Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Facts that liberals can not grasp. Not one Bernie supporter voted for Trump. Not one conservative that hated Trump ever switched and voted for Hillary.

Face the facts. People hated Hillary more than they hated Trump.

facts? about the right started their smear campaign 2 years before the election...….throw all that Russia did to smear some more.....and hide trumps *******!

Not a Hillary lover,,,,,,,,but she would have been 10 times the pres trump is....and wouldn't be a national embarrasement

as for the Bernie supporters...they are another reason trump made it...Bernie would not tell them to support they just didn't vote...….see the records for last pres election....low turn out!

and no not one conservative would vote for anyone but someone on the matter who it is or what they have done in the past......several serving time right now for their sexual antics...but all over looked when they want to support the right
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Facts that liberals can not grasp. Not one Bernie supporter voted for Trump. Not one conservative that hated Trump ever switched and voted for Hillary.

Face the facts. People hated Hillary more than they hated Trump.
I don't think they really HATE trump. More like they are just astounded by how such an imbecile has managed to fool so many other imbeciles at the same time.
I don't know what they put in the water in the USA, but it is turning some of you into fucking cockwombles lol.
I don't think they really HATE trump. More like they are just astounded by how such an imbecile has managed to fool so many other imbeciles at the same time.
I don't know what they put in the water in the USA, but it is turning some of you into fucking cockwombles lol.
what the fuck is cockwomble
I have a tremendous amount of respect for your Megan Rapinoe.

'On Tuesday, Megan Rapinoe, who was the top goalscorer in the competition and won the Golden Ball for being the tournament's best player, said she believed none of the United States' players would visit US President Donald Trump at the White House.

"I would not go, and every team-mate I've talked to explicitly about it would not go," Rapinoe told CNN.

"I don't think anyone on the team has any interest in lending the platform that we've worked so hard to build, the things we fight for, the way we live our life, I don't think we want that to be co-opted or corrupted by this administration."

Well said Megan. Now SHE is a winner.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for your Megan Rapinoe.

'On Tuesday, Megan Rapinoe, who was the top goalscorer in the competition and won the Golden Ball for being the tournament's best player, said she believed none of the United States' players would visit US President Donald Trump at the White House.

"I would not go, and every team-mate I've talked to explicitly about it would not go," Rapinoe told CNN.

"I don't think anyone on the team has any interest in lending the platform that we've worked so hard to build, the things we fight for, the way we live our life, I don't think we want that to be co-opted or corrupted by this administration."

Well said Megan. Now SHE is a winner.
Statistically, a player in the team is more likely to support Trump than the Dems - but this is the kind of divisiveness and bullying that seems to be OK when it is directed at Trump and his supporters. It's just a repeat of the "Ravelry" saga, where a massive online knitting group has placed bans on all knitting patterns involving Trump themes or supporting Trump! I am pretty sure they are not representing all of their 8 million members by doing that, but they do it anyway. It's a disgrace.
I don't think they really HATE trump. More like they are just astounded by how such an imbecile has managed to fool so many other imbeciles at the same time.
I don't know what they put in the water in the USA, but it is turning some of you into fucking cockwombles lol.

Must be nice to be such an all-knowing asshole ;}