Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump hasn't been that thin since he was molesting his *******

look at all the will even see a couple of the 2 of them with Epstien

Ivanka Trump's 'Lap Dance' with Donald - Snopes
Sep 08, 2016 · Ivanka Trump’s ‘Lap Dance’ with Donald A photograph showing Ivanka Trump seemingly sitting on her famous *******'s lap documents less than is salaciously claimed.
Note your link does state:

"We note that this picture captures a fleeting moment, and without additional photographs (or video) of the event, it’s impossible to say whether Ivanka was sitting on her *******’s lap for a prolonged period of time or for just a few seconds (or whether, despite the captioning, she was actually on his lap at all).

While late-night comedians have frequently mocked Trump for having an improper relationship with his *******, those accusations are all based on speculation rather than solid evidence."
Note your link does state:

"We note that this picture captures a fleeting moment, and without additional photographs (or video) of the event, it’s impossible to say whether Ivanka was sitting on her *******’s lap for a prolonged period of time or for just a few seconds (or whether, despite the captioning, she was actually on his lap at all).

While late-night comedians have frequently mocked Trump for having an improper relationship with his *******, those accusations are all based on speculation rather than solid evidence."

well pretty sure there wouldn't be any vids of them in bed if you notice there is more than one she is tiped back and (3rd pic 7th row on the bed)...…..and another where he has his hand in an inappropriate spot (3rd down on the left) and the pics of the two of them with Epstien (4th pic 2nd row)...but then probably no vids of him either......did I miss the ones of Clinton ands Lewinsky? is some more pics and articles....that is not even going into some of his other perversions

These photos of Trump and Ivanka will make you deeply …
These photos of Trump and Ivanka will make you deeply uncomfortable A look back at Donald and Ivanka Trump's strange daddy-******* photos. By Lenyon Whitaker

Signs Donald Trump Still Thinks of Ivana as the Love of...
Dec 13, 2018 · Long before he became the president and before he married Melania, Donald Trump spent an impressive 15 years married to his first wife, Ivana Trump

Might I expect a full page or two of pro trump ******* tomorrow?
Last edited:
Navy Is Said to Proceed With Disciplinary Plans Against Edward Gallagher

The secretary of the Navy and the admiral who leads the SEALs have threatened to resign or be fired if plans to expel a commando from the elite unit in a war crimes case are halted by President Trump, administration officials said Saturday.

just another of trumps political diversions to take your eyes away from impeachment....and to alienate more voters!
bet trump is foaming at the mouth over this...….

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Back in the Hospital
13 hours ago · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was back in the hospital on Friday night. Ginsburg's latest visit was due to a fever and chills the justice had experienced earlier in the day.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Spreme Court justice admitted to ...
Nov 23, 2019 · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Friday night after experiencing chills and a fever earlier in the day, the Supreme Court said in a statement Saturday.
Didn't someone else say that also......and has been caught getting away with millions since then and facing 3 different court cases about it.....that could come up in time for impeachment

but then hell Bloomberg took out over a million dollars in anti -trump ads last week....for the kind of money Bloomberg says he is willing to spend he could just pay trump off to leave

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg vows to ...
16 hours ago · NEW YORK >> Michael Bloomberg will not accept political donations if he runs for president and he will not take a salary if he wins, according to senior aides …
Trump could care less what the military wants or thinks.....this is all about a diversion from the more the navy complains and is in the press the more he loves it

Navy secretary backs admirals in tussle with Trump over ...
Nov 23, 2019 · Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer entered the fray Friday against President Donald J. Trump, siding with an embattled rear admiral over the sea service’s right to take away a SEAL’s trident ...

Navy secretary denies report that he threatened to resign ...
13 hours ago · U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer denied a New York Times report Saturday that he had threatened to resign or be fired if President Donald Trump

Report: Navy Secretary Sides with Admiral, Despite Trump ...
Nov 23, 2019 · U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer said on Friday that SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher should face a planned "trident review board," despite President Donald Trump's tweet Thursday that Gallagher ...

Trump Is Picking a Losing Fight With the Navy
Clearing accused war criminals against the advice of senior officers is a recipe for trouble.

Sometimes, however, it’s a lot simpler than that. President Donald Trump hardly needs to be fighting another battle right now, but he seems to have created one for himself:
The Navy SEAL at the center of a high-profile war crimes case has been ordered to appear before Navy leaders Wednesday morning, and is expected to be notified that the Navy intends to oust him from the elite commando *******, two Navy officials said on Tuesday.
The move could put the SEAL commander, Rear Adm. Collin Green, in direct conflict with President Trump, who last week cleared the sailor, Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher, of any judicial punishment in the war crimes case. Military leaders opposed that action as well as Mr. Trump’s pardons of two soldiers involved in other ******* cases.

well hell we won't half to worry about anymore bad meat being of the orgs that trump is doing away with

Pork recall: 515000 pounds of pork products recalled (Details)

More than a half of million pounds of pork products are being recalled because they were not inspected, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service announced.
Maywood, Illinois-based Morris Meat Packing is recalling approximately 515,000 pounds of various raw pork products because they “were produced without the benefit of federal inspection and outside inspection hours,” according to the USDA notice posted this week.

Pork recall: 515000 pounds of pork products recalled ...
13 hours ago · Pork recall: 515000 pounds of pork products recalled (Details). More than a half of million pounds of pork products are being recalled because they were not inspected, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service announced.


Trump administration finalizes rule allowing fewer inspectors at pork plants

Pork plants will have their products looked over in less time by fewer inspectors under a rule finalized Tuesday by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The new rule reduces the number of inspectors required at pork plants and also removes a cap on the speed inspection lines can run, prompting concern from groups that the rule will hurt public health as well as worker safety.

another one that knows better...a former congressman even......destroying his career….for what...a snakeoil salesman!

New Documents Reveal Details of Pompeo’s Role in Ukraine Affair

WASHINGTON — Internal State Department emails and documents released late Friday further implicate Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a campaign orchestrated this year by President Trump and his personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani to pressure Ukraine for political favors.

The emails indicate that Mr. Pompeo spoke at least twice by telephone with Mr. Giuliani in March as Mr. Giuliani was urging Ukraine to investigate Mr. Trump’s rivals, and trying to oust a respected American ambassador to Ukraine, Marie L. Yovanovitch, who had been promoting anticorruption efforts in the country. Mr. Pompeo ordered Ms. Yovanovitch’s removal the next month. The first call between Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Pompeo was arranged with guidance from Mr. Trump’s personal assistant, the documents suggest.

The documents also show that the State Department sent members of Congress a deliberately misleading reply about Ms. Yovanovitch’s departure after they asked about pressure on her. As part of the effort to oust her, Mr. Giuliani and his associates encouraged news outlets favorable to the president to publicize unsubstantiated claims about Ms. Yovanovitch’s disloyalty to Mr. Trump.

The documents, and recent congressional testimonies in the impeachment inquiry, tie Mr. Pompeo closely to efforts by Mr. Trump and Mr. Giuliani to persuade the Ukrainian government to announce investigations that could help Mr. Trump politically. Those include investigations into the family of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., a Democratic presidential candidate, and claims that Ukrainian officials worked to undermine Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign. As Mr. Trump sought those investigations, he and his team held up $391 million of military aid critical to Ukraine — which is in a grinding war against Russian-backed separatists — and a coveted White House meeting.

bet trump is foaming at the mouth over this...….

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Back in the Hospital
13 hours ago · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was back in the hospital on Friday night. Ginsburg's latest visit was due to a fever and chills the justice had experienced earlier in the day.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Spreme Court justice admitted to ...
Nov 23, 2019 · Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Friday night after experiencing chills and a fever earlier in the day, the Supreme Court said in a statement Saturday.

Hope he appoints that Catholic woman Barrett something just so the Dem’s heads explode - that’ll be so much fun to watch !!!!!!
Hope he appoints that Catholic woman Barrett something just so the Dem’s heads explode - that’ll be so much fun to watch !!!!!!

Don't see that happening at of his biggest group of voters is the religious right......and they are slowly eroding away …… are starting to see more of them jump he has to keep those voters...he has pissed off to many groups of people...……..just like these little parties he is having at camp david for the's all about keeping their support

he is losing groups right and left and getting hit with far to much ******* all of a sudden...he knows he is on thin ice......what is working in his favor.....all coming at one time and people can't keep track and just give up....also he is an expert manipulator...throw in all coming at once...his bullshit magic...and he comes out fine

just like pardoning those war criminals....he knows he is pissing off the military....but it is a diversion from what else is going on......before the election he will throw them a bone and things be fine

the American voter is probably the dumbest group of people in the matter what all the ******* that happens or what goes on......a year from now they will listen to the TV ads and vote by that
white house is nothing but a den of thieves...…...and more and more coming to the surface

White House review turns up emails showing extensive effort to justify Trump’s decision to block Ukraine military aid

A confidential White House review of President Trump’s decision to place a hold on military aid to Ukraine has turned up hundreds of documents that reveal extensive efforts to generate an after-the-fact justification for the decision and a debate over whether the delay was legal, according to three people familiar with the records.

The research by the White House Counsel’s Office, which was triggered by a congressional impeachment inquiry announced in September, includes early August email exchanges between acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and White House budget officials seeking to provide an explanation for withholding the funds after President Trump had already ordered a hold in mid-July on the nearly $400 million in security assistance, according to the three people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal White House deliberations.

One person briefed on the records examination said White House lawyers are expressing concern that the review has turned up some unflattering exchanges and facts that could at a minimum embarrass the president. It’s unclear if the Mulvaney discussions or other records pose any legal problems for Trump in the impeachment inquiry, but some fear they could pose political problems if revealed publicly.

and he thought he had it all blocked....hahah
We're booking jobs spring 2021 thanks Trump economy is amazing

so is trump doing some booking....but it is jail time.....for you people that follow the tickle down economics I'm sure it is....your bank account just getting fat...…..while the worker has to dig deeper to make ends meet

little news flash for you...…..yes the biz people always love whatever the right does......but if it doesn't generate into the workers pockets...he is in deep ******* matter how much you are booking.....guessing your employees will vote Dem!.....the workers have seen NOTHING from the trump administration except higher inflation...loss of health care...higher taxes

republicans always like whatever the right does for them...even if it is fucking them...….trumps cult to fucking stupid to know they are getting fucked....but the cult getting smaller except for those die hards with practically no sense
well hell we won't half to worry about anymore bad meat being of the orgs that trump is doing away with

Pork recall: 515000 pounds of pork products recalled (Details)

More than a half of million pounds of pork products are being recalled because they were not inspected, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service announced.
Maywood, Illinois-based Morris Meat Packing is recalling approximately 515,000 pounds of various raw pork products because they “were produced without the benefit of federal inspection and outside inspection hours,” according to the USDA notice posted this week.

Pork recall: 515000 pounds of pork products recalled ...
13 hours ago · Pork recall: 515000 pounds of pork products recalled (Details). More than a half of million pounds of pork products are being recalled because they were not inspected, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service announced.


Trump administration finalizes rule allowing fewer inspectors at pork plants

Pork plants will have their products looked over in less time by fewer inspectors under a rule finalized Tuesday by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The new rule reduces the number of inspectors required at pork plants and also removes a cap on the speed inspection lines can run, prompting concern from groups that the rule will hurt public health as well as worker safety.

are you saying you like the tainted meat...….no wonder you have "issues" really are a basket case
for all you cult members …...mandatory viewing on CNN tonight..."all The presidents Lies"...….don't know how they can cover them in one night....last I knew it was over 4 thousand