Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Well, given that AA's only comprise only 13% of the population and the idiots you've chosen to spotlight are an infinitesimal part of the whole, I chose to ignore the outliers. But, as I am an equal opportunistic maligner of all cults, I am happy to include all hypochristians in the aforementioned group of nutjobs.
Welcome to the political debates @edlarson . We shall see if these statistical outliers that you speak of become more vocal in November this year in 2020? :unsure:
This isn't up for debate. You ignore history at the peril of the lives of Americans. Make no mistake, when it comes to conflict with Iran we are most certainly the bad guys.
Sure let them develop nuclear weapons - that be a REALLY good outcome - let them ******* Americans with impunity in the meantime - you people think you have all the answers to everything - yet you do mostly nothing about anything - be nice if you’d just stop whining about people that do - DO something!!!!
This isn't up for debate. You ignore history at the peril of the lives of Americans. Make no mistake, when it comes to conflict with Iran we are most certainly the bad guys.
So I guess Obama was not the bad guy either when he ordered the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki for his involvement with Al-Qaeda? As POTUS he had to made the hard call in order to protect the best interests of American lives. Had al-Awlaki lived there might have been another 9-11? Obama cannot be criticized for that. Similarly Trump 🇺🇸 made a similar difficult decision in the best interest of America. If you disagree pray for Trump's removal from office by the Dems with their Hail Mary longshot strategy, or more likely campaign like hell for whomever wins the DNC nomination and express yourself at the ballot box in November later this year in 2020 @edlarson . :unsure:

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Sure let them develop nuclear weapons - that be a REALLY good outcome - let them ******* Americans with impunity in the meantime - you people think you have all the answers to everything - yet you do mostly nothing about anything - be nice if you’d just stop whining about people that do - DO something!!!!
I do have all of the answers. Pack up our ******* and go home. Stop all commerce in the Middle East. Stop our state-sponsored terrorism. Acknowledge our part in the quagmires we're involved in. Push to strengthen enforcement of United Nations and Nato resolutions. Prosecute all living politicians foreign and domestic who have committed war crimes and human rights abuses. Nationalize all industries that are vital to our national security. Move to a federal voting system, etc. etc. etc.
Any further questions? I have the answers.
So I guess Obama was not the bad guy either when he ordered the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki for his involvement with Al-Qaeda? As POTUS he had to made the hard call in order to protect the best interests of American lives. Had al-Awlaki lived there might have been another 9-11? Obama cannot be criticized for that. Similarly Trump 🇺🇸 made a similar difficult decision in the best interest of America. If you disagree pray for Trump's removal from office by the Dems with their Hail Mary longshot strategy, or more likely campaign like hell for whomever wins the DNC nomination and express yourself at the ballot box in November later this year in 2020 @edlarson . :unsure:

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Apples and oranges. Pick up a history book sometime. When we are dealing with the same facts I will entertain your arguments. If you were to say for instance, that despite what crimes our government may have committed with regard to Iran, the situation today necessitates the extreme response Drumph has made, that would be a cogent argument that I would entertain. However, it is clear that it is not how you people have arrived at your support of this decision. I have no love for the Iranian government. Anytime you allow cultists access to the levers of power I support their extermination. However, this is a monster of our own making and rather than beating our chests and calling Iran's attacks unjustified, we need to be working through spycraft to fix what we have broken.
A testament to the stunningly laughable quality of the education system in our country.
The Iraqi parliament has just voted to expel the US from the country.
I do have all of the answers. Pack up our ******* and go home. Stop all commerce in the Middle East. Stop our state-sponsored terrorism. Acknowledge our part in the quagmires we're involved in. Push to strengthen enforcement of United Nations and Nato resolutions. Prosecute all living politicians foreign and domestic who have committed war crimes and human rights abuses. Nationalize all industries that are vital to our national security. Move to a federal voting system, etc. etc. etc.
Any further questions? I have the answers.
What about the oil from the Middle East? What of the foreign bases and embassies America has abroad? The private sector can do things better than the government can. Imagine if America had that mindset when Henry Ford came out with the Model T's in 1908, and somewhat relatively close to when the Wright Brothers first flew in 1903. America would have the first cars and the first airplanes. And then America privatizes those industries.

Imagine if America were to close itself off from the world. Say you cared nothing about international affairs at that time where neither that assassination of that Archduke Franz Ferdinand means nothing to you, nor does Hitler. So America stays out of World War I and II, I suggest that the technological development capabilities by countries outside America would leave America in the dust if America were to close itself off from the world.

Look at the rocket accomplishments by Wernher Von Braun with what he did for the Nazis, it was so remarkable America excused his Nazi crimes if he brought his skills to America? Not to mention Sputnik? Not to mention the inevitable explosive technological growth in Taiwan, Japan, or anywhere in the East? If you doubt me there try making a cellphone or a computer from scratch without any subcomponents or it's software or firmware development outside America @edlarson ? Start with spare parts from Radio Shack, if it still exists?

Closing America off from the world is a losing strategy where her c.hildren or grandc.hildren or greatgrandc.hildren would eventually curse your grave.

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(Note: c.hildren is not a typo, it is a reserved word on this site. Similarly try posting the surname of the present leader of Russia and you will arrive at seeing another name by the way. I guess MrPutin is so fearsome even those who code this site fear the very misuse of his name?)
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Who is the largest producer of oil in the world now? Do you even know?
What about the oil from the Middle East? What of the foreign bases and embassies America has abroad? The private sector can do things better than the government can. Imagine if America had that mindset when Henry Ford came out with the Model T's in 1908, and somewhat relatively close to when the Wright Brothers first flew in 1903. America would have the first cars and the first airplanes. And then America privatizes those industries.

Imagine if America were to close itself off from the world. Say you cared nothing about international affairs at that time where neither that assassination of that Archduke Franz Ferdinand means nothing to you, nor does Hitler. So America stays out of World War I and II, I suggest that the technological development capabilities by countries outside America would leave America in the dust if America were to close itself off from the world.

Look at the rocket accomplishments by Wernher Von Braun with what he did for the Nazis, it was so remarkable America excused his Nazi crimes if he brought his skills to America? Not to mention Sputnik? Not to mention the inevitable explosive technological growth in Taiwan, Japan, or anywhere in the East? If you doubt me there try making a cellphone or a computer from scratch without any subcomponents or it's software or firmware development outside America @edlarson ? Start with spare parts from Radio Shack, if it still exists?

Closing America off from the world is a losing strategy where her c.hildren or grandc.hildren or greatgrandc.hildren would eventually curse your grave.

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View attachment 3069420
Who is the largest producer of oil in the world now? Do you even know? I feel like Lebron James playing basketball against a preschooler. You're making me work too hard to give you points.
Who is the largest producer of oil in the world now? Do you even know? I feel like Lebron James playing basketball against a preschooler. You're making me work too hard to give you points.
America is the largest oil producer now @edlarson, but what of existing contracts that exist where America gets oil from the Middle East? Those contracts don't automatically get reneged?

Who is the largest producer of oil in the world now? Do you even know? I feel like Lebron James playing basketball against a preschooler. You're making me work too hard to give you points.
And I love your analogy to basketball @edlarson , would you also know where the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy is located right now? Here's a hint


The same country where the inventor of very game of Basketball was born, James Naismith. Try Canada! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
