Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

So, the logic with you Rightards is that its ok to go THERE and ******* one of their generals, but if they come HERE and ******* our Secty of Defense (Asper) or, god forbid, your precious Mike Pompeo, its an act of war. Its not like Solemani was a actual terrorist, he was serving as highest ranking general in the military. I'm not saying he didn't deserve to be taken out, but it wasn't Trump's "personal call" to do that. Once again, Trump shows he doesn''t have to abide by the structure of the US Consitution. With that said, just WHEN does it NOT become ok for Trump to take personal action against a country?
All he's managed to do by taking Solemani out, is unite the Arabs in a common enemy, the US. As innocent civilians HERE and THERE lose their lives over what Trump has done, when will you folks decide that maybe Trump should start working with Congress?

Congress is useless - Soleimani was designated a TERRORIST in 2005 under the Obama Administration - “there” was Baghdad were he coordinated the attack that killed an American contractor and the attack on the American embassy and intel indicated he was coordinating more attacks against American interests. That being said he was responsible for hundreds of Americans KIA and thousands of woundings - what more provocation would a leftard need to do the necessary?????
The only thing those people understand is *******.
He was a general
Enough said right there. Again, Trump has no right to single out individuals in other countries that he doesn't like, and direct a "*******" without conferring with Congress first. What if he decides to direct a ******* against another high level official or dignitary in another country without conferring with Congress FIRST! What if Iran NOW decides to take out a high level official or dignitary HERE in the US? And to create further issues, he's sending more of our troops into an infuriated furnace of pissed off Arabs, willing to blow themselves up to take American lives while Trump sits in his security or goes and plays another round of golf.
That being said he was responsible for hundreds of Americans KIA and thousands of woundings - what more provocation would a leftard need to do the necessary?????
We were at war with THEM, and we were on THEIR soil; our military were the aggressors there. What would you want Solemani to do, yell "Trick Or Treat" at them. You can call him a terrorist if you wish, but he was a paid General. We were on THEIR soil killing members of his army.
Congress is useless - Soleimani was designated a TERRORIST in 2005 under the Obama Administration - “there” was Baghdad were he coordinated the attack that killed an American contractor and the attack on the American embassy and intel indicated he was coordinating more attacks against American interests. That being said he was responsible for hundreds of Americans KIA and thousands of woundings - what more provocation would a leftard need to do the necessary?????
The only thing those people understand is *******.
No matter what President Trump does the democrats and there leftist brain cells are going to whine like a bunch of big babies, I don't think any of us want war but something needed to be done, oh that's right they wanted another Benghazi. You are right blkdlaur, at least the democrats in the House and most of Congress has proven over and over that they are USELESS, why would Trump tell them ahead of time. The majority House thinks they are so important that they can tell the the other half of the Legislative branch the Senate, and both the Executive and the Judicial branches what to do. Most of the Democrats can consider themselves the lame duck party because the bulk of the American people will vote them out.

Interesting Article here.
Enough said right there. Again, Trump has no right to single out individuals in other countries that he doesn't like, and direct a "*******" without conferring with Congress first. What if he decides to direct a ******* against another high level official or dignitary in another country without conferring with Congress FIRST! What if Iran NOW decides to take out a high level official or dignitary HERE in the US? And to create further issues, he's sending more of our troops into an infuriated furnace of pissed off Arabs, willing to blow themselves up to take American lives while Trump sits in his security or goes and plays another round of golf.
In situations of crisis the POTUS whether he/she is Democrat or Republican are to make the hard choices for the best decisions for America. Trump would love to work with the House of Representatives but as you know they were busy trying to impeach him? If you feel what Trump did was unconstitutional you can pray for his removal @MacNfries, express your vote against him on November this year in 2020, or to even use whatever resources at your disposal and campaign with extreme vigor for whomever wins the DNC nomination too? :unsure:
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Stiff when a so called adult can't write down opinion without using profane, ignorant, language, I don't want to attempt to converse with someone that vulgar. Just look how low morals in this country have fallen in the last 20+ years.
Not necessarily so @Hottobe cucked sadly politics can be very pointed and I can imagine politicians of both ends of the political spectrum had their weaknesses with salty language in yesteryear as well? Nothing is ever said of that? Too bad like lawyers politicians can rip each other in Congress like lawyers do when in court and behind the scenes share a beer?
Not necessarily so @Hottobe cucked sadly politics can be very pointed and I can imagine politicians of both ends of the political spectrum had their weaknesses with salty language in yesteryear as well? Nothing is ever said of that? Too bad like lawyers politicians can rip each other in Congress like lawyers do when in court and behind the scenes share a beer?
I don't socialize with people that don't want to attempt to express themselves without vulgar insults, I am not saying that I claim perfection, but taming the tongue is instructed without having any debated ground to stand on against doing so.
Enough said right there. Again, Trump has no right to single out individuals in other countries that he doesn't like, and direct a "*******" without conferring with Congress first. What if he decides to direct a ******* against another high level official or dignitary in another country without conferring with Congress FIRST! What if Iran NOW decides to take out a high level official or dignitary HERE in the US? And to create further issues, he's sending more of our troops into an infuriated furnace of pissed off Arabs, willing to blow themselves up to take American lives while Trump sits in his security or goes and plays another round of golf.
Sorry Mac. He was not on Iranian soil. He was not in Iraq at the permission from the Iraqi govt. He was directing Iranian backed militia's to attack US targets. He was the type of combatant that all countries have had the right to terminate with extreme prejudice.

Mac, you simply have to step up your game here and use facts, not emotion. because you are sounding like you are supporting a ******* buthcer with the ******* of 10's of thousands on his hands. Simply because you hate Trump. Breath deeply. Exhale. Think logically. This was no different than Obama ordering the killing of OBL.
I guess these people are Caucasians too? :unsure:

GO TRUMP 2020! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Well, given that AA's only comprise only 13% of the population and the idiots you've chosen to spotlight are an infinitesimal part of the whole, I chose to ignore the outliers. But, as I am an equal opportunistic maligner of all cults, I am happy to include all hypochristians in the aforementioned group of nutjobs.
This is nothing new. They've been considering this for quite some time. For example, from back in March:

Actually, They've been considering kicking us out since Bush Jr. declared victory in Iraq. My point was that instead of getting kicked out over stupid ******* we should just leave.