Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The whistleblowers name must be released. anonymous accusations of this magnitude have zero place in a democracy or republic. Isn’t that right Mac?

wrong....just like trump wanting to try this guy for treason......trump is the one who broke the start making them give names no one will step forward on corruption...… crooked enough now....whistle blowers is how Nixon got caught.....we owe them some thanks for stepping up
more of your deep state ******* really are mind fucked

true...trying to undo a Russian plant.....or as carter said so well an illegitament president

Hope whoever mindfucked you used a condom - cause you’re the poster boy for lefty brainwashedness ;}

all I saw was yesterday they were also looking into a cover it is a coverup of the cover up and obstruction.....people seem to forget and i'm sure trump is unaware...….but she can throw even the AG in one used or heard much about it in a long time....I remember one time someone was in front of congress on something...….kept forgetting the answer....Sgt at arms put him in jail for 10 days and then reconvened the hearing until he got out.....spkr of the house with the use of the sgt of arms....pretty powerful if she wants to use it
they got nothing

they got him on a bunch.....funny part is it will be his lawyer that is fucking him the most.....the house will impeach him in the next few weeks....maybe tie in Giuliani and Barr.....done.....goes to senate....and there are a few republicans who agree.....but don't think there is enough so that will be the end of it....just like Clinton
unlike you...….got a taste of still live in some kind of fantasy world....just as well adjust your self when he is out of office you won't cry as much

You NEED to listen and heed your own advice - you’re cruisin for a bruising :}
they got him on a bunch.....funny part is it will be his lawyer that is fucking him the most.....the house will impeach him in the next few weeks....maybe tie in Giuliani and Barr.....done.....goes to senate....and there are a few republicans who agree.....but don't think there is enough so that will be the end of it....just like Clinton

although there are several committee investigating all kinds of things and now that it is an official impeachment they have a little more power....but I think all they will do is make public a lot of stuff he doesn't want people to know....and won't change anything.....except in the eyes of some voters....either for or against??????
all I saw was yesterday they were also looking into a cover it is a coverup of the cover up and obstruction.....people seem to forget and i'm sure trump is unaware...….but she can throw even the AG in one used or heard much about it in a long time....I remember one time someone was in front of congress on something...….kept forgetting the answer....Sgt at arms put him in jail for 10 days and then reconvened the hearing until he got out.....spkr of the house with the use of the sgt of arms....pretty powerful if she wants to use it

Living in a FOOLS paradise :}
although there are several committee investigating all kinds of things and now that it is an official impeachment they have a little more power....but I think all they will do is make public a lot of stuff he doesn't want people to know....and won't change anything.....except in the eyes of some voters....either for or against??????

Changing a ton

Americans are DONE with Democrat horseshite - the electorate is getting PISSED - you people are too stupid to know your cutting your own balls off for 2020 :}