Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Pat Robertson Sides With Bolton; Compares Trump To Neville ...
Sep 11, 2019 · During the opening of this morning's 700 Club, Pat Robertson blasted Trump as being naïve to think he could pal around with dictators, trust them and come up with a deal. Responding to the dismissal of John Bolton, CBN ran a package on the …

Pat Robertson: Trump Is 'Losing The Mandate Of Heaven' For ...
1 day ago · Televangelist Pat Robertson is the latest Republican to rebuke President Donald Trump. On Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), the firebrand preacher castigated the president for his impulsive decision to suddenly pull the U.S. military out of Syria. Robertson said on CBN’s show The 700 Club that Trump is “losing the mandate of heaven” when the president […]
GO Trump impeachment is a time wasting tatic

Support for Trump impeachment inquiry rises, new poll ...
20 hours ago · These latest poll findings are consistent with a trend in rising public support for impeachment proceedings into Trump’s use of the powers of the presidency.

New Poll Shows 20-Point Increase in Support for ...
3 days ago · “Since a July poll by The Post and ABC, there has been movement toward an impeachment inquiry among all three groups, with support for the inquiry rising by 25 points among Democrats, 21 points ...
Trump's evangelical base has shrunk - Religion News Service
The thing is that I think that there ought to be clearer coverage of the fact that conservative white Catholics are part of Trump’s base. I think that it’s especially important in view of ...

Trump’s Base is SHRINKING! | EARTH
Aug 05, 2019 · Trump's SHRINKING Base is still shrinking as people come to realize TRUMP IS A RACIST and they realize that by following Trump thet too were racists, blindly following TRUMP's RACISM! EX-TRUMP SUPPORTER APOLOGIZES ON OBAMA'S BIRTHDAY FOR 'HATE I GAVE HIM,' ADMITS 'I DID HAVE RACIST TENDENCIES' A vocal supporter of President Donald Trump who…

guess he needs to step up his smear campaigns more....but doesn't seem to be working....where is Russia when you need them....after all he just gave them Syria

Trump’s base is not enough, and his own advisers know it ...
Trump recently mused in an interview that his base is “phenomenal,” and, when asked whether he needed to expand his appeal beyond it, said: “I think my base is so strong, I’m not sure that ...
  • Author: Greg Sargent
Most of the world hates Trump — but these 3 countries love ...
Sep 17, 2019 · Authoritarian states like Trump. Most of the world might hate Trump, but in some places, based largely on his policies, there is hope and even admiration.

The World Hates Donald Trump, According to New Global Poll ...
While Trump and his policies are unpopular, the rest of the world seems to lack confidence that he can actually enact any change. He's not simply odious, in other words, but he's also ineffectual.

Experts Reveal Factors Behind Low Global Approval of Trump ...
Since US President Donald Trump took office, international approval of US leadership has been declining, eventually hitting a record low of 30 percent, according to a recent survey by Gallup. Interestingly, some regions favor China's leadership over that …

Trump's Approval Ratings Have Dropped in Every State Since ...
President Donald Trump's approval ratings have dropped in every state since he took office, a new survey says. According to the Morning Consult poll, Trump's national net rating has dropped 19 ...

Trump's Popularity is Plummeting - Even Among Fox News ...
I think there's a lot of voters who honestly didn't care about Trump's bigotry (or embraced it) and voted for him because they believed all the nonsense about him being a great business genius and MAGA, etc. Reality comes at you fast though, Trump is only about Trump and slowly folks are starting to catch on.

who is scared....we are not the one contacting other countries pressuring them into blackmailing the opposition

knows his base has shrunk.....majority doesn't like him....may not get Russia to help this time without getting's just him and few that still support him