The Squad". So you never know how things will turn out @edlarson ?

Also Rashida Tlaib would also be another member of "The Squad" that would not exist to be on your side to oppose Trump @edlarson if you also had a strategy to block out any possibility of any Palestinians from becoming Americans as well. So you would be shooting yourself in the foot twice.


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I do have all of the answers. Pack up our ******* and go home. Stop all commerce in the Middle East. Stop our state-sponsored terrorism. Acknowledge our part in the quagmires we're involved in. Push to strengthen enforcement of United Nations and Nato resolutions. Prosecute all living politicians foreign and domestic who have committed war crimes and human rights abuses. Nationalize all industries that are vital to our national security. Move to a federal voting system, etc. etc. etc.
Any further questions? I have the answers.
What was unclear about what I said??? Pack up and get the fuck out of the Middle East! E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! You may care about oil contracts, I don't. I care about American lives being subordinate to business. Now is a great time to make a concerted effort to get off oil anyway. Fuck the kingdom of Saud. Fuck the Yemeni's. Fuck Iraq and fuck the U.A.E. When they stop fighting over medieval ideations and are ready to join civilized society, Western civilization should welcome them. Until then let those fuckers ******* each other.

Nobody has all the answers regarding the Middle East.

I do agree completely with letting those fuckers ******* each other - occupation SUX.
Which supports what many have been saying since Trump's election .... "Its ALL about Trump" no one or nothing else.
Sad you feel that way @MacNfries. If Jeff Van Drew can see the light hopefully other Democrats will too? Maybe not to be as brave as he was to change parties but to at least amicably support their POTUS? :unsure:

As I said earlier it is a losing strategy where outsiders would eventually supercede America in technological development. If America closed itself off from the world after the Ford's Model T, and the Wright brothers developed the first airplane thinking America was the ultimate fighting ******* on the planet which it was at that time. Afterwards if America would become complacent for a hundred years, America would be at the mercy of the Nazis thanks to Von Braun, the Russians after Sputnik, and have no cellphones or computers. Then American's of this generation (and possibly future ones) would curse your decision that you made back then @edlarson as they would effectively be slaves to other nations.

And I almost forgot about Al Qaeda? After their attacks, America would be at their mercy if they had access to more developed Von Braun rockets that America knew nothing about because she closed herself off from the world? And Einstein would probably be a scientist for either the Nazis or the Russians and either of them would get the nukes first as well.

You make assumptions where none need be made. No suggestion of withdrawing from the world stage was proffered. Like repugnicunts before you, you somehow conflate disengagement from the Middle East will usher the decline of civilizations. Laughable. Has North Korea surpassed us? Has engagement with China bolstered our technological superiority? Quite the opposite. Were it not for the US conferring "Most Favored Nation" trade status upon those bastards, they would still be 20 to 30 years behind the US in ballistic missile technology. Their aerospace industry would be non-existent and they would still be sorting through our trash looking for viable scraps to refurbish and sell. If at the end of Drumph's reign, we have any allies besides Russia, we should continue to maintain those relationships. If you believe that the Middle East has the capacity to surpass the US were the Western world to isolate them, then you are certainly no student of history, current affairs, or reality. All the more evidence of the paucity of reasoning skills among the Drumph collective (re: Star Trek's Borg Collective).
My ******* was fond of a saying which I believe at this moment to be apropos. "Better to remain silent and be thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt." It is advice you should heed.
By shutting America out of that part of the world you are avoiding possible future engineers, scientists, other people of influence that America can benefit from. Look at Somalia. If you decided to shut off any communication with that nation you would be denying yourself of an ally in the form of Ilhan Omar who can cheer on opposing Trump? A member of "The Squad". So you never know how things will turn out @edlarson ?

Also Rashida Tlaib would also be another member of "The Squad" that would not exist to be on your side to oppose Trump @edlarson if you also had a strategy to block out any possibility of any Palestinians from becoming Americans as well. So you would be shooting yourself in the foot twice.

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God some of you are really quite dim. Unlike Drumph I am not a proponent of excluding brown people from immigrating...Well, I take that back. If you believe in magical beings you should be castrated, quarantined and allowed to die in the dark corners of the world. However, those who embrace science and believe in the equality of reasoned beings, they are welcome. The rest are of no great loss. There between 7 and 8 billion people on the planet and unfortunately, approximately 7.9 billion of us, myself included, are just taking up valuable resources.
You make assumptions where none need be made. No suggestion of withdrawing from the world stage was proffered. Like repugnicunts before you, you somehow conflate disengagement from the Middle East will usher the decline of civilizations. Laughable. Has North Korea surpassed us? Has engagement with China bolstered our technological superiority? Quite the opposite. Were it not for the US conferring "Most Favored Nation" trade status upon those bastards, they would still be 20 to 30 years behind the US in ballistic missile technology. Their aerospace industry would be non-existent and they would still be sorting through our trash looking for viable scraps to refurbish and sell. If at the end of Drumph's reign, we have any allies besides Russia, we should continue to maintain those relationships. If you believe that the Middle East has the capacity to surpass the US were the Western world to isolate them, then you are certainly no student of history, current affairs, or reality. All the more evidence of the paucity of reasoning skills among the Drumph collective (re: Star Trek's Borg Collective).
My ******* was fond of a saying which I believe at this moment to be apropos. "Better to remain silent and be thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt." It is advice you should heed.
Maybe not North Korea as dictatorships rarely ( like Volkswagen came out of Nazi Germany ( but one can argue that the Nazis were more fascists possibly? ) nurture industry and technological growth. As far as I have seen only models from capitalist countries create such companies like Apple, Microsoft, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Deutsche Bank, Virgin by Branson, and a lot of others.

I did not suggest the Middle East would conquer the world. I painted a scenario whereby if America were to shut herself off to the world for a certain period of time and became absolutely an hermitic country without any form of trade or commerce outside her borders like you suggested where you colorfully stated America might fall behind:

"What was unclear about what I said??? Pack up and get the fuck out of the Middle East! E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! You may care about oil contracts, I don't. I care about American lives being subordinate to business. Now is a great time to make a concerted effort to get off oil anyway. Fuck the kingdom of Saud. Fuck the Yemeni's. Fuck Iraq and fuck the U.A.E. "
Courtesy of @edlarson
( )

It must be hard for you to negotiate with anyone as you seem to enjoy to fuck everybody? It must be hard to be your neighbor? Qutb would thank you but that is probably a story from history that you are apparently oblivious @edlarson .

But the Middle East has contributed a lot outside of oil: as 3 of the great religions emerge from there, the game of Chess as we understand it today came out of the Middle East courtesy from traders from the Indian Subcontinent to Persian traders ( Doubt me? If you play have you ever heard of the term "checkmate"? It comes right out of Persian as "check" ~ "shah" (or king) and "mate" ~ "mat" (or death) ( (, as well as all of the accomplishments just from Israel (, ).

By the way Chess is more than a mere game as it teaches strategy and it enhances one's ability in mathematics and logical reasoning. ( And the US military thinks of chess so highly they have their own Armed Forces Chess Competition too (

But getting back to the Middle East if you are so determined with your belief @edlarson that those from the Middle East cannot offer any contributions to America, be sure to remove Rashida Tlaib ( as a Democrat from the House of Representatives as part of her heritage emerges from Palestine, if you decide to go that far back? President Trump 🇺🇸, or as you prefer to call him by his original family name, will thank you for it @edlarson. :love:

By the way I am a fan of Star Trek too @edlarson . Was not Seven of Nine known for her logic on the Voyager series despite after being removed from the Borg collective? And she is also to appear on the new Picard series, can't wait! Resistance is futile! :love: :love: :love:
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God some of you are really quite dim. Unlike Drumph I am not a proponent of excluding brown people from immigrating...Well, I take that back. If you believe in magical beings you should be castrated, quarantined and allowed to die in the dark corners of the world. However, those who embrace science and believe in the equality of reasoned beings, they are welcome. The rest are of no great loss. There between 7 and 8 billion people on the planet and unfortunately, approximately 7.9 billion of us, myself included, are just taking up valuable resources.
Despite our political differences you appear to be a brilliant guy @edlarson but you are to be pitied if you classify God as a "magical being". As brilliant as you might be I don't know you. You could be a billionaire, with more PhD's than is within a circle (360 just in case you didn't get my pun), in Mensa, speak dozens of languages, and able to make a fool of Magnus Carlsen ( in a game of Chess with ease (he is the current number 1 Chess GrandMaster in the world by the way). That all means nothing if you get Alzheimers. (And I am not wishing that cruel disease to afflict you by the way.) Then at that moment I might imagine you might scream for God, oops to you He might just be a "magical being" to you for help. If I am in error you can laugh at my face as we both evaporate into an oblivion after we both die if there is no God and everything from the Bible is a fairy tale @edlarson, but if I am correct you could be eternally damned where the Almighty God laughs at you instead. The choice is yours @edlarson .
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Being an Independent and having voted for both Democrats and Republicans over the years what I perceive now is that the Republican Party is more pro America and the Democrat Party is simply pro Democrat Party. The Democrats having tried to overturn the 2016 election since it occurred to the detriment of the American people clearly bears this out. Couple this with the fact that the Dems have gone soooooo far left that there is absofuckinlutely no doubt that socialism is now a huge component of their composition. The inescapable fact that the candidates they are now fielding with the exception of maybe one or two that have no chance to win are predominately bozos seems to point to President Trump’s re-election. Is President Trump perfect - hell no - does he try to do the right thing and mostly succeed - I believe he does even while fighting the rabid Dems attempting to drag him down - even sadly when he is taking out known enemies and killers of Americans.
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Despite our political differences you appear to be a brilliant guy @edlarson but you are to be pitied if you classify God as a "magical being". As brilliant as you might be I don't know you. You could be a billionaire, with more PhD's than is within a circle (360 just in case you didn't get my pun), in Mensa, speak dozens of languages, and able to make a fool of Magnus Carlsen ( in a game of Chess with ease (he is the current number 1 Chess GrandMaster in the world by the way). That all means nothing if you get Alzheimers. (And I am not wishing that cruel disease to afflict you by the way.) Then at that moment I might imagine you might scream for God, oops to you He might just be a "magical being" to you for help. If I am in error you can laugh at my face as we both evaporate into an oblivion after we both die if there is no God and everything from the Bible is a fairy tale @edlarson, but if I am correct you could be eternally damned where the Almighty God laughs at you instead. The choice is yours @edlarson .
Pascal's Wager is a pretty narrow way to play it.