Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden


In 2020 Trump Will Reduce the Blue Wall to Rubble
Jobs talk and pie in the sky walks.
David Catron


September 5, 2019, 12:06 AM

President Trump before departure for Wisconsin last July 12 (The White House/Wikimedia Commons)

The biggest surprise of the 2016 election was, of course, Donald Trump’s breach of the “blue wall” upon which the Democrats depended to hold back the howling MAGA hordes. It was the fissures in that fabled fortification that brought tears to the eyes of all those Clinton supporters watching dumbfounded as the dreaded “deplorables” invaded their safe electoral spaces. The Democrats have attempted to repair the damaged wall, but it has only weakened further as the unemployed voters who took a chance on Trump have found jobs. They won’t desert him next year, which means the crumbling blue ramparts will completely collapse in 2020.
These voters, many of whom found themselves out of work for the first time in their lives during the Obama years, see the resurgence of the job market since the last election as a promise kept by the president. In states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, unemployment has plummeted. In Pennsylvania, for example, Obama and his Democratic accomplices declared war on coal and drove unemployment to a peak of 8.8 percent. It was still 5.2 percent when President Trump took office. Unemployment is now 3.9 percent. In 2016, the President won Pennsylvania by 44,292 votes, less than 1 percent. He will win by a far larger margin next year.
The story is much the same in Michigan. Trump’s predecessor and the Democrats spent years coddling foreign trade partners like China, allowing the state’s manufacturing jobs to evaporate. Unemployment peaked at an outrageous 14.6 percent, and it was still at 5 percent when President Trump took office and dropped as low as 3.9 percent last summer. It has hovered around 4 percent since. The voters who are now back at work are those “forgotten Americans” whom Trump courted in 2016, much to the amusement of the media. As in Pennsylvania, he won Michigan by well under 1 percent. The margin will not be nearly that small in 2020.
Because Wisconsin had a Republican governor and legislature during the Obama era, it didn’t suffer as badly as Pennsylvania and Michigan. Nonetheless, Trump did motivate a lot of the state’s “forgotten Americans.” This allowed Trump to win in yet another squeaker. And, despite the Badger State’s relatively low unemployment rate, it has nonetheless declined from 3.6 percent to 3 percent. This isn’t likely to turn voters off. Indeed, a recent poll confirms that Trump is more popular in Wisconsin than when he won in the state in 2016. Dan Pfeiffer, a former adviser to erstwhile President Obama, has bad news for the Democrats:
According to our poll, his approval in Wisconsin is 48-51 percent.… Trump’s approval on the economy is even higher.… This has given Republicans a 10-point advantage on the question of which party voters trust to handle the economy and jobs.… Anyone who thinks Trump will be easy to beat in Wisconsin is sorely mistaken, and the path to the White House for a Democrat gets very narrow without Wisconsin.
And the news gets worse. It appears that the labor unions are having difficulty convincing their members to cast their ballots against President Trump. In fact, one of the places they are having the most difficulty is in yet another section of the blue wall that Trump nearly won last time and may well win in 2020. Minnesota has historically been a safe Democratic stronghold, but Trump lost it by a mere 1.5 percent. The Wall Street Journal points out that Trump did better with union members in 2016 than any Republican candidate since Reagan and describes the following conversations with two union officials in Duluth, Minnesota:
Scott Johnson, business manager of Local 210 of the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers, said he thinks about 50% of the local supports the president.… Working a few feet away in the same office at the union hall was Ted Lunger, who worked for 15 years as a roofer and is a huge Trump supporter. He said he likes the president’s stands on immigration and the Second Amendment.
If Johnson is right about the number of union members who will vote for Trump in Minnesota, that will probably blow another 10-elector hole in the blue wall. And he plans to aim his campaign’s trebuchet at yet another state he lost by only a few votes. In 2016, he lost New Hampshire by a mere 3,000 votes, and there are indications that some if not all of those ballots were cast by ineligible voters. As the Washington Times reports, “More than 6,500 people registered to vote in New Hampshire on Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses, and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle.”
Since then, Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu signed a bill into law meant to make voter fraud more difficult. Trump could well win the Granite State this time, and that will knock another hole in the increasingly unstable ediface. Another state the Trump campaign plans to target is Nevada, which he lost by only two points in 2016. By winning all the states he won in 2016 plus Minnesota, Nevada, and New Hampshire, Trump will win re-election and reduce the fabled blue wall to rubble. Can you see any of Trump’s potential Democratic opponents stopping the wall’s demolition with pie-in the-sky promises while the economy continues to grow and create jobs?


David Catron

David Catron
David Catron is a health care consultant and frequent contributor to The American Spectator. You can follow him on Twitter at @Catronicus.

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Black Voters Warn Dems: ‘Trump Is Not Enough’ to Increase Turnout
Important Black Voters AP
APTONY LEE3 Sep 20191,470
Black voters in key big cities like Detroit are warning Democrats that being against President Donald Trump will not be enough to motivate black Democrats to go to the polls in 2020.
According to a Tuesday Los Angeles Times report, black voters in Detroit, “which is 80% African American, say they’re fed up with helping Democrats win, only to be undermined, sidelined or forgotten later. They want assurances that the 2020 presidential candidates will deliver on promises that help get them elected.”
One African American voter told the outlet that “Trump is not enough” to mobilize black voters while other voters said they were “disappointed over the Democrats’ failure to fix key problems in the black community, such as high jobless rates, rampant home foreclosures, poor schools and business decline.”
The Times interviewed John Ware, “an African American who’s been living in the same working-class section of southwest Detroit since the 1960s” and who did not vote in 2016, who simply said: “They’re all liars.”
Another voter did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 because of the crime bill that her husband, along with former Vice President Joe Biden, backed. The Times also interviewed LaTarro Traylor, who did not vote in 2016 and wonders why Democrats expect black voters to save the world only to leave them behind when it comes various policies.
The co-founders of the Black Church PAC also recently warned Democrats that it is “risky” and “reckless” to assume that African Americans “will come out in droves simply to vote against” President Donald Trump in 2020 just because of Trump’s racism.
Even after the Black Church PAC recently hosted some of the top Democrats running for president for a presidential forum, the group’s leaders conceded that “most candidates have simply not broken through to young African American voter.”
“This is alarming because, if this vital demographic is not actively engaged in selecting the eventual nominee, Democrats may end up with a nominee who fails to engage a significant voting bloc in the general election,” argued Leah Daughtry and Michael McBride, the group’s co-founders. “It’s no secret that the Democratic Party cannot win national elections without the black vote. Less well understood by major Democratic candidates and donors is that black voters are not a monolith. Particularly in the black church, we fall along a wide spectrum of conservative and liberal social values. Our intersections related to race and gender are complex and nuanced.”
Though some Democrats have argued that Democrats should focus more on “gettable” Trump voters in key swing states because Trump will be the best turnout driver for African American voters, the Black Church PAC co-founders believe that Democrats must actually double down on “turning out reliably blue African American voters in places like Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia” instead of “centering their campaigns around convincing white ‘Reagan Democrats’ to stay blue.”
“No one expects large numbers of blacks to vote for President Trump; however, operating as if African American and other voters will come out in droves simply to vote against Trump — without giving them someone who is compelling to vote for — is a risky and reckless approach,” they noted. “Even within the more conservative bloc of the black church, Trump’s message is repulsive to millennials and their black elders. Unlike white evangelicals, whose support for Trump still hovers above 80%, socially conservative-leaning black church members detected very clearly the racialized rhetoric and dangerous policies of Trump and overwhelmingly do not support him. With meaningful engagement, these voters can be activated to vote for a candidate who promotes a compelling vision of belonging, justice and opportunity for all.”
2020 ElectionPoliticsBlack VotersDemocratsDetroitDonald TrumpHillary Clinton

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House Democrat Explodes On Liz Cheney For Defending God
Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., conducts a news conference after a meeting in the Capitol Visitor Center
Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call

September 3, 2019
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA) accused House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) of going “ballistic” and “ranting” after Democrats in the House of Representatives sought to remove any reference to God in the oath administered prior to a witness’ testimony.


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“I sit on the Natural Resources Committee and in our original proposed rules for the committee, we proposed that we drop the oath or we allow witnesses to simply say it voluntarily if they chose to, which to me makes perfect sense,” Huffman said on Sunday while appearing on “Freethought Matters,” a show sponsored by the hardline atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation.
“And wouldn’t you know, Liz Cheney just went ballistic,” Huffman continued. “She smelled ******* in the water, went on Fox News and started ranting about how Democrats were dropping God from the Congress.”
Accordingly, the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Natural Resources moved to eliminate “so help you, God” as part of its proposed rule packages in January. The Committee also sought to replace all gender-specific pronouns in official documents.
“It is incredible, but not surprising, that the Democrats would try to remove God from committee proceedings in one of their first acts in the majority,” Cheney responded to the Committee’s draft, at the time. “They really have become the party of Karl Marx.”
The proposal received such heightened backlash that Committee Chairman Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) was ****** to include a manager’s amendment, which re-inserted “so help you, God” back into the oath. The rules package subsequently was approved by unanimous consent.
“At our next meeting, the Republicans — one by one — made these pronouncements about how, you know, we shouldn’t be against God and Democrats were against God,” Huffman continued. “And unfortunately, my Democratic colleagues backed down and so we now nominally still have the same oath.”
Interestingly, despite the widespread blowback and party-wide dissent, Huffman singled out House Republicans’ top-ranking female.
“Apart from his absurd answer, listen to how this male member speaks about a female colleague,” a senior GOP aide told The Daily Wire. “[Huffman] says she ‘went ballistic,’ that ‘she smelled ******* in the water,’ and that she was ‘ranting.’”
“If any Republican male said that about a female Democrat, they would immediately get labeled as being sexist and offensive,” the aide continued. “But, when a Democrat does it to a female Republican, it doesn’t even register.”
The Democratic lawmaker’s arguably sexist description of Cheney comes as four of his caucus’ most high-profile members have been consistently accusing their political opponents of harboring a bias against women.
The Wyoming congresswoman has repeatedly condemned the progressive quartet — consisting of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) — for proclaiming that those who publicly disagree with them do so out of sexist animus.
“Our opposition to our socialist colleagues has absolutely nothing to do with their gender, with their religion, or with their race,” Cheney said in July. “It has to do with the content of their policies.”
Democrats have largely rallied behind the accusations from the four rank-and-file members.
"Liz Cheney will always defend God. Period," a spokesperson for the Wyoming congresswoman told The Daily Wire. "If that bothers Rep. Huffman, we'll be praying for him."



Major Fentanyl Shipment from China Seized in Mexico
Fentanyl seizure
File Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty ImagesROBERT ARCE25 Aug 20193,383
The Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico (La Secretaría de Marina–SEMAR) has reported a major fentanyl seizure believed to be of multi-ton in the Mexican port city of Lázaro Cárdenas in the state of Michoacán.
The Mexican government announced the major fentanyl seizure of initially reported by local media outlets to be approximately 25.75 tons (23,368 kilograms or 51,517 pounds) of powdered fentanyl that originated in Shanghai China and was headed to Culiacán, Sinaloa, the home base for the Sinaloa Cartel. According to a government spokesperson, the seizure was a result of a joint operation led by the Mexican naval elements of the 10th naval zone and Lázaro Cárdenas customs enforcement personnel as reported by local media. Michoacán is located in western Mexico and has a stretch of coastline along the Pacific Ocean.
According to government authorities, investigators found the cargo inside a container of a Danish flagged vessel with a cargo manifest indicating that the contents consisted of Calcium Chloride. Authorities took a random sampling of the powdered substance to a specialized laboratory of Mexican Customs and the substance later tested positive for fentanyl. Officials seized a total of 931 sacks of the substance for a total weight of 23,368 kilograms. Government officials indicated that the weight of the suspected fentanyl is still being determined since the investigation is ongoing and later reports indicated that an official weight would be reported at a later date.
According to Breitbart Texas law enforcement sources, powered fentanyl can be easily mass-produced into the black-market oxycodone M-30’s known as “Mexican Oxy.” The deadly pills are often blamed for contributing to the opioid overdose crisis in the U.S. and the Sinaloa cartel has stepped up production of the product for the U.S. ******* market.
Breitbart Texas reported on significant fentanyl seizures related to the Sinaloa Cartel. In April, Mexican federal investigators discovered an active lab in Culiacán. Also in April, the Mexican Army and state police seized 12,260 pills a checkpoint in Sonora. Last week, Breitbart Texas reported on the arrest of two fentanyl cooks working for the Sinaloa Cartel. In late July, an illegal immigrant from Mexico and a former municipal police officer were indicted in Amarillo, Texas, after he was arrested for transporting approximately 72 pounds of the opioid.
Earlier this week, the United States ******* Enforcement Administration (DEA) in Arizona announced that over 1 million fentanyl pills were seized in the state in Fiscal Year 2019. The cumulative seizure easily surpasses FY2018 when approximately 380,000 pills were seized by DEA’s Phoenix Field Division and law enforcement agencies throughout the state. By comparison to FY2016, 20,000 pills were seized statewide, according to the DEA.
Robert Arce is a retired Phoenix Police detective with extensive experience working Mexican organized crime and street gangs. Arce has worked in the Balkans, Iraq, Haiti, and recently completed a three-year assignment in Monterrey, Mexico, working out of the Consulate for the United States Department of State, International prohibited substances and Law Enforcement Program, where he was the Regional Program Manager for Northeast Mexico (Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Durango, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas.) You can follow him on Twitter. He can be reached at
Border / Cartel ChroniclesCrime******* SmugglingFentanylSinaloa Cartel

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Actor Robert Davi: I’ve Been Offered ‘Everything’ By Hollywood to Denounce Trump
HOLLYWOOD, CA - MAY 05: Actor Robert Davi attends the screening for 'Goonies' during the Entertainment Weekly CapeTown Film Festival Presented By The American Cinematheque & Sponsored By TNT's 'Falling Skies' at the Egyptian Theatre on May 5, 2013 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images for Entertainment Weekly)
Michael Buckner/Getty Images for Entertainment WeeklyBEN KEW5 Sep 201938
Veteran actor Robert Davi has revealed how Hollywood power brokers have repeatedly offered him “everything” in exchange for renouncing his support for President Donald Trump.
Davi made the comments during an appearance on the Fox News show The Ingraham Angle on Wednesday to discuss recent calls by Will & Grace stars Debra Messing and Eric McCormack to create a blacklist of Hollywood figures attending Trump’s fundraiser in Beverly Hills next month, which he will be attending alongside the likes of James Woods, Scott Baio, Kristy Swanson, and Dan Bilzerian.
During the interview, the Die Hard star revealed how he had also been invited on every talk show so long as he denounced the current adminstration.
“I’ve been offered, by other people in the industry, at certain points, to denounce Trump, and they said, ‘What do you want?’” said Robert Davi. “They said, ‘What do you want? You’d be on every talk show, everything. You want to do stuff?’”
The 68-year-old also spoke of how he has been rejected from some job opportunities because of his support for the president.
“It’s happened so many times, people have told me: ‘The director wanted to use you, but it knows he can’t.’ That happens to several,” he explained. “I’m not complaining about it. It’s just something that I wish the elder of Hollywood, like Norman Lear and Clint Eastwood – opposing points of view – would call a meeting and say, ‘You know, what we shouldn’t be doing this in Hollywood.’”

Ingraham agreed:
It is never going to happen. Never going to happen. They are the most intolerant people when it comes to ideology. They are not for diversity – they’re for their type of diversity. Other people are horrible, awful, rotten people. And, they just don’t want to work with you. I’m sorry, but I have heard this time and again. People have to go and lie about what they believe in order to feed their family. They are lying and hiding themselves.
However, Robert Davi also made the argument that “95 percent” of Hollywood’s technical professionals are Trump supporters, but cannot say so for fear of losing their livelihoods.
“The below-the-line people – the key grips, the sound guys, the lighting guys, the gaffers, the makeup artists — a lot of them, 95 percent are for Trump,” the award-winning director explained. “So, when they go in front of the cameras, they’re frightened. They come to me and say, ‘Man, thank you for speaking up for us. Thank you for being one of the few that speak up.'”
Davi remains one of Hollywood’s few conservative voices and was a fervent supporter of Trump before and after the 2016 presidential election. Davi has previously argued that in order to change the political culture, conservatives in the industry “need to grow a pair” and must starting “[voicing] their political opinions without fear of personal or professional reprisal.”
Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at
EntertainmentMediaPoliticsDebra MessingDonald TrumpFox NewsLaura IngrahamRobert DaviThe Ingraham Angle

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fuck if I wanted to read the fucking newspaper I would subscribe....on my homepage I can pick and chose what I want to stuff all the ******* you can on that some kind of challenge....I have 2 different sites I go to everyday.but try to stay on topic....even then I just post a link rather than waste a full page on *******.........apparently that doesn't count either
I have a nice set of pistols I would glad to loan out....and I guess we don't do links anymore so......

problems with dumb and dumber?....just following trumps orders to put money in trumps pocket...normally that would be fine...….but right now with him losing the election...Pence not a winner!
Tensions mount between Trump, Pence camps heading into 2020 election
WASHINGTON — When Vice President Mike Pence flew to Europe as the stand-in for President Trump at the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, it appeared to be another sign that the famously fickle president trusted his vice president.

But Pence’s decision while in Ireland to stay at the Trump golf resort in Doonbeg, the area his grandfather emigrated from a century ago, caught Washington insiders as another act of fealty from a vice president derided at times as overly obsequious, even “oleaginous.”

On the surface, Trump and Pence insist they have a great relationship and are working closer than ever to win reelection in 2020. (They’ve consistently beaten back rumors that former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is in the running to replace Pence on the 2020 ticket.)

But behind the scenes, tensions have been mounting among Trump, Pence and their top advisers ever since the GOP’s resounding losses in the 2018 midterms. In the weeks afterward, Trump asked aides about replacing Pence on the ticket, and he asked again for their thoughts on Pence during his August vacation at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., according to Trump advisers who spoke on condition of anonymity to talk about private discussions with the president.

Current and former Trump and Pence advisers interviewed for this story, as well as my forthcoming biography of Pence, “Piety & Power: Mike Pence and the Taking of the White House,” consistently described a personal relationship between Trump and Pence that is warm but somewhat aloof. Pence has a lane that he sticks to in the White House — conservative social policy — but he is not considered to be as influential as people like Jared Kushner or Stephen Miller.

But the relationship between their political teams has soured greatly in the past year, according to a dozen Trump and Pence aides and Republican advisers familiar with the dynamic. In particular, rumors that Kushner and Ivanka Trump wanted to consider replacements for Pence — specifically trying to find a woman running mate to help win back the suburbs in 2020 — have worried the vice president’s camp, according to Trump and Pence campaign advisers who spoke on background for this story.

However, none of those advisers claimed to have heard Kushner or Ivanka Trump directly discuss Pence’s replacement, and a senior White House official categorically denied the couple had been involved in discussing changes to the 2020 ticket.
fuck if I wanted to read the fucking newspaper I would subscribe....on my homepage I can pick and chose what I want to stuff all the ******* you can on that some kind of challenge....I have 2 different sites I go to everyday.but try to stay on topic....even then I just post a link rather than waste a full page on *******.........apparently that doesn't count either
Nice seeing you are back: you share astronomically stuff @subhub174014 and I do too. No harm with that? Plus this is a go-trump thread. I hope you are not trying to silence my free speech?
Just moe typical corruption from the commander and thief...…..hell going to jail probably on taxes anyway...just another nail the coffin!

Trump may have committed tax fraud by fabricating a loan to avoid paying income taxes on nearly $50 million
Sonam Sheth,

  • A bombshell investigation by mom Jones found that President Donald Trump may have invented a loan to avoid paying income taxes on nearly $50 million.
  • The potentially bogus loan is connected to the Trump International Hotel and Tower project in Chicago that began in 2005.
  • One expert on real estate finance told mom Jones the scheme is "pretty brazen" and that if Trump "didn't actually buy the loan, this is just garden-variety fraud."
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
President Donald Trump may have fabricated a loan to avoid paying taxes on nearly $50 million of income, mom Jones reported in a bombshell investigation published on Thursday.

The controversy appears to be related to the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago and a shadowy shell company Trump owns called Chicago Unit Acquisition LLC. Media reports have found that the company does not earn revenue and is essentially worthless. Trump has said on his financial-disclosure forms that he owes more than $50 million to the company, which he controls.
Trump and the Trump Organization have not commented much on the loan, but mom Jones noted that the president, then a Republican candidate, told The New York Times in 2016 that he bought the loan from a group of banks several years ago and that instead of retiring it, he decided to keep it outstanding and pays interest on it to himself.

A 2008 lawsuit cited by mom Jones revealed that the majority of the project was financed by Deutsche Bank, which put up $640 million. A hedge fund called Fortress Investment Group also provided $130 million of funding. So in total, Trump owed a little over $800 million to both institutions.

mom Jones' investigation found that Trump was able to clear his debt with Deutsche Bank and Fortress Investment Group over the next several years but that Fortress ultimately agreed to accept just $48 million back for the loan it had made to Trump, which by that time was worth around $100 million.
That means one of two things occurred:
  • Fortress considered the loan repaid and forgave more than $50 million of debt from Trump, an action known as a discounted payoff. If that happened, the debt would be considered taxable income, and Trump would have had to pay
  • as much as a 39% income tax on it.
cont'd...with a footnote for allforwifey

  • Trump bought the remaining debt using a corporation and "parked" the money there to avoid paying income taxes on it. This practice, known as debt parking, is legal as long as the borrower plans to repay the rest of the loan. It's illegal to engage in this indefinitely.
Read more: Trump advisers are more worried about Elizabeth Warren than any other 2020 Democratic candidate
Two sources with direct knowledge of the Fortress loan told mom Jones the hedge fund didn't sell Trump the loan and instead canceled the debt after Trump repaid about half of it.

But Trump still claims he owes millions related to the Trump hotel project in Chicago.
"That means there may have been no loan to buy, no debt to park; Trump might have invented a loan — and then parked it" to avoid paying taxes on $48 million of income, mom Jones reported.

Adam Levitin, a law professor specializing in commercial real estate finance at Georgetown University, told mom Jones the scheme was "pretty brazen."
"If he didn't actually buy the loan, this is just garden-variety fraud," Levitin said.

Trump has a long history of being accused of dubious — or downright illegal — financial practices.
This isn't the first time the president has been accused of engaging in shady, or downright illegal, practices to avoid paying taxes or correctly reporting his financial net worth.

The Times reported last year that Trump used a series of dubious tax schemes to shield his $400 million inheritance from his ******* from the IRS.

mom Jones' report comes as state authorities and congressional lawmakers are launching sprawling investigations of the president's financial records.

In March, the New York State Department of Financial Services subpoenaed records from Aon, Trump's longtime insurance company. The move came after Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen testified to Congress that the president routinely falsified his financial health for tax and insurance purposes.

Trump's net worth has perhaps been the biggest question mark looming over his real-estate career.

In 2009, he told The Wall Street Journal he was worth $5 billion, not including the value of the Trump brand. A month later, Trump's accountant prepared a financial statement that said his net worth was "in excess of $3 billion." Two years later, Trump bragged during a Comedy Central roast that he was worth more than $7 billion. In May 2016, at the height of that year's presidential election, Trump said in a press release that he was worth more than $10 billion.

The president has said that the statements he makes about his financial worth are not always based in fact.

In 2007, Trump sued the journalist Timothy O'Brien after O'Brien wrote in his book "TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald" that Trump's actual net worth was between $150 million and $250 million.
In a deposition Trump gave for the lawsuit — which was eventually dismissed — he acknowledged that his net worth fluctuated based on his emotions.
Nice seeing you are back: you share astronomically stuff @subhub174014 and I do too. No harm with that? Plus this is a go-trump thread. I hope you are not trying to silence my free speech?
thanks...I had fun fishing caught about 300 sand for being glad I am back...why do I get the feeling you are not sincere?

nope people can post what they want where ever they want....supposed to stay on topic but that seems to mean nothing either....yes the thread is go trump....I'm just saying go to jail!

say what you want...I post what I want....I used to just post a link and let the readers decide what they wanted to read....but if we are going to start posting the whole article...I can do that also

actually I can see your point about posting the whole article...… get a lot more pertinent facts doing it this way

‘Racist Debra Messing’ Trends on Twitter Following Tweet About ‘Mentally Ill’ Black Trump Voters
HOLLYWOOD, CA - AUGUST 18: Debra Messing receives the Angel Award at Project Angel Food's 2018 Angel Awards on August 18, 2018 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Project Angel Food)
Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Project Angel FoodWARNER TODD HUSTON4 Sep 20192,609
Left-wing actress Debra Messing is now being taunted as a bigot, as the hashtag “Racist Debra Messing” trends on Twitter, after she called black supporters of President Donald Trump “mentally ill.”
Last weekend, the Will and Grace star wrote “THANK YOU” in a re-tweet of a church sign in Alabama that read, “A black vote or Trump is mental illness.” The other side of the sign read, “A white vote for Trump is pure racism.”
After calling blacks who vote for Trump both mentally ill with her “THANK YOU” and her re-tweet endorsement of the sign, Debra Messing began to get some push back on her exhibition of racism. She later deleted her original tweet.
Now Debra Messing is suffering with the Twitter hashtag “#racistdebramessing,” a meme that began trending on Twitter on Wednesday evening.

482 people are talking about this

The actress and left-wing activist soon deleted the highly offensive and racist message. “NUMBER 1– I apologized for liking that church sign. I said I regret it. I shud have thought before recklessly suppprting. You won’t accept this but black people are targeted by Trump’s GOP for voter supression. Charlottesville was about Trump supporters hating POC and Jews,” she wrote.

17.8K people are talking about this

But her deletion did not come fast enough to prevent accusations that she was a clear racist for her tweet.

Jeffery A Dove Jr.


A white celebrity on the left @DebraMessing is basically telling black people how to think. Seems like a form of intellectual slavery to me. Liberal policies have hurt black communities around the country and these same people are silent. #RealTalk
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12:52 PM - Sep 2, 2019 · Virginia, USA
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308 people are talking about this

The trending hashtag continued to grow all day Wednesday.

942 people are talking about this

14.1K people are talking about this

Richard Armande Mills (RAM)


Debra Messing thinks Black Trump supporters are “ill,” conveniently ignores Black victims of gun violence when their stories go against her gun-control agenda, & accused a Black man of being a “threat” to her— just for responding to one of her tweets. #RacistDebraMessing, indeed!


5:58 PM - Sep 4, 2019
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632 people are talking about this

Zie Karta@KartaZie

· Sep 4, 2019

Republicans: Ugh! Democrats use the race card all the time, they have nothing against our president!

Also Republicans: #RacistDebraMessing

994 people are talking about this

598 people are talking about this

240 people are talking about this

103 people are talking about this

Terrence K. Williams


· Sep 4, 2019

I’M OFFENDED!@DebraMessing promoted a Message Calling Black Trump Supporters Mentally ill.

She want all Trump Supporters blacklisted & publicly shamed@realDonaldTrump would be called a racist if he called blacks mentally ill.

Please tag her & use

Embedded video

178 people are talking about this

Desperate to head off the attacks, the “woke” actress responded with a non-apology to a video by Twitter comedian and conservative Terrence K. Williams who slammed her for being so offensive.

Debra Messing


· Sep 4, 2019

NUMBER 1– I apologized for liking that church sign. I said I regret it. I shud have thought before recklessly suppprting. You won’t accept this but black people are targeted by Trump’s GOP for voter supression. Charlottesville was about Trump supporters hating POC and Jews. …
Terrence K. Williams


? I’M OFFENDED!@DebraMessing promoted a Message Calling Black Trump Supporters Mentally ill.

She want all Trump Supporters blacklisted & publicly shamed@realDonaldTrump would be called a racist if he called blacks mentally ill.

Please tag her & use

Embedded video

Debra Messing


THAT is where my support of a sign at a southern black church came from. The use of the term “mentally ill” was wrong & hurtful. NUMBER 2 I NEVER NOR WOULD I EVER call for a blacklist of anyone for any reason. The info is publicly available. I as a consumer want to know where MY


4:08 PM - Sep 4, 2019
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1,814 people are talking about this

Debra Messing


· Sep 4, 2019

Replying to @DebraMessing
Money is going when I pay for entertainment. Just as you have the right to not watch W&G bc I don’t support Trump, I have the right to not go see (pay for) a movie with someone supporting babies in cages. It is First Amendment. Information, Knowledge.That is how we make decisions

Debra Messing


Whether to see a movie or whom to vote for. Transparency is needed. Again, the lists are available to the public. There is nothing threatening about asking politely for information.


4:08 PM - Sep 4, 2019
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Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.
EntertainmentPoliticsTechDebra MessingDonald TrumpracismTerrence K. Williams

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the smell of defeat?...or just tired of having to answer about the corruption?

Why are so many republicans leaving congress

More than a dozen Republicans are leaving Congress. Here are the lawmakers who aren't running again in 2020

WASHINGTON – While all eyes are on who could be the future occupant of the White House, the battle over control in both chambers of Congress is also heating up, especially as more than a dozen lawmakers have announced their retirement.
The retirements, most of which were announced by Republicans, open up a series of key races ahead of the 2020 elections as Republicans try to fend off Democrats aiming to take control of the Senate and maintain, or perhaps grow, their majority in the House.
Here is the list of lawmakers who have announced they aren't running to keep their seats in 2020.

So far, 16 members of the House have announced they won't be running in 2020, including 13 Republicans and three Democrats.
Many of the retirements were announced over the last several weeks, including by four Republicans in Texas. Among those leaving Congress are two of House Republicans' 13 women, including the female lawmaker that was tasked with recruiting more conservative women and minorities to the body. ( guess she found out conservative women are not around)

Will Hurd, lone Black House Republican, won't seek reelection
I will cut you a little slack and not list everyone by name and state!

‘Racist Debra Messing’ Trends on Twitter Following Tweet About ‘Mentally Ill’ Black Trump Voters
HOLLYWOOD, CA - AUGUST 18: Debra Messing receives the Angel Award at Project Angel Food's 2018 Angel Awards on August 18, 2018 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Project Angel Food)'s 2018 Angel Awards on August 18, 2018 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Project Angel Food)
Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Project Angel FoodWARNER TODD HUSTON4 Sep 20192,609
Left-wing actress Debra Messing is now being taunted as a bigot, as the hashtag “Racist Debra Messing” trends on Twitter, after she called black supporters of President Donald Trump “mentally ill.”
Last weekend, the Will and Grace star wrote “THANK YOU” in a re-tweet of a church sign in Alabama that read, “A black vote or Trump is mental illness.” The other side of the sign read, “A white vote for Trump is pure racism.”
After calling blacks who vote for Trump both mentally ill with her “THANK YOU” and her re-tweet endorsement of the sign, Debra Messing began to get some push back on her exhibition of racism. She later deleted her original tweet.
Now Debra Messing is suffering with the Twitter hashtag “#racistdebramessing,” a meme that began trending on Twitter on Wednesday evening.

482 people are talking about this

The actress and left-wing activist soon deleted the highly offensive and racist message. “NUMBER 1– I apologized for liking that church sign. I said I regret it. I shud have thought before recklessly suppprting. You won’t accept this but black people are targeted by Trump’s GOP for voter supression. Charlottesville was about Trump supporters hating POC and Jews,” she wrote.

17.8K people are talking about this

But her deletion did not come fast enough to prevent accusations that she was a clear racist for her tweet.

2,208 people are talking about this

308 people are talking about this

The trending hashtag continued to grow all day Wednesday.

942 people are talking about this

14.1K people are talking about this

632 people are talking about this

994 people are talking about this

598 people are talking about this

240 people are talking about this

103 people are talking about this

178 people are talking about this

Desperate to head off the attacks, the “woke” actress responded with a non-apology to a video by Twitter comedian and conservative Terrence K. Williams who slammed her for being so offensive.

1,814 people are talking about this

3,728 people are talking about this

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.
EntertainmentPoliticsTechDebra MessingDonald TrumpracismTerrence K. Williams

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typical of you to list all the the 6 you found saying trump wasn't a racists.....makes it look more real huh
but I'm not sure if those names are legit.....could you also supply an address or phone number

I'm multi-talented: I can talk and piss you off at the same time.
the smell of defeat?...or just tired of having to answer about the corruption?

Why are so many republicans leaving congress

More than a dozen Republicans are leaving Congress. Here are the lawmakers who aren't running again in 2020

WASHINGTON – While all eyes are on who could be the future occupant of the White House, the battle over control in both chambers of Congress is also heating up, especially as more than a dozen lawmakers have announced their retirement.
The retirements, most of which were announced by Republicans, open up a series of key races ahead of the 2020 elections as Republicans try to fend off Democrats aiming to take control of the Senate and maintain, or perhaps grow, their majority in the House.
Here is the list of lawmakers who have announced they aren't running to keep their seats in 2020.

So far, 16 members of the House have announced they won't be running in 2020, including 13 Republicans and three Democrats.
Many of the retirements were announced over the last several weeks, including by four Republicans in Texas. Among those leaving Congress are two of House Republicans' 13 women, including the female lawmaker that was tasked with recruiting more conservative women and minorities to the body. ( guess she found out conservative women are not around)

Will Hurd, lone Black House Republican, won't seek reelection
I will cut you a little slack and not list everyone by name and state!
About the charges of corruption, you know because of Mueller no cases in the courts can start while Trump is POTUS. So after Donald Trump's successor is sworn in 2025, for your sake @subhub174014 2021, his legal trials will begin.
glad you brought up....again...what a racist president this guy is...a little more on that

The Trump coalition threatens a return to the Jim Crow era ...
President Donald Trump's campaign and election has inspired a flurry of unofficial violence and targeted state laws reminiscent of the early Jim Crow era. Trump's apocalyptic inauguration speech ...

Trump tied for most racist president in history ...
Trump tied for most racist president in history Posted by Zach on 7/16/19 at 9:59 am. ... Trump would quite literally have to resign Jim Crow into law to be even in the debate with him. Back to top. Reply. Replies (0) Options Top. Replies (0) 18 1. TD Sponsor TD Fan USA Member since 2001. Thank you for supporting our sponsors Posted by Site ...
typical of you to list all the the 6 you found saying trump wasn't a racists.....makes it look more real huh
but I'm not sure if those names are legit.....could you also supply an address or phone number

I'm multi-talented: I can talk and piss you off at the same time.
Well I did not too long ago discover several Americans who voted for Trump here. They did not list their addresses or phone numbers but they all stated what states they are from and some had their photos. And even some were former Democrats, imagine that @subhub174014 ?

About the charges of corruption, you know because of Mueller no cases in the courts can start while Trump is POTUS. So after Donald Trump's successor is sworn in 2025, for your sake @subhub174014 2021, his legal trials will begin.

you are dreaming and grasping at straws....I have already posted several times excerpt from the mueller report...and if you want I can post a few republican comments on it....most just not saying anything but a few speak up....but like everything else...I put the facts on here but they ere not what you wanted to you just skip over those posts and try to maintain some false immage