Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

How Is Donald Trump Profiting From the Presidency? Let Us ...
Mar 05, 2018 · Norm Eisen, the former Obama administration ethics czar who now chairs CREW noted in a tweet on Friday that the group's report had described Trump's as …

Presidential Profiteering: Trump’s Conflicts Got Worse in ...
Trump himself has reinforced the idea that the Trump Organization is an extension of the Trump Administration. Reports this year said President Trump brought up his international businesses in Panama and Scotland in private exchanges with both U.S. and foreign officials.

How Trump Is Making Money in the White House, and Why ...
President Donald Trump has been stapled to the news headlines for more than two straight years now. While he’s had his victories, most of the news and analysis surrounding his candidacy and administration hasn’t been positive, however. There’s been scandal after scandal, legislative failings, and social media firestorms.

Trump D.C. hotel turns $2 million profit in four months ...
Aug 10, 2017 · Donald Trump’s company turned a $1.97 million profit at its opulent Trump International Hotel so far in 2017, dramatically beating its expectations and giving the first hard numbers to critics ...

Oil profits grease Trump administration’s move to ...
For the Trump administration to assent to this criminality makes it complicit in an egregious violation of international law – all the more sordid because it appears to be driven by oil profits. Furthermore is the outrageous hypocrisy of the US.
Yes President Trump has a good sense of humor - while liberals have absofuckinglutely NO sense of humor and little or NO sense period. Nothing makes me laugh more than what you guys are running on - free health care for illegal aliens - getting rid of private health care insurance which between 150 to 180 million Americans want to keep - open borders - getting rid of ICE and now Homeland Security - I could go on but I’m afraid I’d wet meself laughing ?
Yes President Trump has a good sense of humor - while liberals have absofuckinglutely NO sense of humor and little or NO sense period. Nothing makes me laugh more than what you guys are running on - free health care for illegal aliens - getting rid of private health care insurance which between 150 to 180 million Americans want to keep - open borders - getting rid of ICE and now Homeland Security - I could go on but I’m afraid I’d wet meself laughing ?

sure he does......he was a reality tv star that is laughing all the way to the bank!

and if you had a Wal Mart...that paid below the poverty line I'm sure you might have a different opinion on health for one likes or wants them...but they are human and deserve to be treated as such...a few have talked about health insurance...but don't think anyone has talked about completely doing away with it...but then that explains part of your would rather keep AND PAY for your health insurance than receive something that cost borders...that's trump talk...with very little of what reality is...most illegal and ******* and etc...come right through at border should go on...… yourself...must be tired of dishing the bullshit! need to take lessons from trump...he can lie without skipping a beat and move right into the next lie....want some facts on that?
go ahead....take some time.....all the time you want to gather your thoughts.....both of them......and come up with another good thing trump has done for you
You are hopelessly Trump deranged - and obviously didn’t pay attention to the Democrat debates where the question was asked about getting rid of private health insurance and all the candidates basically were for single payer government controlled universal Medicare for everyone - your platform is WEAK. Won’t fly with average Americans - Trump will tromp :}
You are hopelessly Trump deranged - and obviously didn’t pay attention to the Democrat debates where the question was asked about getting rid of private health insurance and all the candidates basically were for single payer government controlled universal Medicare for everyone - your platform is WEAK. Won’t fly with average Americans - Trump will tromp :}

you obviously didn't watch them all....or didn't pay attention

are you talking Jim Jones Trump?...and his Kool-aid

you need to get your head out of trump's rump...long enough to see the world around you
The world around me is the Democrat party self-destructing and virtually has NO chance to defeat President Trump on a mostly socialist platform - commies don’t fly in the good ole USA - and the average American knows there’s NO free health care - college - and everything else the left wants to give you for free - we know you’re full of ******* : }
The world around me is the Democrat party self-destructing and virtually has NO chance to defeat President Trump on a mostly socialist platform - commies don’t fly in the good ole USA - and the average American knows there’s NO free health care - college - and everything else the left wants to give you for free - we know you’re full of ******* : }

He might make it....but I doubt it....just way to much against him....there are a lot of people that don't like what he is doing at the boarder ( the treatment) and I see now he is trying to whitewash late people have seen it!....last week at one time the top 3 dems were all ahead of him in the polls...not sure where he is now

but I think we will see a lot more of his criminal activities come out...can't hide and obstruct for ever.....I think that is what will sink him......the right always supports the right no matter what...…..the religious right so far is sticking with him because of abortion...and he has a lot of people mind fucked.....but he has never been over 40% since being in office
Trump lashes out at polls that show 2020 re-election bid ...
Jun 12, 2019 · Donald Trump Trump lashes out at polls that show 2020 re-election bid in trouble President revived attacks on the media and denied a report his campaign’s polling found him in …

Poll finds most Americans believe Trump will win the 2020 ...
Despite poll numbers that suggest he has an uphill battle for re-election despite, the same people who don't support Trump for re-election think that he will probably win anyway.

What polls and history tell us about Trump's reelection ...
A University of Texas / Texas Tribune poll released earlier this week shows that 43 percent of registered voters would “definitely not” vote to reelect President Trump Donald John Trump Booker ...
I think it’s disgusting that America has the death penalty, and it must be abolished, but then I remember Donald Trump and his sons may be charged with treason and decide that actually it’d be rude to interfere with local customs.

What do you see when you look into Trump's eyes?...…….. The back of his head.

How is Donald Trump going to create middle class jobs? ...…...By paying them to cheer for him during campaign events.

Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again.........For the One Percent
I think it’s disgusting that America has the death penalty, and it must be abolished, but then I remember Donald Trump and his sons may be charged with treason and decide that actually it’d be rude to interfere with local customs.

What do you see when you look into Trump's eyes?...…….. The back of his head.

How is Donald Trump going to create middle class jobs? ...…...By paying them to cheer for him during campaign events.

Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again.........For the One Percent
All presidents have speaking tours after they leave office, I wonder how many you think will attend any of his sessions, provided he is out of jail? As I cannot think of any prior American president that was arrested after leaving the office of POTUS? I know you will expand on this idea @subhub174014.
The King of left wing propaganda has spoken - your polls are as wrong as last time - what Dems are running on just pisses the average American off - free health care for illegal aliens - see how far ya get with policies like that - not far - there’s not one thing the left is running on most average Americans will go for - and you have only one viable candidate that is being torn down by his own party - a blind man can see where you guys are headed.
The polls are actually similar to polls back in 2011 for Obummer's reelection bid.

Current Real Clear Politics poll average for Trump vs Biden shows Trump losing by 8.4%
Mid July 2011 Gallup poll had Obummer losing to a generic republican by 8%

From the 2011 Gallup writeup: President Obama's re-election prospects do not look very favorable at this point -- if the election were held today, as measured by the generic presidential ballot. However, that result does not necessarily mean he is likely to be denied a second term in November 2012. At this point in 1991, George H.W. Bush looked like a sure bet to win a second term, but he was defeated.

So the polls had it bass ackwards in 1991, 2011....and of course we all know how F'd up they were in 2016. Makes me wonder if Mac doesn't actually work in the polling industry!
go ahead....take some time.....all the time you want to gather your thoughts.....both of them......and come up with another good thing trump has done for you
sorry I busy Fucking my wife I think its the way you use the search engine if you phrase the question negative you get negative results try Trump positive
All presidents have speaking tours after they leave office, I wonder how many you think will attend any of his sessions, provided he is out of jail? As I cannot think of any prior American president that was arrested after leaving the office of POTUS? I know you will expand on this idea @subhub174014.

new York has a bunch of charges against him...and even with what Mueller found...some of that could be jail time....and I'm sure a lot of that will end up in jail time...BUT I think his lawyers can and will drag it out so he never serves time

but the again a lot of ?????? seem to think Trump will go bankrupt after leaving office....trump tower in NY is already starting to lose money.....he is making money at Mar largo and his DC hotel....but a lot of that is from him being pres....once he is not pres?????….or if he should get impeached.....he is also getting a lot of money from Russia....but once he is out of office and they don't need him anymore...will that go on?...…….being pres has given him a lot of money perks...that will dry up...the Saudi's and a few others just leased severl rooms in his DC hotel...and membership at marlago went up over 3 times after he became pres....will all those go the way of trump tower?

also both trumps got a lot of licening agreements here lately....he had been trying to get for years......and they wouldn't give them to either one of the trumps...….all of a sudden after he was pres they gave him some.....and since his trade embargo he got some more...…..china can pull them at any time they have a funny way of who and what they allow to make products for non gov companies.....will those hold up after he leaves office?
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sorry I busy Fucking my wife I think its the way you use the search engine if you phrase the question negative you get negative results try Trump positive

wrong again...they show several different opinions.. I give you the ones I like...on some thing they are not opinions and I give you the ones from what I think are good yes some of the anti trump ones come both ways...I give you the ones I like......some are just acts and are the truth....not all are opinions....but you don't like any of them ...even the ones that are facts