Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Unlike you, the pathetic whiteboi that mainstream porn loves to portray,
Have you looked at your own avatar? That picture of you being submissive and pathetic?
Are you some kind of multi-personality asshole?
You pwned yourself pretty damn good that time.
I have no trouble getting women. It's like shooting fish in a barrel for me.
said every loser when people ask why is he alone.

The more you write, the more sad and lonely you look.
Still a clueless fucktard, but just, just, pathetic. Probably still sporting a mullet.
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"Conservative values have remained the same."
If, "conservative values have remained the same", how do you account for the number of prominent republicans leaving the party, -some of whom formed, or worked on, "The Lincoln Project"?
Then, there are the countless republicans who actually voted for former Vice President Joe Biden?

But, please, hold fast to that belief.
When the leaders of, "the Lincoln Project" return to the party, I imagine that they will initiate operational reforms, and, with the support of local republicans (who also left the party because of the orange fuhrer), the extremists may be purged; a newer, stronger, and refreshing g.o.p. may rise from the ashes.
The question that remains is, where will that leave you?
Its past criminal now, its treasonist, which, as an active president, is punishable by death.
This is a great opportunity for Republicans to request that Trump be removed from office. He's on the golf course anyways ... or tweeting. Certainly not minding the affairs of the country. Remove him, test him extensively for 'sanity' and if he passes that, have him executed.
Its the only thing that'll save face of this country and our form of government. If this was the 18th-19th century he would have already been taken out and hung.
Actually they would have, banished him to an isolated island under the watch of the military like Napoleon.
I would say send him to Puerto Rico but he won't last long there. We can't imprison an American President. Even one as criminal and un-American as Trump.
He cannot be trusted to travel but, everything he does, everything he says from now on will be closely monitored without his permission. We confine him to Mar A Largo. And that'll be the last of it. We can still convict Ivanka, Melania Eric and Junior over fraud in New York. Leaving Dumpy Trumpy alone in Florida. We can block all calls to China and Russia. Block all travel.
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They'd certainly need the ride. They can't afford it.

I'm not ranting about Trump. I'm disputing the false narratives and lies you and the other leftist dipshits keep trying to spread.

Unlike you, the pathetic whiteboi that mainstream porn loves to portray, I have no trouble getting women. It's like shooting fish in a barrel for me.

By the way, I found a picture of jockboy. There's a reason behind the name.
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Bitch, you mad??? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You're fuck a fucking loser.
Bitch, you mad??? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You're fuck a fucking loser.
Haha... you couldn't make me upset on your best day. You aren't smart enough. And you don't have very many good days.
You're a piss-poor troll as well. Trolls actually get under people's skin, like I've gotten under yours.
The excessive CAPS responses is a sure sign. :ROFLMAO:
You clearly don't know how to read. I proved that ignorant twit wrong about 10 times.
The name-calling was just to drive home the point that no matter how many times he would try, he would fail. And he still didn't get it.
you did no such thing i just realized you are a mindless twit that can only resort to name calling and trying to be a baby trump. i won i won i won wahhhh wahhhh.. it saddens me to think that there are many many more like you in this country who blindly follow what trump and the fox news crowd tells you to believe. its a sad sad day for humanity!
you did no such thing i just realized you are a mindless twit that can only resort to name calling and trying to be a baby trump. i won i won i won wahhhh wahhhh.. it saddens me to think that there are many many more like you in this country who blindly follow what trump and the fox news crowd tells you to believe. its a sad sad day for humanity!

It’s no longer Fox “News”. They had the audacity to call the vote as it was, such as in Arizona. For that, they’re now on the ******* list. Now if you want to hear the real “truth”, you have to watch Newsmax 🙄
you did no such thing i just realized you are a mindless twit that can only resort to name calling and trying to be a baby trump. i won i won i won wahhhh wahhhh.. it saddens me to think that there are many many more like you in this country who blindly follow what trump and the fox news crowd tells you to believe. its a sad sad day for humanity!
I did. And those who read the posts saw it as clear as day.
You just are a sore loser. But that's no surprise. We knew that based on what we saw from you all in 2016.
You never got over it. You'll never get over losing to me, repeatedly.

No one I know follows Trump blindly. Blind following is done on the left.
Especially black people with Democrats. A few smart black people are able to break away and realize that they've been manipulated. But white Democrats are the worst. They are fascists about their leftism.
I did. And those who read the posts saw it as clear as day.
You just are a sore loser. But that's no surprise. We knew that based on what we saw from you all in 2016.
You never got over it. You'll never get over losing to me, repeatedly.

No one I know follows Trump blindly. Blind following is done on the left.
Especially black people with Democrats. A few smart black people are able to break away and realize that they've been manipulated. But white Democrats are the worst. They are fascists about their leftism.
from a guy that obviously doesn't what fascism is!!!!
from a guy that obviously doesn't what fascism is!!!!
I know what it is. You, being uneducated, don't know what it is. You trust a Google definition of it, which was changed in 2016 to include the words "right-wing".

But the true definition doesn't. It's actually a leftist socialist (see highlighted area below) trait. And the American left has been using violence, intimidation, riots, ruthlessness in oppression of freedom of speech, and rigging elections to regain power. And racism is a hallmark of the left. Everything is based on skin color.

Educate yourself on the definition below. Then come back and admit that you're a fucking idiot who can't get anything right.

I know what it is. You, being uneducated, don't know what it is. You trust a Google definition of it, which was changed in 2016 to include the words "right-wing".

But the true definition doesn't. It's actually a leftist socialist (see highlighted area below) trait. And the American left has been using violence, intimidation, riots, ruthlessness in oppression of freedom of speech, and rigging elections to regain power. And racism is a hallmark of the left. Everything is based on skin color.

Educate yourself on the definition below. Then come back and admit that you're a fucking idiot who can't get anything right.

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took you a while to find it huh. at least you can read