Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

OK. An absolute disgraceful period and sickening what took place against people of color. However, I don't see the parallel of rioters who randomly destroy businesses, loot, and burn buildings. I don't see the value at all!
The photo shows an attack of a personal nature, IMO. I'd say the dude pouring ******* needed a good ole fashion ass whooping.
Disgraceful period?
What is it, a photo of some trek during the Dark Ages?
No! It's a flash of the America of our parents. Remember that when you start chanting Make America Great Again.

Stop conflating rioters with protesters. Protests are not closed off membership only activities.
Anyone can join in on a protest from the Left. Protests on the Right are a little more...white only.
I'll say like Biden said, and democratic elected officials across the country, break the law, you will be charged.

No, the guy pouring ******* on the people at the counter didn't need an ass whooping, he needed an education and a respect for the Constitution that is theoretically equally applied to all.

You look at that photo and see an individual incident, and not a symptom in society. That's your problem. One of them.
you also have zero respect for protestors who have not yet committed violence but you're convinced they will based on...


Based on history especially recently. Are you in a bubble? Portland and Seattle for example. They are scum! And the last time I checked it's not just black people destroying these once beautiful cities. You can try to pin your BS on me all you want. I accept it only because you don't know me. You and others think you do so I can't change that just like we can't change whatever this jury decides.
Based on history especially recently. Are you in a bubble? Portland and Seattle for example. They are scum! And the last time I checked it's not just black people destroying these once beautiful cities. You can try to pin your BS on me all you want. I accept it only because you don't know me. You and others think you do so I can't change that just like we can't change whatever this jury decides.
I'm in brooklyn. I've spent a good amount of time in seattle. I've gone to BLM protests

we marched around and chanted slogans and held signs

it was good. I guess I'm scum. Somehow a sad con florida retiree constantly trying to impress ed with his pathetic social life thinking I'm scum doesn't bother me. weird.
Criminals. So what has that to do with protesters?
These criminals are making a mockery of the seriousness of issues that truly need to be addressed. IMO opinion it detracts from what we should be doing and that is to find a way for all of us to find some common ground. Fucked up racists are everywhere. Always have been always will be. I think I mentioned it to you before, I don't know the answer and wish I did but destroying ******* in the name of ABC is not it!
I'm in brooklyn. I've spent a good amount of time in seattle. I've gone to BLM protests

we marched around and chanted slogans and held signs

it was good. I guess I'm scum. Somehow a sad con florida retiree constantly trying to impress ed with his pathetic social life thinking I'm scum doesn't bother me. weird.
Ridge why do you keep missing the point? I am not talking about you and your friends chanting and holding signs. The scum I refer to are the ones who feel they have a right to destroy property because they don't like whatever it may be.
These criminals are making a mockery of the seriousness of issues that truly need to be addressed. IMO opinion it detracts from what we should be doing and that is to find a way for all of us to find some common ground. Fucked up racists are everywhere. Always have been always will be. I think I mentioned it to you before, I don't know the answer and wish I did but destroying ******* in the name of ABC is not it!

care to make a list of all the progress that was made in our society in the name of furthering equality that did not involve protests?


Ridge why do you keep missing the point? I am not talking about you and your friends chanting and holding signs. The scum I refer to are the ones who feel they have a right to destroy property because they don't like whatever it may be.

you're not being at all precise in who you're talking about. deliberately.

are you complaining about blm protestors who will continue protesting (the people like me holding signs, and who maxine waters was addressing)? or are you talking about people that did violence in other protests in the past that aren't who maxine waters was addressing?
I'm in brooklyn. I've spent a good amount of time in seattle. I've gone to BLM protests

we marched around and chanted slogans and held signs

it was good. I guess I'm scum. Somehow a sad con florida retiree constantly trying to impress ed with his pathetic social life thinking I'm scum doesn't bother me. weird.
Speaking of social life 35 minutes to happy hour gotta go. Enjoy the rest of the day. Oh and I'm not trying to impress anyone.
Well it's no surprise you don't think Waters is inciting.
She isn't. She encouraged more protest. That's it. You are kind of a dumb *******, and kind of a piece of *******, for conflating protesters with criminal activity. There is a difference. One groups has a point, that you have ignored in EVERYTHING you've written about protests on this board, the other takes advantage of being able to hide in a group. Like the racists and haters that hide in the Republican party.

Just as it's no surprise the anti riot bill my governor signed is being labeled as racist. I knew that was going to happen from jump! How in the fuck is a law that makes committing a crime racist? UFR.
Because it takes a constitutional right and shits on it.
If a crime is committed during a protest, any protester that is proven to be in the vicinity can be charged with the crime. I expect that to fail the judicial review.
Also, police are given even more legal protection on any action they take during a protest. Beyond being the reason for the protest in the first place.
It's now legal to mow down a peaceful group of marchers is they are blocking traffic.
There is more but you don't read, and probably don't understand why any of this is wrong.
I don't get the point. I don't recall supporting any radical organization because I don't. They are all fucked as far as I am concerned when it turns to violence.
Except, peaceful protesters get ******* poured on them and jeered by people like you, or ran out of the NFL.
When there is the threat to safety, suddenly, people see we have problems in America that immediately addressing with real policy change.
You're right BLM is not a hate group. It's an organization that provides luxury homes and lifestyles to its founders.

When did I ever say I don't condemn these other groups? I condemn any group, person, or organizations who promote violence. Waters is definitely doing that. WTF is she doing in a state that that she doesn't represent? I will tell you...she wants to rile the crowd. I sincerely hope Chauvin rots in prison but if he gets to appeal his case it will be because of the not so intelligent Waters who by the way asked for a police *******.
The Jury was already removed and sequestered, so what the judge said or what Maxine Waters said or Tucker Carlson has no bearing on their decision.
Waters is a representative from California. She has no influence over the Judicial Branch in Minnesota. Her words are her opinion.
They are correct, as they are not encouraging violent, and Republicans are empty barrels firing off their mouths.
Let's be clear. You people do not give two shits about equality under the law. You care more about the inconvenience of your route to work, than the lives of other citizens. So when you fake cry about anything to do with the case, we know it's bullshit.
Based on history especially recently. Are you in a bubble? Portland and Seattle for example. They are scum! And the last time I checked it's not just black people destroying these once beautiful cities. You can try to pin your BS on me all you want. I accept it only because you don't know me. You and others think you do so I can't change that just like we can't change whatever this jury decides.
That, is racist.
It's wrong. It ties real concerns with injustice, with negative racial stereotypes and criminal activity.
Why should anyone read anything you write on this and give you any credibility?
These criminals are making a mockery of the seriousness of issues that truly need to be addressed.
AND the people who are actually bringing attention to the issues. You seem to think all protesters are rioters.

IMO opinion it detracts from what we should be doing and that is to find a way for all of us to find some common ground.
YOU let it distract YOU.
There is no common ground between right and wrong.

Fucked up racists are everywhere. Always have been always will be. I think I mentioned it to you before, I don't know the answer and wish I did but destroying ******* in the name of ABC is not it!
As history shows, when there is a threat to white people's sense of safety, suddenly they are ready to discuss change.
I’m still waiting for the media to get into Officer Sicknick dying of a double stroke and that his death had NOTHING to do with a fire extinguisher.

All FAKE NEWS regarding his death for political gain.

The fact also that an unarmed white woman - a 14 year Air ******* Veteran was murdered by a Capitol policeman - had she been black woulda been an entire different narrative.
Deadly ******* is generally only justified when your life or the life of others is being threatened. The woman was in NO position to hurt anyone when she was shot. No reporting on cop that murdered her - and - no charges.