Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Blind following is done on the left.
Especially black people with Democrats. A few smart black people are able to break away and realize that they've been manipulated.
So much racism for such a little 'man'.

Most black people are with the Democrats because of three reasons:
1. The Republicans are so god awful, it feels like self hate to support most of them. A party that earns the support of hate groups, cannot be good for the people they hate.
2. Since the 1960s, Democrats have led the charge on policies that affect most people in our socio-economic position.
3. We are actually at the table in the Democratic Party, and not being dictated to on what's right for us. Democratic Party Leadership, elected officials, high profile elected officials and high profile appointees look like us with backgrounds we can identify with and trust over say, a Mike Pence or Ron Johnson.
So much racism for such a little 'man'.

Most black people are with the Democrats because of three reasons:
1. The Republicans are so god awful, it feels like self hate to support most of them. A party that earns the support of hate groups, cannot be good for the people they hate.
2. Since the 1960s, Democrats have led the charge on policies that affect most people in our socio-economic position.
3. We are actually at the table in the Democratic Party, and not being dictated to on what's right for us. Democratic Party Leadership, elected officials, high profile elected officials and high profile appointees look like us with backgrounds we can identify with and trust over say, a Mike Pence or Ron Johnson.

Well . . . we could try the Republicans . . . I mean what have we got to lose 🤔??? Wait a sec . . . I know . . . EVERYTHING 😧!!!


...tough day huh?
WTF trump lost his damn mind.View attachment 3735253
The QAnon Conspiracy against Dominion Voting machines and a vast Democratic planned conspiracy with the media, medical scientists, and wall street investors.
I am not bullshitting. There is millions that believe this is what happened, in spite of the daily coverage of Democrats waiting in long lines voting in high numbers.
Read what that dipshit @submission52 wrote. Talking about court cases, and tricks to subvert the will of the people. Indirectly acknowledging they lost the election, but approve of them winning by judicial over reach.
What Donald Trump is going to find out, he's relying on people who still have jobs, to return his, not going to happen.
Last week, the writing was on the wall, the Chief Justice and the ******* rapey justice Trump fought for, are ready to uphold Obama care. No way will they accept this nutcase further embarrassing them to remain. Alito, and Thomas will be Trump's only consistent allies.
Do you Trumptards believe it now . . . I don't give a damn if you do or you don't . . . Joe Biden is president, and that's a wrap :)
