Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

swamp water is rising....can trump swim? a bloated pumpkin!

Tax Returns of Donald Trump
The tax returns of Donald Trump have been the subject of controversy for the past several years, particularly over them having not been made public despite his political career. Before Trump announced his candidacy for president, he had offered in 2011, 2014 and 2015 to release his tax returns. During his presidential campaign, Trump first said he would release his returns after they were "worked on", then Trump claimed that, because the returns were being audited, he could not make them public, but would do so. No law actually prevents tax returns from being released due to an audit, as emphasized by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Further on during his campaign, he said that voters were not interested in his returns, "there's nothing to learn from them", and that his tax rate is "none of your business".

Trump loses appeal over House subpoena for financial records
2 hours ago · A federal appeals court ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's accounting firm must turn over financial records requested by a House committee, a legal …

Donald Trump's financial records must be given to the ...
Oct 11, 2019 · President Donald Trump, under siege from House Democrats weighing impeachment, suffered a stinging blow as a federal appeals court upheld a subpoena ordering his accountants to provide Congress...

Donald Trump’s history of corruption: a ... - Vox
But Donald Trump is still refusing to do so, and is giving a nonsensical justification for it. Trump says he won’t release his returns because he’s currently under an IRS audit. But as the IRS …

Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr. v. Committee on Financial ...
Aug 23, 2019 · The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit heard oral argument in Trump et al. v. Committee on Financial Services et al.The judges who heard …
Donald Trump was bailed out of bankruptcy by Russia crime ...
Among the powerful facts that DNI missed were a series of very deep studies published in the [Financial Times] that examined the structure and history of several major Trump real estate projects from the last decade—the period after his seventh bankruptcy and the cancellation of all his bank lines of credit. ...

Does Saudi Arabia Own Donald Trump? -
Oct 16, 2018 · In this video essay, I examine Trump’s long history of doing deals with Saudi royals and look back at how the former reality TV star even bragged about his financial ties to the kingdom during ...

EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump made millions from Saudi Arabia ...
Sep 04, 2016 · Trump sold the 45th floor of Trump World Tower to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for $4.5 million in June 2001, according to a city Finance Department spokeswoman.
Donald Trump’s Enduring Corruption of the Presidency | The ...
By Jeet Heer. Trump has shown that a president can shirk basic duties, remain ignorant of basic policy, pursue his personal financial interests, and still be defended by his party. Thanks to such complicity, Trump’s corruption has become enmesh in the …
Death Toll in Ukraine Conflict Hits 9,160, U.N. Says - The ...
Mar 04, 2016 · GENEVA — The United Nations said on Thursday that 236 civilians were killed in conflict-related violence in Ukraine in the 12-month period to mid-February, and it estimated that at least 9,160 ...

We aid Ukraine to help it fight Russia. By holding back ...
Hostilities between Russia and Ukraine began in 2014 with Russia’s lightning-quick occupation of Crimea, the region coveted by Russian President Vladimir Putin. ... Ukrainians have died fighting ..

and he wants to with hold Aid for a "favor" to try and dig up dirt on his opponent…...and now we find out that part of the past money given to them has been funneled back into his campaign
Is Donald Trump a perfect man? No, of course not. If he is president with the goal of using politics to illegally add to his fortune, he is doing a horrible job at it. If he is determined to lead this country into a one world government, he is failing miserably. On this site it is easy to point out the democratic faithful and see where they are coming from. Talk about a cult ( as we Trump supporters have been refereed to as ) they can't even see who their leader is. I have never seen anything more disgusting then the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and CNN’s presidential town hall in Los Angeles, California. Biden also said that, as president, his state department will have a special office devoted to promoting LGBTQ rights around the world. This coming from a man claiming to be a devote catholic. At the same time as Beto O’Rourke said he thinks that religious institutions should be stripped of their tax-exempt status if they oppose homosexuality. Good luck on that one. The government needs to keep it's nose out of churches and follow the separation of church and state as it is written in the constitution.
Trump signs order seeking to allow churches to engage in ...
May 04, 2017 · Under current law, churches are free to promote political candidates but must forgo such activity to obtain tax-exempt status.

Churches and Political Lobbying Activities - Freedom From ...
have been actively involved in many recent controversial ballot initiatives and referenda in numerous states across the country. Under the law, this is permissible activity because ballot initiatives are considered to be “legislation” and, thus, are lobbying activities, not “political” activity.


The New Politics of the White (Supremacist) Evangelical ...
Aug 07, 2019 · His strongest support according to a Marist survey is among white evangelicals with 73% approval. Similarly, among Republicans, Trump’s support


Elephant in the pews: Is the GOP the party of Churches of ...
Feb 25, 2016 · Seventy percent of Mormons and 64 percent of Southern Baptists lean toward or identify with the Republican Party — but only 50 percent of members of Churches of Christ do, the Pew

Church Politics 101 | CT Pastors | Christianity Today
We prefer to think of the church as a no-politics zone. ... I soon tired of trying to preside over that church. ... if I had been more aware of how political the minister's role is.

I always had a streak of naìvete about this. I became a little smarter as the years went on, but only a little. Not a political schemer myself, I didn't dream that some people in the church ate, breathed, and slept politics, and were invariably up to something.

That was before I became senior minister of a church where each monthly council session was a political battleground. I disliked having to think like a politician in order to conduct ministry. As exciting as it was, I soon tired of trying to preside over that church.

Influence of the Catholic Hierarchy on U.S. Policy Making
Mar 29, 2012 · Influence of the Catholic Hierarchy on U.S. Policy Making. “The Vatican’s total assets—not including the assets of the Roman Catholic Church, but including stock it controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion….

Preachers, Politics and the Pulpit: The Influence of ...
Bender, Michael, "Preachers, Politics and the Pulpit: The Influence of Church Structure on How Clergy Approach Political Topics and How Congregations Receive Their Messages" (2016). Honors Theses .

Trump’s Pastor Friends Have One Thing In Common: They’re ...
Mar 15, 2016 · The movement’s expansive influence is likely why Trump met with 40 prosperity gospel preachers and televangelists on the 26th floor of Trump Tower in September 2015.
Is Donald Trump a perfect man? No, of course not. If he is president with the goal of using politics to illegally add to his fortune, he is doing a horrible job at it. If he is determined to lead this country into a one world government, he is failing miserably. On this site it is easy to point out the democratic faithful and see where they are coming from. Talk about a cult ( as we Trump supporters have been refereed to as ) they can't even see who their leader is. I have never seen anything more disgusting then the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and CNN’s presidential town hall in Los Angeles, California. Biden also said that, as president, his state department will have a special office devoted to promoting LGBTQ rights around the world. This coming from a man claiming to be a devote catholic. At the same time as Beto O’Rourke said he thinks that religious institutions should be stripped of their tax-exempt status if they oppose homosexuality. Good luck on that one. The government needs to keep it's nose out of churches and follow the separation of church and state as it is written in the constitution.

Don't know how so many times you are completely blind to the facts.....but then most republicans are....all they know is what their party tells them

Pope Francis says transsexuals and gay people should be ...
Oct 04, 2016 · Pope Francis has called for transsexuals and homosexuals to be accepted and embraced by the Catholic Church, but said he was staunchly opposed to schools promoting or endorsing such “tendencies”.

Top 10 Reasons Churches Should Not Be Tax Exempt
The purpose of government is to provide law and order in society. They recognize that people have different beliefs, and should operate in order to protect the citizens from unnecessary conflicts that may arise from these beliefs. Another way you to consider their role would be to see government as a necessary body to provide the infrastructure with which we can pursue our happiness as defined by our social beliefs. To succeed in this …
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Column: Churches That Go Political Should not Be Tax ...
I think that churches should reject their tax exempt status if this is to be used by the state to control speech and thought. ... If all those cites are Christian fascist, which I do not believe ...

Should religious institutions remain tax-exempt? |
Religious institutions should
not remain tax-exempt. Especially after the financial crisis, governments need new sources of revenue. Religious institutions have enjoyed a free ride for too long. It's necessary for them to start paying taxes like other organizations. Atheism and secularism is also becoming more popular these days.