Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

trump supporters see nothing! he breaks no doj interference....nothing...….he is going to change the world....(new standards for corruption now).....he has money and going to make them have money also...(well he has money if he never pays the 1.4 billion he owes different banks right now)….blind obedience!

A Guide to Donald Trump’s Huge Debts—and the Conflicts ...
Dec 12, 2016 · Below is a list of all the financial players that Trump owes money to and how much Trump directly has borrowed from each one. This roster is based on publicly available loan documents. According to his own public disclosure, Trump, as of May, was on the hook for 16 loans worth at least $713 million.

Trump May Have A Lot Of Money, But Documents Show He Owes ...
Jun 20, 2017 · "Here you have one of the world's largest financial institutions, Mr. Trump's principal lender, whom he owes many, many millions of dollars to, that creates a conflict that cuts across Mr. Trump

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions, new study suggests. Candidates for US president have to disclose their financial situation to the FEC but this only includes debts that are owed by companies they full control, which in Mr Trump’s case amounts to …
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How Trump Is Making Money in the White House, and Why ...
Making money in office. Trump’s businesses are benefiting from his family being in power — including his resorts like Mar-a-Lago and his D.C. hotel. Trump is using his position as president to promote his own business interests, which is the key issue here, and the problem that the framers intended to avoid.

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
Jan 14, 2019 · From the public records and other reports, it’s clear where and how Trump is making money off the office. Here are the ways Trump is cashing in on the presidency. 1. Trump’s hotels. Trump ...

How Is Donald Trump Profiting From the Presidency? Let Us ...
Mar 05, 2018 · Ka-Ching. The Chinese government has granted Trump at least 39 trademarks, some of which had been previously rejected, since he took office; Ivanka Trump, the president's ******* and senior adviser, has also gotten at least seven since she joined the administration. It's good to be the king or in the royal family.

How Donald Trump is monetising his presidency - Not one to ...
Saudis are big buyers of Trump apartments, and the kingdom is investing $20bn in an American infrastructure fund. A Trump-branded golf course in the UAE made Mr Trump as much as $10m in 2015-16. By contrast, Mr Trump’s past efforts to break into Qatar have failed.

Taxpayers Are Giving Millions To Trump Properties, And The ...
Taxpayers Are Giving Millions To Trump Properties, And The President Gets The Profits. Interest in these properties for people to go to them has nearly doubled since he took office. He’s using the presidency to promote the Trump name, promote the Trump brand, and …
this is way over the head of these trump supporters....they don't care.....he has balls...just ask Iran!...after they admitted to knowingly shooting down our plane

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia. But, as The New York Times has reported, that was only the beginning of the Trump organization’s entanglement with Russian financiers. Trump was quite taken with Bayrock’s founder, Tevfik Arif, a former Soviet-era commerce official originally from Kazakhstan.

Donald Trump’s Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia – The ...
Donald Trump’s Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia By Timothy McWhirter on November 23, 2016 • ( Leave a comment ) An article Time magazine published on August 15th on Trump’s ties to Russian is taking on a whole new significance now that Trump is the president-elect.

A list of Trump's connections to Russia : bestof -
There was obvious systemic interference from Russia to Trump's advantage and a list of connections to Russia that would make any reasonable man question the validity of the "no collusion" claim.

Donald Trump Jr. in 2008 said a lot of Trump assets were ...
Feb 21, 2018 · We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." Trump Jr.'s comment has taken on new meaning amid the investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 US election and whether the Trump

Donald Trump Jr. eTN interview: Money pouring in from Russia
Executive Talk: Donald Trump Jr. bullish on Russia and few emerging markets The executive vice president of Development and Acquisitions for the Trump Organization, Donald Trump Jr., is the eldest baby and ******* of famed real estate developer Donald Trump and his first wife Ivana Trump.
Just sharing the info on another thread that's all. Plus I doubt he is a comic as they ALL seem to be anti-Trump unless you can name any that are pro-Trump unlike Letterman, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Fallon, Conan O'Brien, Whoopi Goldberg and Stephen Colbert are. It makes one wonder if someone or some party paid them off to be so against Trump possibly? :unsure:
They act like a swarm of insects responding to pheromones and group together. And then to simultaneously virtue signal, like chirping crickets on a hot summer night.
Guess he doesn't know what the deficit is.....or just doesn't care....maybe that's why he went bankrupt so many times.....what is he going to do....shut down the military?

Trump threatens veto of House defense bill over spending ...
5 hours ago · Trump threatens veto of House defense bill over spending levels, wall The administration objected to provisions in the House bill seeking to stop Trump from spending billions of dollars to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico, after he declared a national emergency in order to go ahead with construction without Congress' approval.
This essay has been updated to reflect news developments.
Michael Flynn’s plea on Friday to a single count of lying to the F.B.I. is a seismic event in the special counsel investigation.
For starters, it portends the likelihood of impeachable charges being brought against the president of the United States. Mr. Flynn, a former national security adviser, acknowledged that he was cooperating with the investigation. His testimony could bring into the light a scandal of historic proportions in which the not-yet-installed Trump administration, including Donald Trump personally, sought to subvert American foreign policy before taking office.
The repercussions of the plea will be months in the making, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that the events to which Mr. Flynn has agreed to testify will take their place in the history books alongside the Watergate and Iran-contra scandals.

We’re in new — and highly inflammatory — territory. Here are 10 immediate takeaways from today’s news.

Michael Flynn told Mueller investigators about attempts to ...
May 16, 2019 · Michael Flynn told Mueller investigators about attempts to obstruct his testimony
You are hilarious! You clearly don't have a clue what was in the Mueller report. And cons calling the left whiners is the funniest of all. Oh the irony.
@Zwing say you are in charge of maintaining the integrity of America's election in 2020 from any interference from any forces outside of America like Russia and China, how would you go about it?
@Zwing say you are in charge of maintaining the integrity of America's election in 2020 from any interference from any forces outside of America like Russia and China, how would you go about it?
That is a really good question. I am not an SME regarding cyber security, but that is where our elections are vulnerable to hostile foreign powers. And let's be honest here. It is more than just direct "attacks". Russia used a social media campaign to "provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States" The quote being from the Mueller Report. Stiff, I don't know how we as a nation defend against that. It is up to smarter people than me to figure that out.
Russian meddling accomplished nothing. The election was settled by April of 2016. The people who actually voted during the election had already made up their mind on who they were going to vote for. No one changed their mind.
That is a really good question. I am not an SME regarding cyber security, but that is where our elections are vulnerable to hostile foreign powers. And let's be honest here. It is more than just direct "attacks". Russia used a social media campaign to "provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States" The quote being from the Mueller Report. Stiff, I don't know how we as a nation defend against that. It is up to smarter people than me to figure that out.
An intelligent thought out answer @Zwing! If foreign powers interfered in America election in 2016 there would be nothing preventing them from doing so in 2020. The absolute perfect solution is beyond my pay grade as well outside of conscripting the best hackers in the world as contractors for America. But if they were so good at hacking why not keep doing what they are doing? Undoubtedly those that are so highly skilled would be happy silently making billions by manipulating the financial exchanges to Forex to lottery numbers in their favor? Unless MrPutin or Xi can scare them enough to undertake that side project? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc are probably also "tightening" their security as well for 2020, but (a) true hacker(s) worth their salt could break through with ease. So thinking that there will inevitable interference once more perhaps it will be a Trump victory even if you got every American voter documented voting for a Democrat? Go Trump!
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Russian meddling accomplished nothing. The election was settled by April of 2016. The people who actually voted during the election had already made up their mind on who they were going to vote for. No one changed their mind.
And to think ALL of our intelligence agencies got it wrong, not to mention the Mueller Report. Since those agencies are basically worthless, we should cut all funding to them immediately, am I right!
An intelligent thought out answer @Zwing! If foreign powers interfered in America election in 2016 there would be nothing preventing them from doing so in 2020. The absolute perfect solution is beyond my pay grade as well outside of conscripting the best hackers in the world as contractors for America. But if they were so good at hacking why not keep doing what they are doing? Undoubtedly those that are so highly skilled would be happy silently making billions by manipulating the financial exchanges to Forex to lottery numbers in their favor? Unless MrPutin or Xi can scare them enough to undertake that side project? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc are probably also "tightening" their security as well for 2020, but (a) true hacker(s) worth their salt could break through with ease. So thinking that there will inevitable interference once more perhaps it will be a Trump victory even if you got every American voter documented voting for a Democrat? Go Trump!
Well, one way to counter that would be to step back from technology and use a physical ballot (regarding a direct hack on voting machines). Regarding social media influence, I just don't have an answer.
Russian meddling accomplished nothing. The election was settled by April of 2016. The people who actually voted during the election had already made up their mind on who they were going to vote for. No one changed their mind.

wrong..…..they put out so much false information on Hillary...creating a real hate with some......while hiding all the bad press that was discovered on trump....that played a lot in influencing weak some of the ones you find on here
trump to have strippers work as caddies at an event at his resort!

not that it wouldn't be a hoot...….just not something the pres should be involved in....but this guy has never had any class....a walking world wide joke!