Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I don't hate Obama he was a horrible president for 8 years I worked my fingers to the bone some weeks without pay waiting on check for jobs to come in. I watched companies fold all around me. I finally have a president that wants me to suceed instead of suckling the government teat
Go Trump

wrong again...…..he tried on numerous occasions to do things for small biz...…..but your party of NO.....wanted Obama to the expense of the country!

Bills That Republicans Have Blocked Since Obama Took ...
Nov 04, 2012 · The Small Business Jobs Act-would give LOCAL, community banks access to billions of dollars to loan to small businesses. Republicans blocked this, then attempted to block it a second time and failed. Republicans blocked this, then attempted to block it a second time and failed.

Obama Wrong on GOP, Small Business Criticism -
Jul 20, 2010 · It’s fair to say that Republicans tried — but failed — to block debate of the small-business jobs bill initially, and they successfully blocked a vote

The Republicans’ Unprecedented Obstructionism By The ...
Last summer, it took 50 days for President Obama to get past Republican filibusters of extended unemployment benefits and the Small Business Jobs Act. As for the DISCLOSE Act , legislation designed to limit the torrent of secret campaign cash unleashed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, in September Republican Senators prevented it from ever coming to a vote.

so you just keep blaming you have since day one...….but it was your party that created the problems
wrong again...…..he tried on numerous occasions to do things for small biz...…..but your party of NO.....wanted Obama to the expense of the country!

Bills That Republicans Have Blocked Since Obama Took ...
Nov 04, 2012 · The Small Business Jobs Act-would give LOCAL, community banks access to billions of dollars to loan to small businesses. Republicans blocked this, then attempted to block it a second time and failed. Republicans blocked this, then attempted to block it a second time and failed.

Obama Wrong on GOP, Small Business Criticism -
Jul 20, 2010 · It’s fair to say that Republicans tried — but failed — to block debate of the small-business jobs bill initially, and they successfully blocked a vote

The Republicans’ Unprecedented Obstructionism By The ...
Last summer, it took 50 days for President Obama to get past Republican filibusters of extended unemployment benefits and the Small Business Jobs Act. As for the DISCLOSE Act , legislation designed to limit the torrent of secret campaign cash unleashed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, in September Republican Senators prevented it from ever coming to a vote.

so you just keep blaming you have since day one...….but it was your party that created the problems

see the republican post in the wake up fit right in
tell me again how you have a pres that wants you to succeed!

Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump ...
An analysis of Labor Department data by the labor coalition Good Jobs Nation found that more than 93,000 U.S. jobs have been eliminated since Trump's election due to foreign trade.

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than ...
Dec 01, 2017 · Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before. “To put it another way, the firm would pay $1 million in tax on $20 million in foreign profits but $4 million on the same amount of earnings from a factory in the US,” Rosenthal writes.

How strong has job growth been on Donald Trump's watch ...
The highest monthly job gain under Trump -- 232,000 -- was exceeded in 28 separate months on Obama’s watch. Next, we looked at the specific job gains under Trump from February 2017 to …
he sent check to dem govenor dolled outto union fire and police every cent keep believing your bullshit

you just keep believing your republican propaganda...…...that has nothing to do with the article about the right needing to win at any cost!....lies..... deceit...... corruption....whatever it takes …...and the republican zombies just buy what they push out
I am booked till next fall

yeah well.....I'm wanting trump booked to!

wish I could say this weeks hearings was enough to do will bring to light a lot of his "misdeeds"......the right is not going to do over country....even when they know the truth....on here...a mixture of both......trumptards who refuse to believe anything bad about their man......and republicans who will stick with their I don't see any change....except more ******* shown to the public....after all his base is shrinking....and it is the independents..... which there is none on here... that will make the election
Dems keep it up going to see whole map go red except of course California and Massachusetts


Odds on Politics - Will Trump finish his term?
Even months and years after his election, Trump's presidency is riddled with scandals and challenges from the outside. People from the US and worldwide have been betting if he finishes his first term, considering the chance that he gets impeached and removed from office or they see the possiblity of a resignation for political or medical reasons.

Real-time probability | Trump to leave office early | 11.90%
'will do anything' to win because his 'freedom' might 'be on the line' Bernie Sanders Calls for Eliminating Americans’ Medical Debt | In a plan set to be released Saturday, Mr. Sanders, the Vermont senator and presidential candidate, proposes wiping out an estimated $81 billion in existing debt; Trump Said This Wall Can’t Be Climbed.

Trump Impeachment Odds: Trump Is Unlikely To Finish His ...
· Trump Impeachment Odds: Trump Is Unlikely To Finish His First Term, Say Bettors And Some Observers. As the T Telegraph reports, bookmakers are now offering even money, or better, on Trump not finishing his first term. Betting on the outcome of a political process may seem ridiculous to most Americans.

British bookies: Odds are Trump won't finish his term ...
· British gamblers believe U.S. President Donald Trump is now more likely to leave office before the end of his first term than not, British bookmakers said on Wednesday, after a …