Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Two of us working never made as even $50.000 a year together.

a lot of people in that situation.....a lot qualify for food stamps and etc...because they are not paid enough...…..called American GREED.…...the right spends a lot of money to keep wages down!

look up pay raises congress has got in the last few years....and then look up how often they have raised the minimum wage....I could really go into a lot of detail on this subject....a lot about how the company likes to keep the worker down!

you people think I hate and talk about trump a lot...…..I could go off on this subject a hell of a lot more than trump

like I said earlier......corp welfare over 90billion a programs 50 billion a year.....Wal mart being one of the biggest...and then GE...At&T……..bunch of them I could go off on
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that was always my story . Seems foolish to work for less

your original post had to do with people on welfare programs refusing to work...… comment was employers should be paying more than welfare programs

No where in this country can anyone afford to live in a one bedroom apartment and feed himself and pay utilities on the current minimum wage.....and why are we paying companies such as wal mart to employ unskilled workers....and still pay the workers for not making enough money..(that is just one example there are a bunch of others)…..look at the money wal mart makes to begin with so we shouldn't need to pay them.....and no matter the money we pay them....they would still need the workers. Since when did it become radical to expect profitable corporations to pay their workers enough to live without food stamps. Taxpayers are subsidizing companies like Wal Mart...…..that isn't's socialism for the rich

Economic growth comes from paying people more money....not from cutting taxes from the rich!

No business which depends for existence on paying it's workers less than a living wage to it's workers has any right to exist in this country...…... Franklin Roosevelt!
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We are not attacking the corporations.
But endeavoring to do away with any evil in them.
We are not hostile to them.
We are merely determined that they shall be so handled as to subserve the public good.
We draw the line against misconduct not wealth.
Teddy roosevelt
What i said is they pay to much theres no incentive to work . $53,000 a yr is not just scraping by

same are saying welfare/etc pays to much so they don't work...…..they still need enough to live on! and the employer should be paying more than welfare to give them incentive to work

you think people wouldn't like nice things rather than just get by...….living off the gov is just getting by...barely.....a company should be required to pay enough to live on without drawing food stamps and etc from the gov

the right always complains about the social programs increasing.....true had very little of the welfare programs in the 60's and 70's....but back them employers paid a living wage.....welfare didn't go up until the living wage went down!
Sooooooooooo obvious how badly the media is trying to pull this president down with the full support and direction of the Democrat party.

The so-called Impeachment inquiry is proving itself to be a kangaroo court in which the Republicans have wisely decided to ignore.

One whistleblower
Two whistleblowers ???

The transcript of the call was released - does one or two Dem deep state plants really make any difference???