Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

First, for clarity in my own words "I am NOT a Trump hater." That is NOT the same as despising his brand of 'politics'. Each and EVERY rival in the Republican presidential campaign identified him as a crook, a fraud, if not simply crazy....if you don't remember look it up.
Many Republican politicians did not want Trump to win just as all Dems didn't. He was going to disrupt the status quo of the DC political game and he sure did.

The combination of the numerous sexual complaints against him AND the Access Hollywood tape ("Grab them by the pussy") diminished my respect.

I will say the same thing that many, especially Ed and Mac say about the racist Biden...That was a long time ago. Even more important is when he said that it was a private conversation between two adult men. Have you ever said anything in private that you would never say publicly? I know I have and do.

The multiple deferments that became pure refusal to release his tax information combined with his redefining the emoluments clause made me question his honesty.

Maybe I'm naïve. I really don't understand what the big deal is about a politicians tax history. I don't care about Biden's returns even though there's probably some China/Ukraine trail in them. There probably isn't a business person who doesn't do some shady ******* to keep as much money out of Uncle Sams pockets to keep in theirs.

Calling for the execution of minors (who turned out not to be guilty)? To scream about illegal immigration AND get busted for numerous illegals working for him?

At 9 p.m. on April 19, 1989, a group of an estimated 30–32 teenagers who lived in East Harlem entered Manhattan's Central Park at an entrance in Harlem, near Central Park North.[6] Some of the group committed several attacks, assaults, and robberies against people who were either walking, biking, or jogging in the northernmost part of the park and near the reservoir, and victims began to report the incidents to police.[7]

Within the North Woods, between 105th and 102nd streets, they were reported as attacking several bicyclists, hurling rocks at a cab, and attacking a pedestrian, whom they robbed of his food and beer, and left *******.[6][8] The teenagers roamed south along the park's East Drive and the 97th Street transverse, between 9 and 10 p.m.[6] Police attempted to apprehend suspects after crimes began to be reported between 9 and 10 p.m.

At least some of the group traveled further south to the area around the reservoir, where four men jogging were attacked by several youths. Among the victims was John Loughlin, a 40-year-old schoolteacher, who was severely beaten and robbed between 9:40 and 9:50.[6] He was hit in the head with a pipe and stick, knocking him briefly *******.[6][8][9] At a pre-trial hearing in October 1989, a police officer testified that when Loughlin was found, he was ******* so badly that he "looked like he was dunked in a bucket of *******".[10]

It was not until 1:30 a.m. that night that a female jogger was found in the North Woods area of the park. She had been pulled to the north some 300 feet off the path known as the 102nd Street Crossing; the path of her feet dragged through the grass was marked so clearly that it could be photographed. It was 18" wide. There was no evidence in the grass of footprints of multiple perpetrators. She was brutally beaten, suffering major ******* loss and skull fractures; she was later revealed to have been raped.

After her discovery, the police increased the intensity of their effort to identify suspects in this attack and took more teenagers into custody. The jogger was not identified for about 24 hours, and it took days for the police to retrace her movements of that night. By the time of the trial of the first three suspects in June 1990, The New York Times characterized the attack on the jogger as "one of the most widely publicized crimes of the 1980s".

OJ was found not guilty too. There were a lot of crimes committed that night. Is there a possibility the inmate who admitted to the ******* was doing them a favor? Maybe he was in for life and figured he'd take one for the team since the others were so young. We will never know.

Do you think Trump personally hires and vetts his employees at that level? He wasn't President then anyway. It sure is funny those on here who support open borders say let them in so they can do the jobs Americans won't but then slam an employer (well only Trump) who hires them. See the standard hypocrisy?

As a member of a minority, I cringed at the way he talked about Mexican people coming to the U.S. (thieves, rapists, and murderers); it is similar to how people spoke (is it over?) of African Americans. Did you really believe the Mexican people AND their Mexican American relatives were going to take those insults and pay for your insulation from them?

He did NOT say that...

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing *******. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They're sending us not the right people.” – Donald J. Trump in his Presidential announcement speech.

Like so much in the left media stories are modified to fit a narrative. What he said was the truth then and is today. Have you been watching the news? Oh probably not because the only news outlets that follows the tragedy at the border are conservative sources. I would say the majority of people who come here illegally are decent human beings looking for a better life. However, the minority who aren't need to be stopped.

In my opinion, he never was capable of being presidential, and to me, he proved it again and again. But as a citizen, JUST LIKE YOU, I hoped for the best.

I couldn't agree more. There were many times I wished he would stfu and stay off of twitter. Although I did love it when he called out the media on their BS. My opinion is Trump had the right idea to want to rid of the DC status quo and the game of politics. I vote for who I think would be best for our country. I certainly was not going to vote for that skank Hillary nor did I want to see another Bush in office. So now I hope for the best. Unfortunately it looks like I will have to keep hoping for at least 3 more years.

Eisenhower was president when I was born; Ford was president when I started my federal service, and I'm still working. Whether I agreed or disagreed with their policies, I never evaluated ANY of them on their first 120 days out of a 4 year term. It seems you very much have had your mind made up, even if you profess your 'open minded' hopes for this administration. I'm not sure if you're referring to Mrs. Biden or V.P. Harris with "his phony bitch" but in either case it comes off as a personal hate/bias rather than intellectual political discussion.

I wouldn't say you're a federal employee too loud. Ed will tell you you're a leach and no different than the losers sitting at home collecting their government handout. I did 33 years federal service.
You're right I have come to a conclusion about this regime sooner than any other. It's obvious they hate this country and what it stands for. I don't trust them one bit. They are politicians to the core and will do anything to remain in power even if it means destroying our country!
I'm sorry you don't approve of my label for Harris. I can't help it it's the truth. She's even more of a phony than Hillary and that's saying a lot!

Today's disclosure on a potential cease fire reveals if nothing else the man you call "a joke", "an idiot" had the intelligence not to conduct his negotiations in the press or with the media. I'll agree with you his approval rating is not based on his job if I understand you. I don't think you appreciate his job approval is as high as it is because of his conduct as well as the sense of empathy many citizens get out of his presentation both in speech as well as off the cuff.

Biden can hardly put two sentences together without stumbling. And people say Trump was incompetent?🤣 I'm sorry I don't get that touchy feely feeling when Biden speaks. I get a chill down my spine and can only think about the imminent attack that's coming because he portrays weakness to hilt, I see the deficit going through the stratosphere, I see crime continue it's astronomical spike since he's been in office, I see our rights being diminished especially freedom of speech, I see me not being able to call my mom mom, I see further division between black and whites. Uncle Joe had a good run as far as a career politician. He has no business being in the WH.

One thing I did not address is the border situation. Before I go there, what is the problem at the border as you see it?

I see a weak administration who are playing politics. Immigration as been an issue for every President. It was Obama who built the cages that are now called enclosures. Obama was known as the deporter in chief, Hillary said no to returning k!ds to their parents, Harry Reid said "a country would be insane to allow entry without vetting." They simply want to dismantle the success Trump had for political reasons. Ms. Phony won't even go there and she's in charge of the mess. There's probably no way to completely stop illegal's from entering our country but he sure did slow it down a lot! I want people to come here but I want them to do it legally as it states in the immigration laws "congress" passed. You don't like the law then get it changed. Not to mention the billions it costs.

Many Republican politicians did not want Trump to win just as all Dems didn't. He was going to disrupt the status quo of the DC political game and he sure did.

The combination of the numerous sexual complaints against him AND the Access Hollywood tape ("Grab them by the pussy") diminished my respect.

I will say the same thing that many, especially Ed and Mac say about the racist Biden...That was a long time ago. Even more important is when he said that it was a private conversation between two adult men. Have you ever said anything in private that you would never say publicly? I know I have and do.

The multiple deferments that became pure refusal to release his tax information combined with his redefining the emoluments clause made me question his honesty.

Maybe I'm naïve. I really don't understand what the big deal is about a politicians tax history. I don't care about Biden's returns even though there's probably some China/Ukraine trail in them. There probably isn't a business person who doesn't do some shady ******* to keep as much money out of Uncle Sams pockets to keep in theirs.

Calling for the execution of minors (who turned out not to be guilty)? To scream about illegal immigration AND get busted for numerous illegals working for him?

At 9 p.m. on April 19, 1989, a group of an estimated 30–32 teenagers who lived in East Harlem entered Manhattan's Central Park at an entrance in Harlem, near Central Park North.[6] Some of the group committed several attacks, assaults, and robberies against people who were either walking, biking, or jogging in the northernmost part of the park and near the reservoir, and victims began to report the incidents to police.[7]

Within the North Woods, between 105th and 102nd streets, they were reported as attacking several bicyclists, hurling rocks at a cab, and attacking a pedestrian, whom they robbed of his food and beer, and left *******.[6][8] The teenagers roamed south along the park's East Drive and the 97th Street transverse, between 9 and 10 p.m.[6] Police attempted to apprehend suspects after crimes began to be reported between 9 and 10 p.m.

At least some of the group traveled further south to the area around the reservoir, where four men jogging were attacked by several youths. Among the victims was John Loughlin, a 40-year-old schoolteacher, who was severely beaten and robbed between 9:40 and 9:50.[6] He was hit in the head with a pipe and stick, knocking him briefly *******.[6][8][9] At a pre-trial hearing in October 1989, a police officer testified that when Loughlin was found, he was ******* so badly that he "looked like he was dunked in a bucket of *******".[10]

It was not until 1:30 a.m. that night that a female jogger was found in the North Woods area of the park. She had been pulled to the north some 300 feet off the path known as the 102nd Street Crossing; the path of her feet dragged through the grass was marked so clearly that it could be photographed. It was 18" wide. There was no evidence in the grass of footprints of multiple perpetrators. She was brutally beaten, suffering major ******* loss and skull fractures; she was later revealed to have been raped.

After her discovery, the police increased the intensity of their effort to identify suspects in this attack and took more teenagers into custody. The jogger was not identified for about 24 hours, and it took days for the police to retrace her movements of that night. By the time of the trial of the first three suspects in June 1990, The New York Times characterized the attack on the jogger as "one of the most widely publicized crimes of the 1980s".

OJ was found not guilty too. There were a lot of crimes committed that night. Is there a possibility the inmate who admitted to the ******* was doing them a favor? Maybe he was in for life and figured he'd take one for the team since the others were so young. We will never know.

Do you think Trump personally hires and vetts his employees at that level? He wasn't President then anyway. It sure is funny those on here who support open borders say let them in so they can do the jobs Americans won't but then slam an employer (well only Trump) who hires them. See the standard hypocrisy?

As a member of a minority, I cringed at the way he talked about Mexican people coming to the U.S. (thieves, rapists, and murderers); it is similar to how people spoke (is it over?) of African Americans. Did you really believe the Mexican people AND their Mexican American relatives were going to take those insults and pay for your insulation from them?

He did NOT say that...

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing *******. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They're sending us not the right people.” – Donald J. Trump in his Presidential announcement speech.

Like so much in the left media stories are modified to fit a narrative. What he said was the truth then and is today. Have you been watching the news? Oh probably not because the only news outlets that follows the tragedy at the border are conservative sources. I would say the majority of people who come here illegally are decent human beings looking for a better life. However, the minority who aren't need to be stopped.

In my opinion, he never was capable of being presidential, and to me, he proved it again and again. But as a citizen, JUST LIKE YOU, I hoped for the best.

I couldn't agree more. There were many times I wished he would stfu and stay off of twitter. Although I did love it when he called out the media on their BS. My opinion is Trump had the right idea to want to rid of the DC status quo and the game of politics. I vote for who I think would be best for our country. I certainly was not going to vote for that skank Hillary nor did I want to see another Bush in office. So now I hope for the best. Unfortunately it looks like I will have to keep hoping for at least 3 more years.

Eisenhower was president when I was born; Ford was president when I started my federal service, and I'm still working. Whether I agreed or disagreed with their policies, I never evaluated ANY of them on their first 120 days out of a 4 year term. It seems you very much have had your mind made up, even if you profess your 'open minded' hopes for this administration. I'm not sure if you're referring to Mrs. Biden or V.P. Harris with "his phony bitch" but in either case it comes off as a personal hate/bias rather than intellectual political discussion.

I wouldn't say you're a federal employee too loud. Ed will tell you you're a leach and no different than the losers sitting at home collecting their government handout. I did 33 years federal service.
You're right I have come to a conclusion about this regime sooner than any other. It's obvious they hate this country and what it stands for. I don't trust them one bit. They are politicians to the core and will do anything to remain in power even if it means destroying our country!
I'm sorry you don't approve of my label for Harris. I can't help it it's the truth. She's even more of a phony than Hillary and that's saying a lot!

Today's disclosure on a potential cease fire reveals if nothing else the man you call "a joke", "an idiot" had the intelligence not to conduct his negotiations in the press or with the media. I'll agree with you his approval rating is not based on his job if I understand you. I don't think you appreciate his job approval is as high as it is because of his conduct as well as the sense of empathy many citizens get out of his presentation both in speech as well as off the cuff.

Biden can hardly put two sentences together without stumbling. And people say Trump was incompetent?🤣 I'm sorry I don't get that touchy feely feeling when Biden speaks. I get a chill down my spine and can only think about the imminent attack that's coming because he portrays weakness to hilt, I see the deficit going through the stratosphere, I see crime continue it's astronomical spike since he's been in office, I see our rights being diminished especially freedom of speech, I see me not being able to call my mom mom, I see further division between black and whites. Uncle Joe had a good run as far as a career politician. He has no business being in the WH.

One thing I did not address is the border situation. Before I go there, what is the problem at the border as you see it?

I see a weak administration who are playing politics. Immigration as been an issue for every President. It was Obama who built the cages that are now called enclosures. Obama was known as the deporter in chief, Hillary said no to returning k!ds to their parents, Harry Reid said "a country would be insane to allow entry without vetting." They simply want to dismantle the success Trump had for political reasons. Ms. Phony won't even go there and she's in charge of the mess. There's probably no way to completely stop illegal's from entering our country but he sure did slow it down a lot! I want people to come here but I want them to do it legally as it states in the immigration laws "congress" passed. You don't like the law then get it changed. Not to mention the billions it costs.

But you voted for Donald Trump & campaigned for him on this very forum. Now you are upset because you got destroyed in the presidential election, & lost the House & Senate. Now Trump is destroying your party. 😁😂
I will say the same thing that many, especially Ed and Mac say about the racist Biden...That was a long time ago. Even more important is when he said that it was a private conversation between two adult men. Have you ever said anything in private that you would never say publicly? I know I have and do.
you brag about sexual assault when you're with other men? that's pretty fucked up

The multiple deferments that became pure refusal to release his tax information combined with his redefining the emoluments clause made me question his honesty.

Maybe I'm naïve. I really don't understand what the big deal is about a politicians tax history. I don't care about Biden's returns even though there's probably some China/Ukraine trail in them. There probably isn't a business person who doesn't do some shady ******* to keep as much money out of Uncle Sams pockets to keep in theirs.
I think people were more interested in whether trump was on the hook for serious foreign loans. at least I was.

OJ was found not guilty too. There were a lot of crimes committed that night. Is there a possibility the inmate who admitted to the ******* was doing them a favor? Maybe he was in for life and figured he'd take one for the team since the others were so young. We will never know.
that's really not the point. Trump took out ads calling for these *******' deaths, and called them criminals more than a decade after they were exonerated.

What he said was the truth then and is today. Have you been watching the news?
so you maintain that Mexico is "sending us" rapists?

You're right I have come to a conclusion about this regime sooner than any other. It's obvious they hate this country and what it stands for. I don't trust them one bit.
Biden can hardly put two sentences together without stumbling. And people say Trump was incompetent?🤣 I'm sorry I don't get that touchy feely feeling when Biden speaks.
which is it? are they master politicians that hate america, or are they bumbling idiots that can't speak in complete sentences?

I get a chill down my spine and can only think about the imminent attack that's coming because he portrays weakness to hilt
ah now we're getting to the core.

you think trump was a big strong daddy. people can be so fucked up

I see me not being able to call my mom mom
what the fuck does this even mean?
When are the people on the left in America going to wake up, swallow their pride and admit that we all are going to pay for their decision to vote into office The 3rd term of the Obama administration behind the O'Biden and Harris destruction of America?
what do you think we'll be named after America is destroyed?

West West Europe?

North South America?

East China?
X-President Chump hasn't really gone anywhere, YET! He's laying low ... watching & encouraging from the sidelines. Until he's subpoenaed, ******* to testify, perjure himself, and then put in prison, he's still very much a clear & present danger to the US Government.
You see where the Washington Capitol indictments are going ... NO WHERE! Trump & many of his administration should already be in prison, and they're NOT. Until he GOES to prison, the chicken ******* ReThuglicans aren't going to break ranks or they'd face the radicals of the TrumpTards who'd have no hesitancy to eliminate them. I believe we're in for a very long 2021 & 2022. Every REpublican state is meddling with the Right To Vote. The SCOTUS needs to step in and prove they can be unbiased & fair.
I got it completely. Because Trump spoke the truth again about ******* hole countries. He can now add this one to his ******* hole list!

Well there’s always China 🇨🇳 and Russia 🇷🇺 Perhaps you would like those places better 🤔 How about Belarus 🇧🇾??? Me I love America 🇺🇸 Land of the free and home of the Biden Administration 🙂
Well there’s always China 🇨🇳 and Russia 🇷🇺 Perhaps you would like those places better 🤔 How about Belarus 🇧🇾??? Me I love America 🇺🇸 Land of the free and home of the Biden Administration 🙂
I love America. I just wish the clowns in the WH did as well! However no matter how much they continue fuck it up the US will still be the best ******* hole to live. Especially the state of freedom where I live thanks to the next President.
I just returned from a five day whirlwind tour of Idaho, Oregon, California, and Arizona. As expected CA was the most disgusting. That state really does need to fall into the ocean. The state wreaks of nasty liberal policies and I mean literally stinks!