Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I stand corrected. It was only this.

“For more than a decade, the Donald J. Trump Foundation has operated in persistent violation of state and federal law governing New York State charities. This pattern of illegal conduct by the Foundation and its board members includes improper and extensive political activity, repeated and willful self-dealing transactions, and failure to follow basic fiduciary obligations or to implement even elementary corporate formalities required by law.”
So Nancy Pelosi said this impeachment horseshite would only fly if it was bipartisan
- taint - still they go ahead with it - just illustrates ya can’t believe ANYTHING a Dem says - and they constantly accuse our President of lying - Dems are as fulla shite as a human can possibly be - just look at Sub fir example 😝
In her defense she actually thought cons would live up to their oaths. It was naive of her.
This impeachment horseshite is as lame as it gets - I maintain it’s all about Dems just being a bunch of sore LOSERS !!!!

you can't maintain a straight thought and yet you say it's all about the dems's that broken record again....and all that right wing bias

impeachment could go into a lot of other areas they are not adding....this just makes it simple so the gop can understand it
I believe Boris Johnson kicking the lefty socialist arses in the Brit election is a harbinger of things to come in ours - people are mad - getting madder - and - sick of lefty horseshite and their socialism - bunch o bozos

you keep believing what you have been consistently off course so far

again you keep bring up that 30%...…...yet you don't speak for that 70%

Majority of People Do Not Want Trump to Run for Re ...
Unsurprisingly, a vast majority of Democrats do not want to see a Trump 2020 bid, with just 16 percent backing a run for a second term for the incumbent president.
  • Author: Harriet Sinclair
Sub, enough with your polls, this impeachment is showing a couple of truths, I watched to whole thing, all the party bias put aside, the display your House Democrats put on was disturbing in the least, what a perfect example of the polarization our country has fallen into. every single vote went along party lines without anyone reaching across the aisle in either direction. In our country voters in either party will not switch to the opposing side very much at all, this leaves it up to the Independents choice where most will vote for Trump. The Black vote is a portion of the Democratic party that could very easily give Trump a landslide victory in 2020,
Sub, enough with your polls, this impeachment is showing a couple of truths, I watched to whole thing, all the party bias put aside, the display your House Democrats put on was disturbing in the least, what a perfect example of the polarization our country has fallen into. every single vote went along party lines without anyone reaching across the aisle in either direction. In our country voters in either party will not switch to the opposing side very much at all, this leaves it up to the Independents choice where most will vote for Trump. The Black vote is a portion of the Democratic party that could very easily give Trump a landslide victory in 2020,

you just talked about all the party bias and etc and I was ready to agree with you...….and then YOUR BIAS comes out with the democratic display.…..nowhere in any country can an individual charged with something pick and chose who gets to testify...didn't happen under Nixon nor Clinton....if he was so innocent...let them talk.....second our constitution has laws about foreign powers getting involved in our elections...and yet on national tv he asks Ukraine and China....and you people on the right seem to be ok with that...….and have done nothing since trump been in office over the last election meddling and wouldn't even sign a proposed bill to block them this time....but you people are ok with that because it puts your man in office....not even going into all the other laws he has broken since being in office....but in your eyes he is above the law....they just don't apply to him.....he lies and your party lies to cover for him....several of your speakers yeaterday mentioned things that were already proven false and yet they still pushed them...…
since you people are fine with all this …..China does not like Trump at all and would love to see them start helping a guys have opened that door and are fine with it since it works in your favor......but you guys have a habit of switching lies to suit your party

just one of many others who have switched positions now that it is a republican

Lindsay Graham Once Said Impeachment 'Is About Cleansing ...
The South Carolina senator had expansive views of impeachment's role when Bill Clinton was in the crosshairs. In 1999, Lindsay Graham said impeachment “is about cleansing the office.” ...

so you go ahead and complain about all the bias going on....and then PROVE your are as biased as the rest
hot to be....lets say you are charged with a crime......but are not allowed to bring anyone that would show your innocent….what do you think the verdict would be?...……...same with trump he is charged with several crimes.....IF he is innocent he could bring witnesses to show that.....yet he refuses to let them what do you think the verdict is going to be....has nothing to hide...let them talk....but he already admitted his guilt on national tv