Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

When an unarmed woman in NO position to hurt anyone is shot in the throat - YES - I sympathize with her being murdered by a coward that should be up on charges for an unjustified shoot - but - obviously there is a double standard these days regarding justice. The media is only interested in reporting stories that support the left’s narrative and avoid and do not report on anything that doesn’t.
You are such an asshole.
1. She was part of a violent and armed mob that sacked the fucking capitol and went looking for the vice president, and member of congress to commit *******.
2. She was illegally on federal grounds disrupting the constitutional process of officiating the change of power because she didn't like the results. At best she was a traitor, and most she was a terrorist.
3. Her and her mob of anti-American insurrectionists broke down a barricade, and she tried to climb through a broken window to unlock the door for the rest to follow, guns were drawn and aimed and she ignored drawn guns and a warning.
4. The rest of the pussies, who were armed, backed the fuck up and watched her die, and got the message.

What's hard to understand about this? She was going to open that door, and unleash that murderous mob. Capitol police finally did their job. Should have been dozens more tRumpers laying in *******.
Shooting a person in the throat that is unarmed when you’re on the other side of a door is cowardly and an unjustified shoot. We have no information on the cop and no charges have been filed. The woman in question did nothing that she could be legally executed for. It’s all about the color now with you Dems - you scream racist CONSTANTLY - but seems to me it’s ALL about the color of the skin to you people - NOT justice.
Deadly ******* - in general - is ONLY allowed when your life or the life of someone else is in jeopardy. Defending property does NOT justify deadly *******.
But isn't that why you second amendment pussies have guns? Protect your home and property? You shoot an intruder in your home or on your property, it's justified. So, you're wrong there. As usual.
Shooting a person in the throat that is unarmed when you’re on the other side of a door is cowardly and an unjustified shoot. We have no information on the cop and no charges have been filed. The woman in question did nothing that she could be legally executed for. It’s all about the color now with you Dems - you scream racist CONSTANTLY - but seems to me it’s ALL about the color of the skin to you people - NOT justice.
Shut the fuck up crying you old loose pussy. Learn why insurrection IS a capitol crime.

It took a 9 minute video shown to the whole world, other cops testifying against one of their own, the chief of police, pulmonary experts, doctors in respiratory science, EMTs, and witnesses to convict one cop of something that was obvious.
I'm not celebrating. That's a long way to go for a sense of justice and it changes not a fucking thing in how the police do their jobs. Systematically, this is the same world we woke up in this morning.
The Air ******* veteran being murdered is OK with these Dem dipshits - cause she’s the right color for cops to ******* - she was murdered just as sure as George Floyd was - but - no one cares cause she’s white. Who are the real racists - I REALLY wanna know !!!!!

Have a look in the mirror. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!! To suggest that both situations were similar! They were not!
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Shut the fuck up crying you old loose pussy. Learn why insurrection IS a capitol crime.

It took a 9 minute video shown to the whole world, other cops testifying against one of their own, the chief of police, pulmonary experts, doctors in respiratory science, EMTs, and witnesses to convict one cop of something that was obvious.
I'm not celebrating. That's a long way to go for a sense of justice and it changes not a fucking thing in how the police do their jobs. Systematically, this is the same world we woke up in this morning.
Ed, i have to disagree. There is not systemic racism. Racism yes. Systemic No
Shut the fuck up crying you old loose pussy. Learn why insurrection IS a capitol crime.

It took a 9 minute video shown to the whole world, other cops testifying against one of their own, the chief of police, pulmonary experts, doctors in respiratory science, EMTs, and witnesses to convict one cop of something that was obvious.
I'm not celebrating. That's a long way to go for a sense of justice and it changes not a fucking thing in how the police do their jobs. Systematically, this is the same world we woke up in this morning.

He’s just pissed off due to “the browning of America” . . . means that white privilege isn’t working quite as well as it has in the past . . . attack the seat of our democracy at the behest of a petty little man, and have the privilege of getting your ass put on blast 💥 🔫