Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

this has to add insult to injury!

Barack Obama memoir off to record-setting start in …
16 hours ago · Barack Obama memoir off to record-setting start in sales Former President Barack Obama’s “A Promised Land” sold nearly 890,000 copies in …

Barack Obama breaks a first-day sales record for a ...
12 hours ago · Former president Barack Obama's new memoir, "A Promised Land," has sold nearly 890,000 copies in its first day, putting the book on track to shatter sales records for a …
When your diet consists of KFC, McDonald's, and etc...It's hard to think clearly and make important decisions...The Ole arteries are clogged, Cholesterol is a MFC...Try Oatmeal...And yes we have it in Portugal, it's called Aveia...Bom Dia!20201119_134738.jpg
things that make you smile...……..

N.J. congressman says Trump should be tried for …
New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., one of Donald Trump’s fiercest critics on Capitol Hill, is demanding the president and his aides be investigated and prosecuted after they leave office …

Rep. Bill Pascrell demands DOJ investigate 'entire …
Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., New Jersey Democrat, demanded Tuesday that the Justice Department investigate and potentially prosecute President Trump and his "entire" administration next year.

Lindsey Graham ethics complaint filed - Washington …
1 day ago · Three attorneys have filed an ethics complaint against U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, accusing the South Carolina Republican of pressuring a Georgia elections official to …

Legal Ethics Experts File Complaint Against Lindsey …

15 hours ago · Three legal ethics experts filed an official complaint on Wednesday with the Senate Ethics Committee demanding an investigation into whether Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) pressured Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) to exclude legally cast absentee ballots to help Donald Trump gain ground on Joe Biden in the Peach State. Raffensperger told the Washington Post …

Biden approaches 80 million votes in historic victory
8 hours ago · President-elect Joe Biden’s winning tally is approaching a record 80 million votes as Democratic bastions continue to count ballots and the 2020 election cracks turnout records.

Biden approaches 80 million votes in historic victory ...
13 hours ago · President-elect Joe Biden's winning tally is approaching a record 80 million votes as Democratic bastions continue to count ballots and the 2020 election cracks turnout records. Biden
Still counting votes in California and New York. I wonder why the Trumptards are not saying wait until they're done? Biden will certainly go past 80 million and be able to point point to one of the widest margins in history.

He's already 6 million up in the popular vote . . . doubled Hillary Clinton. What happened is exactly what I said would happen in 2020. Trump lost the popular vote the last time, but this time he would lose it by an even wider margin, and that would translate into enough electoral votes for Biden to win.
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When your diet consists of KFC, McDonald's, and etc...It's hard to think clearly and make important decisions...The Ole arteries are clogged, Cholesterol is a MFC...Try Oatmeal...And yes we have it in Portugal, it's called Aveia...Bom Dia!View attachment 3733384
This dope eats grains and fruits and thinks he's revolutionary.
The bar is so low for idiots like this... and he thinks others aren't thinking clearly.

Wayne County Republican who asked to ‘rescind’ her …

1 hour ago · Wayne County Republican who asked to ‘rescind’ her vote certifying election results says Trump called her Nov. 19, 2020 at 8:38 am Updated Nov. 19, 2020 at 8:58 am

Wayne County Republican who rescinded vote got call …

18 hours ago · One of the two Wayne County Republicans in Michigan who rescinded her vote to certify the election results said she spoke with President Trump after agreeing to vote for certification.

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Fox News, dumbass. The ONLY news source that discovered the Russian collusion hoax was a hoax back in 2017. It took 13 Dumbocrats lawyer investigators 2 years to come to the same conclusion.
You should try actually doing some research sometime, instead of trusting your clearly biased and corrupt leftist news sources.

Why do you have to call names? Is it because your "proof" SUCKS so much and that you have nothing?

Obama was over 13,000 lies. And the right wasn't double counting the same lie when they took a tally.
What's your point? All presidents lie. All politicians lie. It shows you're an idiot because you think Trump is the only one.

Facts are difficult things for leftists.
Said the guy who supports the orange blob who refuses to concede an election he lost by 6 FUCKING MILLION VOTES.
Garbage -- like everything else you post.

Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.

Of course you're too lazy to do research. It was reported by dozens of different news outlets.
You're an embarrassing failure.