Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

What, an unprovoked AND unauthorized attack on another country's political/military figure? I don't think you brain dead drones understand the full possible repercussions here. It wasn't the actual "killing" of the Soleimani, it was the way Trump went about it. ONCE AGAIN Republicans are giving Trump the "free ride" to do as he wishes without taking into account the protocol process.
So, next time maybe Trump decides to bomb a Venezuela target, or a N Korean target, and once again he goes around Congress to do it. If this is Trump's intended MO from now on, why not just tell Congress they can go HOME while he's the Dictator President?
The really sad thing about this is that Trump will be here in the US (probably on a golf course) when a new Middle East War breaks out, and he's sending thousands of our soldiers to fight a war that HE started just to take the heat of HIS UNLAWFUL PRESIDENCY. This war, compliments of Trump, who ran on a campaign of brinking our soldiers HOME, NOT starting another unprovoked war. And guess who will be supplying arms to the Iranians ... China AND Russia, who are practicing war maneuvers together even as we speak.

Did Obama get authorized for every drone strike or that was different go Trump it's about time
What, an unprovoked AND unauthorized attack on another country's political/military figure? I don't think you brain dead drones understand the full possible ramifications & repercussions here. It wasn't the actual "killing" of the Soleimani, it was the way Trump went about it. ONCE AGAIN Republicans are giving Trump the "free ride" to do as he wishes without taking into account the protocol process.
So, next time maybe Trump decides to bomb a Venezuela target, or a N Korean target, and once again he goes around Congress to do it. If this is Trump's intended MO from now on, why not just tell Congress they can go HOME while he's the Dictator President?
The really sad thing about this is that Trump will be here in the US (probably on a golf course) when a new Middle East War breaks out, and he's sending thousands of our soldiers to fight and die in another war that HE started just to take the heat of HIS UNLAWFUL PRESIDENCY. This war, compliments of Trump, who ran on a campaign of bringing our soldiers HOME, NOT starting another unprovoked war. And guess who will be supplying arms to the Iranians ... China AND Russia, who are practicing war maneuvers together even as we speak.
I wonder how many of these Trumpers have done any kind of community service let alone served. He's just sent my former battalion into harm's way for another bullshit reason. This after renting us out as mercenaries to the Saudi's.
Keeps winning or braking the law? What has he won lately? Here ya go, a place to put your brain when you're not using it. View attachment 3065148
You're a funny guy mac. What laws did he break? Why are the top legal minds in DC unable to find a single violation? This is why we are laughing at you. You're like a modern day version of Don Quixote chasing windmills.
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Fight back against what? It's their part of the world. They prefer to live in Medieval times. Every problem we have with the Middle East revolves around our desire to control their oil. If you knew the history of the region you would know that they are the ones fighting back against us. Why do you suppose the Iranians hate the US? Go look it up. You should have learned about it in high school.
Fight back against what? It's their part of the world. They prefer to live in Medieval times. Every problem we have with the Middle East revolves around our desire to control their oil. If you knew the history of the region you would know that they are the ones fighting back against us. Why do you suppose the Iranians hate the US? Go look it up. You should have learned about it in high school.
They stormed our embassy,
We funded a coup of their democratically elected government because they refused to give Great Britain favorable trading conditions on oil. We blew up their centrifuges. We've employed crippling trade embargoes, sunk their ships, seized cargo, seized their money around the world. So like I said, you don't know *******. Learn the history of our country before you go off mindlessly beating the patriotic drum like that fuckhead 45. This war has been waging for 66 years. It didn't just start when you figured out where they are on a map, if you even know that much.
We funded a coup of their democratically elected government because they refused to give Great Britain favorable trading conditions on oil. We blew up their centrifuges. We've employed crippling trade embargoes, sunk their ships, seized cargo, seized their money around the world. So like I said, you don't know *******. Learn the history of our country before you go off mindlessly beating the patriotic drum like that fuckhead 45. This war has been waging for 66 years. It didn't just start when you figured out where they are on a map, if you even know that much.
Your right we should have rolled over and they would have stopped. You know there ways so much better then I. You get the sarcasm I hope.
We funded a coup of their democratically elected government because they refused to give Great Britain favorable trading conditions on oil. We blew up their centrifuges. We've employed crippling trade embargoes, sunk their ships, seized cargo, seized their money around the world. So like I said, you don't know *******. Learn the history of our country before you go off mindlessly beating the patriotic drum like that fuckhead 45. This war has been waging for 66 years. It didn't just start when you figured out where they are on a map, if you even know that much.
Slept pretty close 03 to 04. Got up close and personal