Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

All of this is opinion. Opinion of East Coast "Elites" supporting their friends in government to maintain control and you are a useful idiot helping them control you. If you were as smart as you think you would have been awaken by this Presidents term not stood against him in favor of the powerful 'swamp'. Even on the face of this a logical person reads these and knows at the least they are conjecture and opinion.
Add risk of government shutdown to impeachment and other legislative logjams

Congress is heading toward a multicar collision that could leave a lot of collateral damage if lawmakers aren’t careful.
So much of the current political oxygen is being sucked up by the House’s impeachment inquiry into President Trump’s actions related to his effort to pressure Ukraine into investigating his domestic political rivals. But the list of must-do items between now and year’s end is long and expansive, touching on every aspect of the federal government and beyond.

The rational minds in Washington — yes, there still are quite a few — see each of these issues as separate and distinct from the House’s potential impeachment of Trump. But the president has increasingly demonstrated the past few weeks that he regularly sees issues as one large negotiation, linking together seemingly disconnected threads into one massive ball of legislative wax.

All that leaves congressional leaders fearful that any of these must-pass bills could turn into a hostage situation if Trump sees it as possible leverage against impeachment.

In other words he could be willing to shut the gov down to try to use it to leverage himself out of impeachment!
New Washington Post Poll: 49% Of Americans Want Trump Out ...
11 days ago · New Washington Post Poll: 49% Of Americans Want Trump Out Of Office. Three out of ten Republicans now support the impeachment inquiry, a new Washington Post national poll shows. ... Record High Number Says Trump Committed Impeachable Offense. Half of Americans say they back impeachment, up three points since over two weeks ago. Sep 27, 2019

Trump could be out of office within a year – but the US’s ...
Aug 07, 2017 · Trump could be out of office within a year – but the US’s problems would be just beginning ... billionaires behind the project really want. Because Trump

The Longer Trump Stays in Office, the More Americans ...
The Navy Wants to Push Out Problem SEALs. But Trump May Get in the Way. ... The Longer Trump Stays in Office, the More Americans Oppose His Views ... A record-high number of Americans

New FOX News poll: Most Americans want Trump impeached …


10 days ago · More than half the nation says Trump should be out of the White House in a stunning new FOX News poll. ... Most Americans want Trump impeached and out of office ... For the first
someone has to stop trump's foreign policy decisions involving his personal gain

Nancy Pelosi visits Jordan for 'vital' Syria discussions ...
3 hours ago · AMMAN, Jordan — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a bipartisan delegation of American lawmakers has visited Jordan to discuss “the deepening crisis” in Syria amid a shaky U.S.-brokered cease-fire.

Nancy Pelosi leading bipartisan delegation in Jordan amid ...
9 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading a bipartisan congressional delegation in Jordan amid unrest in the Middle East following Turkey’s invasion of Northeast Syria

Pelosi arrives in Jordan with bipartisan congressional ...
10 hours ago · Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) arrived in Jordan on Saturday, where the House's top Democrat is leading a bipartisan delegation of lawmakers to meet with top Jordanian officials.
Trump’s base does appear to be shrinking, but the people who are sticking with Trump are true diehards. The idea of a shrinking Trump base is not new. In May, Nate Silver pointed out that the group of people who “strongly approve” of Trump was down.
Trump's Shrinking, Energized Base - The Atlantic
It appears to be shrinking because if people openly support Trump they get beaten up. So only those very determined and very tough supporters can do so. Thankfully that cannot happen at the ballot box as it is secret and anonymous. So much for freedom of speech?

It appears to be shrinking because if people openly support Trump they get beaten up. So only those very determined and very tough supporters can do so. Thankfully that cannot happen at the ballot box as it is secret and anonymous. So much for freedom of speech?

well at least they don't get killed

Trump says he may pay legal fees of supporter who sucker ...
Mar 13, 2016 · Trump says he may pay legal fees of supporter who sucker-punched protester at rally. Some of the protesters at Trump’s events over the weekend were supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders — and the Republican frontrunner immediately took notice, suggesting the Sanders campaign had instructed them to go.

Trump abandoning Kurds could cost support of evangelical ...
9 days ago · Trump abandoning Kurds could cost support of evangelical Christians One of the president’s staunchest constituencies has stuck by him through many controversies but Syria may be a

All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies
Mar 12, 2016 · All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies. And after canceling the rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion, which devolved into mayhem when protesters and supporters faced off, Trump pointed the finger at detractors for the violence that erupted. Below are the recorded instances in which...

Trump's Rhetoric Is Inciting Violence, Just Like Mine Did ...
Aug 07, 2019 · The shooter wrote in a manifesto that his views “predate Trump,” but some of his language was strikingly similar to that of the President: “This attack is …

56% say Trump's rhetoric bears some blame for recent mass ...
Aug 15, 2019 · Meanwhile, a clear majority of the public thinks the “sentiments” he’s expressed are at least partly to blame for mass shootings over the last few years: A majority of independents (50/41) say Trump’s “sentiments” are a “great deal” to blame or bear “some” blame for the shootings.

Fox News Poll: 56 Percent Blame Trump for Mass Shootings
Aug 15, 2019 · In the wake of a string of mass shootings, a new Fox News poll shows that a whopping 56 percent of Americans blame President Donald Trump ‘s rhetoric either “a great deal” or “some” for ...

El Paso Shooting Suspect’s Manifesto Echoes Trump’s ...
Aug 04, 2019 · Linking political speech, however heated, to the specific acts of ruthless mass killers is a fraught exercise, but experts on political communication said national leaders could shape an ...

Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans ...
Dec 19, 2016 · Racial slurs, nasty rhetoric and violence at Trump rallies have become commonplace against protesters, bystanders, and reporters. Assaults are committed not only by rowdy Trump fans, but by the staff he employs to keep the events safe. But rather than denounce these incidents, Trump is making them part of his brand, and uses them to rev up crowds.

10 Hate Crimes Inspired by Donald Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric ...
    1. Two Boston Trump supporters viciously beat Hispanic man. Roughly a year ago, Boston brothers …
    2. Muslim and Hispanic college students attacked in Kansas. Wichita State University study body …
    3. African-American woman verbally attacked on subway in New York City. Dressed, perhaps, for a …
    4. Interracial couple stabbed in Washington. A black man and his white girlfriend were standing in …
    See all full list on

want me to go on...…..
It is the democrats that are responsible for the violence, Maxine Waters is just one of the most deplorable woman alive. I have never once seen Trump tell anyone to commit violence. If Trump wins again his supporters are going to be ****** to defend themselves against foolish, ignorant, sheep like antifa. It is not Trump that promotes violence, that title is succor in the leftist party. LOSERS.
It is the democrats that are responsible for the violence, Maxine Waters is just one of the most deplorable woman alive. I have never once seen Trump tell anyone to commit violence. If Trump wins again his supporters are going to be ****** to defend themselves against foolish, ignorant, sheep like antifa. It is not Trump that promotes violence, that title is succor in the leftist party. LOSERS.

read the above post...… think you are right and the majority of the country wrong

or that 2 of the last 3 shooters all recited parts of trump speeches

Hate crimes increased 226% in places Trump held campaign ...
Hate crimes increased 226% in places Trump held a campaign rally in 2016, study claims

Surprise: New Study Documents Violence Increase in US ...
They found an average of 2.3 more assaults in cities on days that Trump rallies were held. There was no correlation between an increase in violence and Clinton rallies. On a normal day in 2016, US cities noted an average of 19.4 violent incidents. On days when Trump was rallying

Report: Trump Invoked in 36 Cases of Violence and Threats
Aug 14, 2019 · As ABC News reported Wednesday, there’s a growing fraternity of Americans who have committed acts of violence, threatened acts of violence, or committed assault in the name of Trump.
Wasting your breath.. Do you remember the so called "People for Truth for Kerry".. The very same became birthers, tea partiers, and are now defending the impossible.

Basic definition for brain washed.

Arguing with them isn't going to change their minds. Just give them their own country Trumpistan and watch it implode with their give everything to the rich policies.

Already have that country for libs - it’s called California - it’s SOOOOOO great people are leaving in droves - they need illegals to make up for the mass exodus ;}