Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Your tunnel vision is cheating you of reality.

How many links/articles would you like me to post on that?

your hero worship has you blinded to the facts

Behind Trump's victory: Divisions by race, gender and ...

Nov 09, 2016 · Donald Trump scored an impressive Electoral College victory Nov. 8 after a campaign that revealed deep divisions – by race, gender and education – that were as wide and in some cases wider than in previous elections, according to an analysis of national exit poll data. Trump

go back to sleep
How many links/articles would you like me to post on that?

your hero worship has you blinded to the facts

Behind Trump's victory: Divisions by race, gender and ...

Nov 09, 2016 · Donald Trump scored an impressive Electoral College victory Nov. 8 after a campaign that revealed deep divisions – by race, gender and education – that were as wide and in some cases wider than in previous elections, according to an analysis of national exit poll data. Trump

go back to sleep
There is nothing you can say to make me consider the Democratic Party to be anything but a party of Educated Idiots That have done absolutely nothing to reach across the aisle to help our rightly elected President and the republican party to help this country cure many issues that need to be addressed. You should feel really proud for three years of wasted time with the envious losing party completely concentrating on removing President Trump from office, costing American Tax payers over 20 million dollars on a wild goose chase because of a dossier paid for that evil loser Hillary Clinton. After Donald J. Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination, Fusion GPS was hired on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee by their law firm, Perkins Cole, to try to unearth damaging information about him.
Being the incumbent IS an advantage, Bush and Carter did not get re-elected, but Clinton did, Bush Jr did, Obama did~

Trump IS the commander in chief. You can say he is a bad president, but he is the president; and he has all the authority of the office.

true but with an approval of 38%....odds not in his favor....and in his case with everything he has done....being an incumbent Is against him...…...the main reason....middle America seeing NOTHING
There is nothing you can say to make me consider the Democratic Party to be anything but a party of Educated Idiots That have done absolutely nothing to reach across the aisle to help our rightly elected President and the republican party to help this country cure many issues that need to be addressed. You should feel really proud for three years of wasted time with the envious losing party completely concentrating on removing President Trump from office, costing American Tax payers over 20 million dollars on a wild goose chase because of a dossier paid for that evil loser Hillary Clinton. After Donald J. Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination, Fusion GPS was hired on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee by their law firm, Perkins Cole, to try to unearth damaging information about him.

not trying to....just showing you that every statement you have made so far has been have to live with it I don't
true but with an approval of 38%....odds not in his favor....and in his case with everything he has done....being an incumbent Is against him...…...the main reason....middle America seeing NOTHING
Trump is pretty much were Obama was at the same time of his presidency (depending on what poll you wnat to believe):
Trump pretty much maintained his approval rating while others dropped considerably.
Trump is pretty much were Obama was at the same time of his presidency (depending on what poll you wnat to believe):
Trump pretty much maintained his approval rating while others dropped considerably.

the reason for that was Obama was asking for big bucks to bail the country out of the mess Bush put us in......and it wasn't going over well....where as trump is just flat fucking the country to take care of that upper 10%.....something for people like you to not notice over there...all you do is worship the "pumpkin" and know very little…….middle America has seen NOTHING in their pockets...….and trump brags the economy should be fine because he gave the wealthy those big tax breaks...…..that didn't work out under reagan….it didn't work under Bush...both drove us into a recession...…...but you crazy people think just because he has gone bankrupt 8 times and his credit is no good anywhere but Russia....he is going to save this country

and right now Obama is the most popular president in history.....think trump will ever see that? He will be lucky to evade prison!
Obama sucked,

wrong..……..he took over from a great recession....the biggest since the real depression....he had the best job growth in 18 years...strongest dollar in 30 years.....unemployment cut in half.....gas below $2 dollars a gal.....cut the bush deficit by 2/3.....corporate profits and the stock market at all time highs ….ended 2 wars.....saved the auto industry.....created clean energy laws....and got Bin Laden...…..but you are pissed your personal gain didn't go up......where would you be if he hadn't done all that?...I'll tell you would be trying to make a living on that pig farm without a fucking nickel in your pocket!

and trump is pushing us in that direction right now
now go eat your veggies