Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

wrong..……..he took over from a great recession....the biggest since the real depression....he had the best job growth in 18 years...strongest dollar in 30 years.....unemployment cut in half.....gas below $2 dollars a gal.....cut the bush deficit by 2/3.....corporate profits and the stock market at all time highs ….ended 2 wars.....saved the auto industry.....created clean energy laws....and got Bin Laden...…..but you are pissed your personal gain didn't go up......where would you be if he hadn't done all that?...I'll tell you would be trying to make a living on that pig farm without a fucking nickel in your pocket!

and trump is pushing us in that direction right now
now go eat your veggies
the pigs are just food not what i do for money
the pigs are just food not what i do for money

it could have been your only source of income had Obama not got the ******* stopped!

Then Vs. Now: Obama's Presidency, By the Numbers
Jan 10, 2017 · Obama, who took office in the wake of a global financial crisis and amidst two unpopular wars, has pointed throughout his presidency to economic indicators showing the …

The U.S. Economy Since President Obama Took Office, and ...
Yesterday morning, in remarks before the Economic Club of Chicago, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner took stock of the U.S. economy since President Obama took office – from the legacy of the crisis to recent signs of a strengthening recovery. He noted that while President Obama arrived in Washington ...

The ‘Trump economy’ vs. the ‘Obama economy’ - The ...
Claim: “We’ve accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.”
Fact checked by
  • Author: Meg Kelly
    • Jobs. Trump regularly (and incorrectly) brags he’s added 4 million jobs since taking office. Regular …
    • Unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is the best it has been in a decade, holding steady at …
    • Employment in population (ages 25-54) Another indicator of economic growth is the percentage of …
    • Stock market. During the 2016 campaign, Trump said the stock market was “in a big, fat bubble.” …
    See all full list on
wrong..……..he took over from a great recession....the biggest since the real depression....he had the best job growth in 18 years...strongest dollar in 30 years.....unemployment cut in half.....gas below $2 dollars a gal.....cut the bush deficit by 2/3.....corporate profits and the stock market at all time highs ….ended 2 wars.....saved the auto industry.....created clean energy laws....and got Bin Laden...…..but you are pissed your personal gain didn't go up......where would you be if he hadn't done all that?...I'll tell you would be trying to make a living on that pig farm without a fucking nickel in your pocket!

and trump is pushing us in that direction right now
now go eat your veggies
like i keep saying economy driven by confidence Obama equalled none made recession he left took recession away with him
like i keep saying economy driven by confidence Obama equalled none made recession he left took recession away with him

keep talking .....check the facts your self...I have posted them several times and with your inability to comprehend...I guess you are stuck with your own lies...….must run in the party
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like i keep saying economy driven by confidence Obama equalled none made recession he left took recession away with him

with you being just a little "slow".....will post several articles from a bunch of people to show just how fucking stupid you are....and you keep repeating your stupidity thinking you might get …????

Trump didn’t inherit a mess. Obama did. | Letters To ...
Trump inherited Obama’s momentum and a growing economy, low unemployment, and very little involvement by the U.S. in Iraq that is related to our original invasion. Trump has created an economic ...
Letter: Trump inherited Obama’s momentum, growing economy
Obama inherited his predecessor’s mess. In six months he began a period of steady growth that is now the second longest in history. Trump inherited Obama’s momentum and a growing economy.
Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don't Let Trump ...
Dec 25, 2017 · Overall, the economy under Trump thus far looks no better by most measures than the economy in the last years under Obama. Furthermore, whereas Trump inherited the strong Obama economy, Obama inherited the Great Recession from George W. Bush—the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.
CNN Smashes Trump's Lie That He Inherited A Mess From ...
By no metric can what Trump inherited by objectively defined as a mess. Obama left Trump a growing economy, an America with a stable place a top global leadership, ISIS was being pushed out of ...

A look at the economy Trump inherited, which he calls a ...
Feb 17, 2017 · A look at the economy Trump inherited, which he calls a ‘mess’ ... far stronger footing than the one Obama inherited. Also see: The Trump ... that the economy’s annual growth rate has not

Did Trump inherit a mess? 8 charts show otherwise | PolitiFact
In his address to a joint session of Congress, President Donald Trump revived a theme he had unveiled less than two weeks earlier, when he said at a marathon press conference that he’d inherited ...

Trump rides economic momentum from Obama - Chicago Sun …
Feb 01, 2018 · In fact, Obama inherited the mess — an economy in free fall, losing 700,000 jobs a month. He turned it around. Trump inherited an economy enjoying a record stretch of …

Trump inherits Obama boom - POLITICO
No figures ever backed up Trump’s claims of soaring joblessness and no growth. The economy grew at a 3.2 percent pace in the third quarter. It could slow down again in the final quarter of the year.

Trump Inherited 4.7% UE/Growing Economy: Obama Inherited ...
Trump Inherited 4.7% UE/Growing Economy: Obama Inherited WHAT? "Immediately after the conclusion of President Trump's press conference, CNN's John King used facts to prove that Trump's claim that he inherited a mess from former President Obama was a lie.

Trump Rides Economic Momentum from Obama - The Seattle ...
is like a man who jumps on a moving train and takes credit for its speed. He claims he inherited a “mess” and transformed it. In fact, Obama inherited the mess — an economy in free fall, losing 700,000 jobs a month. He turned it around. Trump inherited an economy enjoying a record stretch of months with private sector jobs growth.

Yellen Proves Trump Inherited Strong Economy - News ...
Conclusion: Trump never inherited an economic mess from Obama's two terms in's just the opposite. Instead, Trump will create an economic his first two years in office. Never ...

Trump is taking credit for economic growth he didn’t ...
Jan 31, 2018 · Trump is taking credit for economic growth he didn’t create ... In fact, Obama inherited the mess — an economy in free fall, losing 700,000 jobs a month. He turned it around.

Trump has 'squandered' a good economy on tax cuts for ...
Aug 23, 2019 · For almost three years, Donald Trump has coasted along on the crest of the economic wave set in motion by President Barack Obama. But he’s definitely been coasting. Even with the …
I have a different take on cause you have a definite problem being wrong

I'm wrong....and all of those different articles from different people are wrong and you are right....understand how fucked up that is?....probably not

Economic policy of the George W. Bush administration ...
The economic policy of the George W. Bush administration was characterized by significant income tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, the implementation of Medicare Part D in 2003, increased military spending for two wars, a housing bubble that contributed to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–2008, and the Great Recession that followed. Economic performance during the period was adversely affected ...

"The Bush Recession" -- Let's Call it What It Is | HuffPost
We must talk about the difficult, complex, long-term efforts we'll need to all engage in order to reverse the toxic economic environment created by the "Bush Recession." The Bush Recession didn't happen overnight -- it took 8 years of careful, purposeful, willful actions to create

In what ways are George W. Bush and Donald Trump alike ...
Oct 30, 2016 · The most glaring would be that there was ample evidence that both would be a disaster as POTUS. Voters overlooked GW’s savings and loan disaster… and he upped the ante as President, tanking Wall Street, and giving the banks freedom from oversight....
You can post all the lefty horseshite propaganda ya want - it’s like this though - under Obama guys like Allfor and myself felt like the country was losing - now we feel like the GOOD ole USA is BACK !!!!!!

Watch a President Trump rally USA USA USA is the prevalent heavy chant - and - we FEEL it - it’s a GREAT feeling.
Comparing George W. Bush to Donald Trump

At first the reader may not see a resemblance between George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump. But, please bear with me, there are more than you might think. Neither man was qualified to become the President of the United States. Neither man possessed the intellect or the experience to lead our nation or the free world. Both men divided our nation’s people at a level not seen since the Civil War. Both men failed at multiple business opportunities. But that’s where it ends.

I know that George W. Bush was the worst president in the history of the United States. The facts speak for themselves. His fiscal policy destroyed our nation’s economy. His rash judgement to engage in two unwinnable wars has scarred our nation forever. None of these facts are disputable. However, Bush and Trump are complete opposites in many other ways.

Although Bush was not the “sharpest tool in the shed,” and allowed Dick Cheney and Karl Rove to make the important decisions of his presidency, I believe that his intentions were genuine. He and Trump differ in many ways; the most important ways. Bush was not a racist, a bigot, an Islamophobe, or a homophobe. I believe that George W. Bush loved his country, and was not malicious. Trump hates the America of our founding fathers, and would destroy many of the rights of the American people.

Bush believed in his *******’s party. Trump hates both Democrats and Republicans who believe that by working together, the American people will best be served.

The greatest difference between the two is that Bush was controlled by evil men. Trump is the evil and surrounds himself with those who support his vile beliefs.

Another important difference is that Bush was supported by 100 percent of his party. Trump has the support of failed Republicans, and not those who believe in their country and their party.

In an unprecedented move this year, the last two Republican presidents, and the party’s last two nominees, John McCain and Mitt Romney, refused to attend Trump’s convention. In my own state, Nevada, our Republican governor, Brian Sandoval, and our Republican Senator, Dean Heller, have refused to support Trump. If this is not significant, I have no understanding regarding the American voter’s reasons for casting their ballots.

The reasons why these prominent Republicans denounce Trump are many. But the core of their decisions is based on his lack of American principles, and his refusal to act in a manner which respects the Grand Old Party.

It is one thing to be unqualified to become the President of the United States, and another to reject our nation’s history and its Constitution. Trump is not an American by definition. He would be lying as he took the oath of office while harboring his fascist beliefs. He is a self-absorbed megalomaniac who is not concerned with the welfare of our country or the majority of its people. I don’t believe that Bush shared the same ambitions; he was misguided, but not unpatriotic. Trump is the disaster or founding fathers would have feared.

Trump Administration is a disaster that is only getting ...
Trump Administration is a disaster that is only getting worse By Tim Forkes · August 20, 2017 · No comments Twenty thousand counter protestors showed up on the Boston Commons to counter a .

Rudderless Trump Administration Is Drifting Toward Disaster
Aug 21, 2019 · Rudderless Trump Administration Is Drifting Toward Disaster | RealClearPolitics ... The Iraq War was the biggest disaster debacle tragedy since Vietnam and that is …

Six Reasons the Trump Administration’s Budget Is a ...
Mar 11, 2019 · Read more about Six Reasons the Trump Administration’s Budget Is a Disaster for Women and Families from NWLC. If Trump had his way, he would enact policies that undermine the economic security, health, and safety of women and families at every turn – with low-income women and women of color getting hit the hardest.

No Exit: The Perpetual Disaster of the Trump ...
Jan 12, 2018 · Trump’s presidency may be a dysfunctional disaster, but there’s no apparent way to end it. ... but over the weekend he undercut his own administration’s position by expressing skepticism of ..

Trump's disastrous presidency crashes job growth to 6-year low
Jan 05, 2018 · After President Barack Obama and Democrats saved the economy, Donald Trump and Republicans are in a pact to destroy it for good. When Donald Trump became president in January 2017, he was handed an economy in the process of returning to its former place of strength and growth after being decimated by the Great Recession.

Donald Trump is indisputably the worst president in ...
Jun 20, 2018 · Donald Trump is indisputably the worst president in American history ... Jimmy Carter is remembered as a disastrous president ... It is increasingly difficult to find one nice thing to say about ...

The worst days of Trump's presidency: NATO, UK visit ...
From the NATO summit, to President Trump's visit to the UK, to his surreal press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, to his comments here in the US, the last week and a half has been ...

Trump's Disastrous Performance as President
Trump presidency
effectively over after repeal failure . Donald Trump’s strong-arm ultimatum did not persuade House Republicans as Paul Ryan admits “Obamacare is the law of the land.” Ezra Klein, Editor-in-Chief of, and The Daily Beast’s Rick Wilson join Lawrence O’Donnell.
I'm wrong....and all of those different articles from different people are wrong and you are right....understand how fucked up that is?....probably not

Economic policy of the George W. Bush administration ...
The economic policy of the George W. Bush administration was characterized by significant income tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, the implementation of Medicare Part D in 2003, increased military spending for two wars, a housing bubble that contributed to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–2008, and the Great Recession that followed. Economic performance during the period was adversely affected ...

"The Bush Recession" -- Let's Call it What It Is | HuffPost
We must talk about the difficult, complex, long-term efforts we'll need to all engage in order to reverse the toxic economic environment created by the "Bush Recession." The Bush Recession didn't happen overnight -- it took 8 years of careful, purposeful, willful actions to create

In what ways are George W. Bush and Donald Trump alike ...
Oct 30, 2016 · The most glaring would be that there was ample evidence that both would be a disaster as POTUS. Voters overlooked GW’s savings and loan disaster… and he upped the ante as President, tanking Wall Street, and giving the banks freedom from oversight....
you know all you posted work for same people
you know all you posted work for same people

Why do Republicans always deny the truth when you show a ...
Aug 26, 2011 · Best Answer: They vote for a party that claims to be fiscally responsible, but has outspent the Dem party every time they've been in power. They claim to support the Constitution, but flat out don't believe in the 1st, the 4th, the 14th or 16th amendments to the Constitution. Who knows why they do what they ...