Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Witnesses - that’s funny !!!!!

You talkin bout the first deep state leaker that is a Democrat and affiliated with a 2020 Democrat candidate?????

wrong you buy more trump propaganda.....this guy avg's 7 lies a day....and you still believe him.....doesn't say a lot for your intelligence.....on top of that a second came forward to back up the first...and the checking on all this ...a trump appointee!

but you go ahead and back this sorry ******* of a bitch....he just let another country slaughter our allies....gave another country to Russia......and because the kurds couldn't hold the massive amount of prisoners' and fight they are abandoning the prisoners'..trumps comment on that....well they wanted to go to Europe anyway

this fucker cares about nothing nor no one....just pleasing P.utin and if you can't see it....understandably a true trumpie and fucking brain dead!

even Pat Robertson just said trump "sold his stairway to heaven!"
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Trump's phone calls with foreign leaders 'horrified' staff
4 days ago · President Trump's phone conversations with world leaders often vexed and alarmed members of his own staff. Details of discussions Trump had with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President ...

Whistleblower complaint says White House officials acted ...
13 days ago · A whistleblower's complaint about President Donald Trump, made public on Thursday, says White House officials were so concerned about what the president said in a July call

Trump’s calls with foreign leaders have long worried aides ...
4 days ago · But officials who had served in the White House through the end of 2018 were still shocked by the whistleblower complaint about the effort to “lock down” records of Trump’s July 25 call. The ...

Trump's phone call with Macron described as 'terrible ...
Jun 04, 2018 · A call about trade and migration between US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron soured last week after Macron candidly criticized Trump's policies, two sources familiar ...

White House Officials Hid Records Of Trump’s Phone Calls ...
10 days ago · A declassified whistleblower complaint revealed that the Trump Administration attempted to hide records of the Ukrainian president’s call with President Donald Trump, in which Trump pressured him to investigate rival former Vice President Joe Biden. New reports Saturday suggest that the White House also hid Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Saudi […]

White House Admits Trump Faked China Phone Calls To Boost ...
The White House admitted that Trump lies to boost the stock market, which means that the market, like the rest of the country can’t believe a single word that comes out of the president’s mouth.

Trump’s fabricated China phone call is ‘a serious ...
Aug 26, 2019 · It kind of seems like a big deal that Donald Trump is just *inventing* phone calls with a key foreign adversary. If this is true, this seems a serious escalation of his lying—and bodes poorly ...

White House Officials Admit To Being Beaten Down By Trump ...
Sep 06, 2019 · White House officials have given up on trying to correct Trump, as they say, it is not worth it to talk him out of his dumb ideas. Video: White House aides say it isn't worth their time to try to .
Nothing is in stone, but could Hillary try again? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

I don't think she will.....just tump pushing her and her pushing back.....trump wants her because he thinks he has a better chance of beating her....and there are a lot of Clinton haters...but there are also a lot of Clinton lovers.....Bill took good care of the country when he was in and people want more of that...…..but I think trump has pissed off so many people most could beat him right now......think he may have just lost the evangelical vote over his latest move in Syria.....and they are the ones that are a big part of his base.....a couple of big leaders..Pat Robertson for one said that trump just lost his stairway to heaven over this
I don't think she will.....just tump pushing her and her pushing back.....trump wants her because he thinks he has a better chance of beating her....and there are a lot of Clinton haters...but there are also a lot of Clinton lovers.....Bill took good care of the country when he was in and people want more of that...…..but I think trump has pissed off so many people most could beat him right now......think he may have just lost the evangelical vote over his latest move in Syria.....and they are the ones that are a big part of his base.....a couple of big leaders..Pat Robertson for one said that trump just lost his stairway to heaven over this
There is cold FURY over here about what he's done with the Kurds. Erdogan is threatening to let 3 million Syrians through Turkey and into the EU if an attempt is made to isolate them.
Fucking thanks a lot America.
There is cold FURY over here about what he's done with the Kurds. Erdogan is threatening to let 3 million Syrians through Turkey and into the EU if an attempt is made to isolate them.
Fucking thanks a lot America.

what can I say.....this fucking guy is rotten to the core....and doesn't's all about giving Syria to Russia and pleasing any cost...….they might let him build a trump tower there...with their money....I look for him to pull out of NATO next....been talking for a while now.....he has been pushing to get Russia back into the G7.....and EU says no....look for them to kick us out now ….France already talking about needing an alliance excluding the US

but you can't really blame trump.....there is a lot of people who put him there and still support him....those are the ones responsible
what can I say.....this fucking guy is rotten to the core....and doesn't's all about giving Syria to Russia and pleasing any cost...….they might let him build a trump tower there...with their money....I look for him to pull out of NATO next....been talking for a while now.....he has been pushing to get Russia back into the G7.....and EU says no....look for them to kick us out now ….France already talking about needing an alliance excluding the US

but you can't really blame trump.....there is a lot of people who put him there and still support him....those are the ones responsible
I don't think anybody is advising him. I think everybody is scared of him and scared for their careers. He's surrounded by yes men.
said it before and it is starting to show.....we have a traitor in our midst...…..

Turkey Hits Towns and Villages With Airstrikes During 2nd Day of Syria Invasion

Turkey Launches Offensive Against U.S.-Backed Syrian ...
1 day ago · After about six hours of airstrikes, Turkish troops and their Syrian rebel allies crossed the border, opening a ground offensive. At least seven people were killed in the Turkish attacks on...

Turkey launches offensive against U.S.-allied Kurdish ...
Oct 09, 2019 · ISTANBUL — Turkey’s government launched a long-expected offensive into northeastern Syria on Wednesday, with airstrikes and shelling targeting Syrian Kurdish fighters who have played a central role...
Nothing is in stone, but could Hillary try again? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

I don't think she will.....just tump pushing her and her pushing back.....trump wants her because he thinks he has a better chance of beating her....and there are a lot of Clinton haters...but there are also a lot of Clinton lovers.....Bill took good care of the country when he was in and people want more of that...…..but I think trump has pissed off so many people most could beat him right now......think he may have just lost the evangelical vote over his latest move in Syria.....and they are the ones that are a big part of his base.....a couple of big leaders..Pat Robertson for one said that trump just lost his stairway to heaven over this
I recall there was once a dinner that Trump attended where Obama roasted him. Maybe that pissed him off enough to run? Similarly Trump roasted Hillary, and vice versa, during the 2016 election enough that she might consider doing so again provided she was physically able to do the job? Also the Democrats are not exactly confident about their present candidates if any of them could defeat Trump? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

What happened to there just immigrants

trump doesn't treat them any better...they are just escaping a bad situation and looking for a better life......just what the pilgrims did......except trump wants to separate them from their families...and we have a bunch now they don't know who the parents are...guess now they are just wards of the US....some he wants to flat shoot....some he lets die from lack of medical aid....what happened to processing them...those that are legit let them in and those that aren't send them home
trump doesn't treat them any better...they are just escaping a bad situation and looking for a better life......just what the pilgrims did......except trump wants to separate them from their families...and we have a bunch now they don't know who the parents are...guess now they are just wards of the US....some he wants to flat shoot....some he lets die from lack of medical aid....what happened to processing them...those that are legit let them in and those that aren't send them home
you called them terrorists heading for eu
Compared to the bozo socialists running “crooked” Hillary is looking pretty damned GOOD !!!! ;}

poll shows most still support Biden....they may like what warren is offering...but still think Biden is the man....hope most don't think well I will just vote for warren now and biden when the time comes......doesn't work that way