Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Well, one way to counter that would be to step back from technology and use a physical ballot (regarding a direct hack on voting machines). Regarding social media influence, I just don't have an answer.
In this digital world @Zwing nothing outside of a Carrington event trashing the electrical grid and the Internet ( and gasp cellphone usage ) would ******* America back to straining their eyes counting hundreds of millions of chads and utilizing the old pony express to move them back and forth. Plus where would they all be stored?

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Statistically, a player in the team is more likely to support Trump than the Dems - but this is the kind of divisiveness and bullying that seems to be OK when it is directed at Trump and his supporters. It's just a repeat of the "Ravelry" saga, where a massive online knitting group has placed bans on all knitting patterns involving Trump themes or supporting Trump! I am pretty sure they are not representing all of their 8 million members by doing that, but they do it anyway. It's a disgrace.

just goes to show even people from other countries have no idea what is going on here....and yet want to defend trump!

first place......she is gay....trump has made comments before about gays

trump IS NOT the president of the USA...….he reigns supreme over the rich whites and the people lacking in education and the religious groups with his anti-abortion stance..........he could care less about the rest of the country.....the rich keep him in for the obvious reasons....and the rest he has pumped their heads so full of ******* they believe anything he says......and he hopes those 2 groups will keep him in office so he can further enrich himself while there

so middle America.....gays...blacks and etc have no representation under trump
It doesn't matter how votes are tallied it all ends Trump gets another 4

he should get a lot more than that...….they have him on several charges......and depending on what all Flynn has to say and how much they get him to shut up....will probably go a long ways towards his impeachment....and then in 2 weeks throw in Mueller talking to congress....he can only work through the courts dodging so much....sooner or later it gets you

Donald Trump Doesn’t Represent the Best of America: Why it ...
Jul 24, 2015 · Donald Trump Doesn’t Represent the Best of America: Why it’s Time for Him to Go. Thirsty for more media, Trump recently questioned Sen. McCain’s heroism as a Vietnam-era prisoner of war. Trump has never worn a uniform to serve our nation. This fact alone should preclude him from attacking the heroism of the Arizona Republican,...
"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the ...
Aug 12, 2017 · "Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests. But Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as far back as the Republican primary in 2016, and Trump’s reluctance to disavow that support was, briefly, a big issue. Duke has remained a faithful Trump supporter since then, insisting that the president-elect’s policies line up with …

FACT CHECK: Exit Poll Says 20 Percent of Trump Supporters ...
Nearly 20 percent of Donald Trump’s voters disagreed with the freeing of slaves in Southern states after the Civil War. A 'New York Times' article reported exit poll data revealed one in five ...
Your TDS - knows no bounds - Trump is the President - will prolly be easily re-elected and is doing a really good job - no matter what the MSM tries to change by their 93% negative reporting - which you obviously take to heart - thank God most reasonable Americans now know they’re full of *******!!!!! : }
Your TDS - knows no bounds - Trump is the President - will prolly be easily re-elected and is doing a really good job - no matter what the MSM tries to change by their 93% negative reporting - which you obviously take to heart - thank God most reasonable Americans now know they’re full of *******!!!!! : }

who are you trying to or you?