Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Orange Free State would be perfect! 😂
You showed a map of South Africa and surrounding countries.
Call it what you want, Trump will never live in Africa and I find it not funny, that you think people would accept him there, and as a leader. They have their own leaders, colonization window has closed.
He'll be more welcome in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria or Turkey.
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You showed a map of the South Africa and surrounding countries.
Call it what you want, Trump will never live in Africa and I find it not funny, that you think people would accept him these, and as a leader. They have their own leaders, colonization window has closed.
He'll be more welcome in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria or Turkey.

Don’t forget Belarus 🇧🇾 Lukashenko awaits him with open arms.
You showed a map of South Africa and surrounding countries.
Call it what you want, Trump will never live in Africa and I find it not funny, that you think people would accept him there, and as a leader. They have their own leaders, colonization window has closed.
He'll be more welcome in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria or Turkey.
Fucking hell, bet the long winter nights fly by round at your gaff. 🙄😴😉
Fucking hell, bet the long winter nights fly by round at your gaff. 🙄😴😉
I know that's english but, can you Americanize it for me?
Reminds me of Scot I dated once. She was/is so hot, but her english was damn near unrecognizable.
Then I went to Kilmarnock and realized everyone in Ayrshire sounded angry and mumbly.
Reminds me of Scot I dated once. She was/is so hot, but her english was damn near unrecognizable.
Then I went to Kilmarnock and realized everyone in Ayrshire sounded angry and mumbly.
That's probably because you were there with your sparkling sense of humour and insight. 😉
I did. And those who read the posts saw it as clear as day.
You just are a sore loser. But that's no surprise. We knew that based on what we saw from you all in 2016.
You never got over it. You'll never get over losing to me, repeatedly.

No one I know follows Trump blindly. Blind following is done on the left.
Especially black people with Democrats. A few smart black people are able to break away and realize that they've been manipulated. But white Democrats are the worst. They are fascists about their leftism.

The only LOSER here is you -- and you prove it every time you comment. Try to get out of the Trump Cult soon, bro.
The only LOSER here is you -- and you prove it every time you comment. Try to get out of the Trump Cult soon, bro.
No loser on this end. I've won at almost everything in life. And it's because of my conservative principles and work ethic.
And that's something you retards on the left can't grasp. While people hold up Trump signs and banners, it's less about Trump and more about the policies he pushed and the energy he brought to the table to get them done.
I've never been part of a Trump cult, just a movement to get leftist oppression out of this country. We may have had a 4-year setback, but it's not going away. It's only going to get stronger.
No loser on this end. I've won at almost everything in life. And it's because of my conservative principles and work ethic.
And that's something you retards on the left can't grasp. While people hold up Trump signs and banners, it's less about Trump and more about the policies he pushed and the energy he brought to the table to get them done.
I've never been part of a Trump cult, just a movement to get leftist oppression out of this country. We may have had a 4-year setback, but it's not going away. It's only going to get stronger.

The very definition of a loser is someone -- like you -- who tells other people he's a winner. It's sad and pathetic.

Also in that "loser" definition? Someone who calls other people "retards" for any reason.

P.S. "Leftist oppression?" Jesus Christ, you're brainwashed LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
The very definition of a loser is someone -- like you -- who tells other people he's a winner. It's sad and pathetic.

Also in that "loser" definition? Someone who calls other people "retards" for any reason.

P.S. "Leftist oppression?" Jesus Christ, you're brainwashed LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Your trolling leaves a lot to be desired, man. You won't be able to get under my skin no matter how hard you try.
I know who you are. I've read through your posts on this site outside of this thread, and it's more of the same. You are weak and pathetic.
And I'm still winning against you, Ms. ALL CAPS. :ROFLMAO: