Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump has beaten those who have been after him the whole four years now. Don't be surprised if he wins again. Wouldn't that be glorious !
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!! Trump has hidden behind DoJ position that the President can not be prosecuted while in office. The state of New York sending subpoenas to the Trump organization this past week is just the opening salvo. He's gonna get hit for complicity with Michael Cohen, tax evasion, sexual assault, fraud over his Deustchebank bank dealings, and slander from one of his female accusers; I wonder if they'll consider his moving to FL as flight to escape criminal any case, his hair is going to match his jump suit real soon.
thanks trump.....took no steps to stop or slow this.....stimulus would be a big help

Recession vs. Depression: What's The Difference And Which One Are We Headed Toward?​

Although there are some people who still remember the Great Depression firsthand, most of us have to rely on history books and stories from our grandparents to know what life was like during the greatest economic downturn in modern history. But given the severe impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on businesses and workers around the world, it’s less difficult to imagine it happening again.

Nonessential businesses have been ****** to shut down operations, some of which declared bankruptcy or plan to go out of business as a result. Tens of millions of Americans are out of work, many of whom can’t afford to pay their rent or mortgages and other living expenses. Schools are closed, and struggling parents are now ****** to juggle family finances, baby care and homeschooling.
In other words, it’s a mess out there. And many people are wondering if this downward slide will stop at a recession, or worse, cause a depression. But what does that actually mean? Here’s a look at the difference between a recession vs. depression, and which one is most likely to happen.

Definition Of A Recession

At a high level, a recession is defined as a period of economic decline within a certain region. More specifically, the most common marker of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth, as measured by the gross domestic product, or GDP.

However, there are other common indicators as well, such as high unemployment and negative impacts on trade, industrial output, credit availability, the stock market and other variables that measure the health of an economy, according to Ibrahim Shikaki, an assistant professor of economics at Trinity College.

Though it sounds dire, Shikaki explained that economic recessions are actually a normal part of the business cycle in most cases. In fact, since 1900, we’ve experienced a recession about every four years, on average. Since World War II, the average recession has lasted 11 months, and that number is skewed longer by the Great Recession, which lasted 18 months. In other words, we were likely due for a recession soon, even before the pandemic hit.

A Depression Is Tougher To Define

Economic depressions are much less common and more severe than recessions. Because they happen so infrequently, the definition is harder to nail down.

“Although there is no exact definition, most economists agree that depressions entail little to no growth for more than a couple of years, significant increases in unemployment, a fall in production and a drastic decline in aggregate demand,” Shikaki said. Depressions also produce structural distortions in the economy and have severe social and psychological repercussions.

Although individual countries have witnessed varied forms of depressions in the last few decades, including Japan, Argentina and Greece, the last global depression was the Great Depression of the 1930s. During its height, production in the U.S. fell 47% and the GDP dropped 30%. Unemployment exceeded 20%. And though the Great Depression lasted about 10 years, from 1929 to 1939, its impact on economic structures and policy can still be seen today.

Are We Headed Toward A Great Depression Of 2020?

“There is no doubt that a recession is underway during this year, with the International Monetary Fund expecting it to be the worst recession since the 1930s,” Shikaki said. According to the IMF, global growth in 2020 is projected to fall to -3%, a sharp downgrade of 6.3 percentage points from January 2020.

But because of the unique nature of this recession ― namely, the fact that major segments of the economy have been intentionally shut down due to the public health crisis ― it’s not easy to predict if it will transform into a depression.

Former Federal Reserve chairman Janet Yellen warned that unemployment numbers in the U.S. could soon reach Depression-era levels. However, she also believes we should remain hopeful that the country will see a much faster economic recovery because of how strong the U.S. economy was prior to the pandemic.

“On the optimistic side, one can argue that the 1930s taught us much about the role of fiscal and monetary policies, both of which have been utilized (relatively) successfully,” Shikaki said.

Eric Sims, a professor of economics at the University of Notre Dame, agreed. “Generally speaking, the U.S. economy is better positioned to recover from large shocks and potential longer-run shifts than much of the rest of the world,” he said. “The population is, on average, younger than much of the rest of the world, with more mobility, and labor market restrictions are generally lighter, thereby facilitating greater labor reallocation.”

Sims added that the Federal Reserve has a bit more space to provide monetary accommodation than other central banks around the world, such as the European Central Bank or the Bank of Japan. For example, the Fed recently lowered its target rate to 0% ― its lowest since the Great Recession ― and implemented a $700 billion quantitative easing program to stimulate borrowing and investing. However, how effective those measures are against an unprecedented global pandemic is yet to be determined.

From a glass-half-empty perspective, the number of jobs lost today far exceed any previous recession. More than 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits within the last four weeks. “To put this into context, the Great Recession of 2008 resulted in less than 9 million jobs lost,” Shikaki said. “There is no way to forecast how many of these workers will return to the job market and how fast.” The outcome will rely on how long the closure lasts, how confident the private sector and consumers are in the government’s response, and whether there will be serious disruptions in the global supply chain.

Regardless of whether the looming recession eventually transforms into a depression, irreversible damage is already being done, as is the case with most major downturns.

With many recoveries that followed recessions, there is an ever-increasing level of economic and income inequality,” Shikaki said. Why? First, he said, many of the workers who return to the labor market end up in lower-paying jobs. Second, the majority of money disbursed as part of economic stimulus packages eventually ends up in the hands of those who need it least. “In a society where the top 1% earns more than a quarter of total income and owns almost half of total wealth, it would not be surprising that these assets will benefit the upper-income classes, deepening the inequality problem even more,” Shakiki said.

The old adage is that a recession is when your neighbor loses his job, and a depression is when you lose yours. Regardless of which one we officially reach, it’s becoming clear that low interest rates and a $1,200 check won’t be enough to fix the financial hardship that millions of Americans are experiencing today.

Recession vs. Depression: What's The Difference And Which One Are We Headed Toward? | HuffPost Life

Trump has beaten those who have been after him the whole four years now. Don't be surprised if he wins again. Wouldn't that be glorious !
Win what?
You mean you're hoping that Trump overturns the will of the certified majority ("legal votes" as your side call it), and be the first American President to remain in office after losing an election?
What is there to win? Where is there a contest in your head for this?
You lost loser, keep posting the sex pics. This is not your forte.

So is this meme supposed to be funny because of racist play on Mexican accents, or the racist visual of putting a sombrero on President-elect Biden and a Mexican flag behind him???

Factually, Biden's tv appearances out do Trumps. Especially now that Trump is hiding from the American people who soundly rejected ass.
"LOL" indeed.
Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, but the optics might give corrupt people like Trump an opening to spread conspircies. Hunter, being on the board in Ukraine, is what Trump seized on to claim the ******* and the ******* were taking bribes to kick the prosecutor off the case of mass corruption in that country.
What did Hunter Biden do wrong? - Quora

Fact check: What Trump has been getting wrong on Biden and ...
Sep 23, 2019 · President Donald Trump is facing intense criticism over a July phone call during which, according to a person familiar with the matter, he pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to ...

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine -
Claim: "It was something where [then-Vice President Joe Biden] said, “I’m not going to give billions of dollars to Ukraine unless they remove this prosecutor.” ... And the prosecutor was prosecuting the com…
Distorts The Facts
Fact checked by

Fact check: What Joe and Hunter Biden actually did in Ukraine

President Trump and his allies have made a barrage of allegations and insinuations — some legitimate, others fabricated — about the activities of Joe Biden and his ******* Hunter in Ukraine.
Why it matters: The president’s defenders and opponents have used a similar set of facts to shape wildly different narratives on this issue. As a result, there has been much confusion over whether Trump’s leading 2020 challenger is being unfairly maligned or has something to answer for.
Hunter Biden’s work:
  • True: Beginning in 2014, Hunter Biden served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, that faced allegations of corruption. He was paid "as much as $50,000 per month," per the NYT.
  • False:His work for Burisma was being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor.
Joe Biden’s intervention:
  • True: Joe Biden was the Obama administration's point man on Ukraine while his ******* was working for Burisma, visiting the country several times from 2014 to 2016.
  • True: The then-vice president did tell Ukrainian leaders they had to fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to get $1 billion in U.S. aid, according to a version of the story Biden himself told in 2018.
  • False:Biden pushed for Shokin's ouster to protect his *******.
    • European countries and international bodies had accused Shokin of failing to pursue corruption, including in the Burisma

      • Biden was also not freelancing for personal reasons — he was pursuing the Obama administration's policy.
    • The bottom line:
      • True:Hunter Biden’s role with Burisma raised conflict-of-interest concerns at the time.
        • The State Department claimed in 2014 that there was no conflict, noting the younger Biden was a “private citizen.”
      • False: There's evidence Joe Biden committed "corruption" of any sort in Ukraine, as Trump alleges.
    • Go deeper: Adam Entous' deep look at Hunter Biden in the New Yorker

Your an idiot one paragraph you claim no investigation into Burisma then you claim that Shokin was fired because of it
Truth Trump never stopped any thing yo Ukraine
Biden fid not announce he was a candidate until after Watermelon Head started his lies
Biden is a scum this piece of crap has never worked a day in his life
He has lived off of our money for years
This scum made me late for meetings while they held the trains for him AmTrak Joe
This country is in terrible shape with this moron
This guy cannot even finish a sentence
At least we can rub the hsirs on his legs
C’Mon Man what are you a junkie
Ghisbjackass vould tell whether he was running for President or Senate
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View attachment 3737363
All fake no truth all lies haters of Trump family here is a thought you moron Go to hell
@Allforthewifey @cuckoldroy @StanleyCush1 @submission52 @syscom3... for all those who feel that Trump is going "to win" the election, I suggest that you start sending $$$ to Trump's, (ahem) "Legal Assistance Fund" so that he can overturn the will of the people oops, err I mean how do you cult members say it..??? ..."the corrupt, fraudulent United States election." Donate your money now for a "noble cause" & say it loud & say it with power fellow cult zombies,.. "STOP COUNTING THE VOTES!!!!20201121_140059.jpg"
Your an idiot one paragraph you claim no investigation into Burisma then you claim that Shokin was fired because of it
Truth Trump never stopped any thing yo Ukraine
Biden fid not announce he was a candidate until after Watermelon Head started his lies
Biden is a scum this piece of crap has never worked a day in his life
He has lived off of our money for years
This scum made me late for meetings while they held the trains for him AmTrak Joe
This country is in terrible shape with this moron
This guy cannot even finish a sentence
At least we can rub the hsirs on his legs
C’Mon Man what are you a junkie
Ghisbjackass vould tell whether he was running for President or Senate
you are truly mind fucked....not a lick of fucking sense...try looking things up!

Remember Trump for four years never took a salary
Never Big Ears did That Idiot Biden did
Also Biden and his moron Dr Jill funnel their money thru Biden Cancer Institution never did anything for cancer research and more money thru Ctic and Esparge look it up moron
Get A brain
Trump best ever
didn't need to....made millions off the country on other things....made more than his salary just charging the secret service to stay at his hotels......why do you think a golf trip is around 400,000 bucks...….and that doesn't even cover all his bribes and etc and "favors" from other governments......why don't you skip into something more a coma!