Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Not quite as the successor is sworn in sometime in January 2025, so Donald Trump ?? would be POTUS until that date. Then @subhub174014, Pelosi, and other Democrats can try to tarnish Donald Trump's ?? legacy at that point in time, not that anything would happen to do so.

he will be lucky to make it through this term....and he needs the second term just to stay out of jail
Go Donald John Trump, I just watched the circus, a great number of Democratic Baboons, or is that Buffoons .

he will be going alright....won't escape this one...he broke the law....admittedly... and with eveidance...only question....what will the right do……….don't think they will do anything for a while....will want to see how they look for re-election....if not good...the right will sell their mom to stay in office
and now obstruction to add to everything else...…..but even without the recording got more than enough on him to show just what he is.....just like with last election he used Russia and WikiLeaks....he needs help....well needs that in more ways than one

Trump’s Team Sought to Conceal Ukraine Call He Saw as ...
Sep 26, 2019 · Donald Trump says that his July 25 phone call with the president of Ukraine was “perfect.” But it so alarmed White House and administration officials that they allegedly concealed records of ...
trump knows there are only so many fools in the country.....and needs to cheat to stay in office....he still has Russia to promote himself…...but needs to eliminate the competition some way

Trump’s Ukraine call reveals a president convinced of his ...
One day after the special counsel testified about Russian interference in the 2016 election, Trump spoke with another world leader in a phone call that’s now under scrutiny.
POLL: Americans support Trump impeachment inquiry, worry ...
Forty-five percent of respondents to a SurveyMonkey Audience poll conducted Wednesday and Thursday said they believed that the House of Representatives should impeach the president. A majority —…

Support for impeachment swells to 49 per cent amid whistle ...
10 hours ago · The percentage of Americans favoring impeachment hit 49 per cent in a new poll Thursday, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democrats were 'crossing the Rubicon' on impeachment.
Only three-quarters of Trump supporters definitely plan to ...
Trump got 46 percent of the independent vote in 2016 to Clinton’s 42 percent. Now, 62 percent of independents already say that they won’t vote for him.

White Evangelical Women, Core Supporters of Trump, Begin ...
Mar 11, 2018 · White Evangelical Women, Core Supporters of Trump, Begin Tiptoeing AwayWhite Evangelical Women, Core Supporters of Trump, Begin Tiptoeing Away. In surveys conducted by LifeWay Research in Nashville, evangelical voters in 2016 cited the economy (30 percent) and national security (26 percent) as their top two issues.
sold on the republican hype and propaganda machine

Why do Trump supporters make a point of calling liberals ...
May 05, 2017 · The reasons why Trump supporters behave that way will depend on the person. But the following are the likely reasons: They believe the hype: they have been hearing all the stereotypes of cowardly and weak liberals, and they believe it. After all, it …

Talking sense to Trump supporters -
Whereas most people (hereinafter referred to as, “normals”) have a universal understanding that facts should generally be accepted true until disproven, Trump supporters see scientists, doctors, reporters, historians, mathematicians, statisticians, and economists, not as arbiters of fact and fiction, but as partisan hacks, all on George Soros’ payroll, spewing anti-Trump lies, designed to make America …