Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

So now Iraq is considering kicking our soldiers out of the country. Well Drumph, that's one way of extricating us from the Middle-East. Now, if you will just bring our, soldiers back from Saudi Arabia. Fucktard.
Truth hurts!
And so it begins.
Selective Service System Site Crashes As War Fears Spread.
Officials Confirm Terror Attack On US Base In Kenya.

Stupid is as stupid does. Now we all pay for the lack of morals of so-called white republican evangelical cunts, I mean christians.
Is that the best you can do? Be a spelling Nazi? Lol, I know you can do better.
Oh, I can do much better! But what's the point when you don't know the difference between spelling and grammar?
Hey, looks like we might be able to get $80 million of the pallet loads of cash Obummer flew over to Iran back....just need to give them Trump's head.

Wonder just how much of the pallet loads of cash Obummer gave Iran went directly to funding terrorists and insurgents like those that attacked our embassy????
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So, the logic with you Rightards is that its ok to go THERE and ******* one of their generals, but if they come HERE and ******* our Secty of Defense (Asper) or, god forbid, your precious Mike Pompeo, its an act of war. Its not like Solemani was a actual terrorist, he was serving as highest ranking general in the military. I'm not saying he didn't deserve to be taken out, but it wasn't Trump's "personal call" to do that. Once again, Trump shows he doesn''t have to abide by the structure of the US Consitution. With that said, just WHEN does it NOT become ok for Trump to take personal action against a country?
All he's managed to do by taking Solemani out, is unite the Arabs in a common enemy, the US. As innocent civilians HERE and THERE lose their lives over what Trump has done, when will you folks decide that maybe Trump should start working with Congress?
So, the logic with you Rightards is that its ok to go THERE and ******* one of their generals, but if they come HERE and ******* our Secty of Defense (Asper) or, god forbid, your precious Mike Pompeo, its an act of war. Its not like Solemani was a actual terrorist, he was serving as highest ranking general in the military. I'm not saying he didn't deserve to be taken out, but it wasn't Trump's "personal call" to do that. Once again, Trump shows he doesn''t have to abide by the structure of the US Consitution. With that said, just WHEN does it NOT become ok for Trump to take personal action against a country?
All he's managed to do by taking Solemani out, is unite the Arabs in a common enemy, the US. As innocent civilians HERE and THERE lose their lives over what Trump has done, when will you folks decide that maybe Trump should start working with Congress?

He was a general who's go to was acts of terror
