Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Changing a ton

Americans are DONE with Democrat horseshite - the electorate is getting PISSED - you people are too stupid to know your cutting your own balls off for 2020 :}

do you even realize just how stupid all that sounds...….quite crying and whinning and take the whipping you have coming
Come out clean you got nothing jumped on nothing there like playing with a cat with a laser pointer

do you guys even pay attention or just post something jump to another thread and post again...….I have posted 2 times all the laws he broke with that phone call...and then the cover up...and now Barr trying to cover....trump just keeps compounding his troubles
When everything washes out - I believe you people are done - you do NOTHING for the country - all you do is piss and moan - whine - accomplish NOTHING

People are sick of whining sore LOSERS !!!!

then quit whinning….you backed a loser and we are just putting him out of his misery

got to go...I walk a mile everyday and you guys are interrupting that...hunting season just a month off!
from the BBC...…..hell they all want him gone!

Ukraine's former Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has categorically rejected claims by Donald Trump concerning Mr Trump's Democratic rival Joe Biden.
Mr Trump has alleged, without evidence, that Mr Biden pressed for the sacking of a Ukrainian prosecutor to protect a business that employed his *******.
Mr Klimkin told the BBC that the prosecutor was sacked for corruption.
A number of Western bodies, including the EU, had pushed for the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, to be sacked, he said.
Mr Trump faces impeachment proceedings for using his position as president to push the Ukrainian President, Vladimir Zelensky, to investigate Mr Biden, who was at the time leading polls to be his Democratic opponent in the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, it was revealed by US media that the whistleblower whose complaint led to the impeachment inquiry was a CIA officer who once worked at the White House.
