Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You know what would be nice and productive, if we all stopped calling each other names, stopped being so judgmental and showed a lot more respect for each other. I don't hate you at all, your a black man on a very kinky cuckolding website, I am not a racist, I have never had any reason to become one. I don't plan to do so either.
This is a good sentiment but the fact of the matter is, if you support Trump and all that he stands for, you are a racist.

You can't support someone who is so loudly and proudly a racist (and misogynist and just overall bigot) without believing in and supporting those ideals yourself.

It's pretty to say let's all get along but it is incredibly empty to do so while supporting someone standing on the necks of the people you come here to fetishize..
Since he isn't yet correctly ushered in there is still hope to hold of the demise of our nation for at least 4 more years. If the courts rule in his favor, buckle up we are going to crash.
well if things are headed downhill...…..the stock market still seems to be accepting Biden.....but we are currently in the demise of our nation...…..see the food lines in Dallas today...…..3 lanes of cars over a mile long...10,000 plus meals given to the needy....that is what your man is handing Biden
Are you saying that you have no issue with the possibility that the corruption in this election is could have changed the outcome for Biden or Trump, cheating is just that cheating and it weakens the election process and takes the vote out of the hands of the American people. Do you know for a fact that Joe received the most legal votes?
I have huge issues with cheating in elections for years. Unlike you buddy, I have years of experience fighting against Republicunts cheating through redistricting and voter suppression in democratic strongholds. I'll give you one example, from this year,

Where was your fake ass concerns when Republicans REMOVED polling places in areas like the city of Milwaukee during a pandemic? 182 polling places for a city of 600,000 in 2016, dropped to 5 in 2020. Yep, FIVE fucking places to vote on election day in a major city. Where was your fucking concern then? Home to about 80% of Wisconsin's African American population. Then the Republicans went to court to prevent any early voting, so if you wanted to vote you had to show up and wait in lines for hours in the rain, during a pandemic. You seem to have lost your voice over that- no worries, that state Supreme Court justice incumbent they were trying to protect still lost. All of this, after Wisconsin put in some of the toughest voter ID and voter registration laws in place between 2011 and 2018, and they still lost but barely.

You're sitting here griping about 'the possibility of corruption' and we have real life evidence across the nation. I can give you several examples more, Texas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania.

So, take your fake phony outrage over bullshit without one iota of proof that your too dumb to see YOUR OWN COURTS are throwing out because TRUMP'S LAWYER ADMIT NONE OF THEIR CLAIMS WILL CHANGE THE OUTCOME.

Kindly fuck off.
well if things are headed downhill...…..the stock market still seems to be accepting Biden.....but we are currently in the demise of our nation...…..see the food lines in Dallas today...…..3 lanes of cars over a mile long...10,000 plus meals given to the needy....that is what your man is handing Biden
Of course that is going to happen because America and the world is really starting to show the negative effects of shutting down because of covid-19. I realize that we all had to do something to avoid becoming deathly ill but, if people are not able to earn a living their resources will dry up. I do not think Biden, if he does take office , can do anything to help the situation.
Of course not. Right wing propaganda has been telling you so much ******* your head is mush. However, that's too bad.
Every state controls their elections and say they got what they got, and the media has been calling these races since 1845 and they got what they got. Trump was holding rallies with 15000 people, and telling people not to trust mail - in ballots, Democrats were organizing people to vote by mail-in ballots. Only 67% of the eligible voting age population voted anyway. Trumps red states came out on the low of that.

So, all Democrats did were raised their margins within certain states. Trump raised his percentage with groups across the board, but could raise his margins. That's what happens when you govern with less than a 50% approval for four years, and not give a fuck.

Trump has brought more corruption in his destructive one term than any other president in two terms. They were so bad his own Justice Department could save them. More arrests, indictments, and guilty pleas to crime and corruption that any other administration. If you know of one, please tell us. Trump can use the reference. Not to mention his own criminal and unethical activity that he's used the shield to the Presidency to keep him from being questioned. Not anymore.
3 things alone would have ran any other president out of town:
1. Hiding of his tax records.
2. Mysterious $400 million he owes to another country- China or Russia mostly likely since those were only places that would loan him money.
3. Cheated the tax system to the point that he paid only $750 in federal taxes the year he paid on his personal income but, paid $200,000 plus to China on income taxes. great Patriot there.
4. A secret undisclosed checking account in China with millions in it.
Calling him a scumbag, would be sullying the good reputation of scumbags everywhere, right @submission52 ?

Who told you that? Nurse Ratched before beddy time?

How the hell do you get off on predictions when you can't even read and correctly relay what's happening now?
Speaking of Great Depressions, you know who had to rescue us from the last one? Barack Hussein-that's my middle name, eat a bag of dicks if you can't handle it- Obama! You forgot the campaigning was cancelled in September of 2008 because W discovered we were fucked and wanted to bring in the potential next president's to let them know what kind of ******* sandwich he's leaving behind? You don't? That's cause six months later, Obama, Pelosi and Reid were handling it.

It's good you're coming around to reality. I have something else to drop on you too. You're not going to like it one bit, but it's time you knew. Santa Claus is not real. Never was. And Christmas, not Jesus of Nazareth's birthday. That guy was a spring baby. December 25th was the pagan holiday the Church commandeered. I won't even go into mistletoe, the tree, or eating meat on Christmas.
You're welcome.
he is right, watch what happens to the country once Biden is confirmed. the administration has been holding up the markets for some time now. if one only looks at the markets as signs of how well the economy is doing one would be getting a very skewed picture of the overall economy. take a look around, listen to people in the streets, look at the closed business's. i hope and pray Biden has the smarts and the will of all the past presidents, present exception, to get us out of the mess this current friend of putin has gotten us in. All for a trump hotel in moscow! we have been sold out.
This is a good sentiment but the fact of the matter is, if you support Trump and all that he stands for, you are a racist.

You can't support someone who is so loudly and proudly a racist (and misogynist and just overall bigot) without believing in and supporting those ideals yourself.

It's pretty to say let's all get along but it is incredibly empty to do so while supporting someone standing on the necks of the people you come here to fetishize..
I don't know if I should be saying this to you as you are in Canada, but of the two men who can we support, the proven racist Joe Biden who has do nothing for Blacks for over the last 47 years, or Trump who is constantly called racist while doing more for black America than any president since Lincoln. How has he been standing on the necks of Blacks ?
Do you know for a fact that Joe received the most legal votes?
(non-profanity version for the supports of the vile bigot in the White House)
Yes. I do. So does the anti-Democratic Party.
Do yourself a favor, stop arguing. Read. Just stop being a 'team player' and be an American.
I don't know if I should be saying this to you as you are in Canada, but of the two men who can we support, the proven racist Joe Biden who has do nothing for Blacks for over the last 47 years, or Trump who is constantly called racist while doing more for black America than any president since Lincoln. How has he been standing on the necks of Blacks ?
i keep hearing how much trump has done for Blacks, can you name 10 things he's done for them?
Of course that is going to happen because America and the world is really starting to show the negative effects of shutting down because of covid-19. I realize that we all had to do something to avoid becoming deathly ill but, if people are not able to earn a living their resources will dry up. I do not think Biden, if he does take office , can do anything to help the situation.
wrong again there cum breath.....check the records....we were on a down hill slide in Feb...….the virus just covered the fact that we were headed for the shitter

It's official: Recession began in February, ending …
Jun 09, 2020 · Gross domestic product — the total value of goods and services — fell nearly 5% in the first three months of 2020. Forecasters predict that annualized growth …

Economic Collapse Is Predicted In 2020- Massive 78% …

Jul 25, 2019 · The following are predictions of economic disaster in 2020 from top experts all over the globe… #1 Bill Fleckenstein: “They are trying to make the stock market go up and drag the economy along with it. It’s not going to work. There’s going to be a big accident.
I have huge issues with cheating in elections for years. Unlike you buddy, I have years of experience fighting against Republicunts cheating through redistricting and voter suppression in democratic strongholds. I'll give you one example, from this year,

Where was your fake ass concerns when Republicans REMOVED polling places in areas like the city of Milwaukee during a pandemic? 182 polling places for a city of 600,000 in 2016, dropped to 5 in 2020. Yep, FIVE fucking places to vote on election day in a major city. Where was your fucking concern then? Home to about 80% of Wisconsin's African American population. Then the Republicans went to court to prevent any early voting, so if you wanted to vote you had to show up and wait in lines for hours in the rain, during a pandemic. You seem to have lost your voice over that- no worries, that state Supreme Court justice incumbent they were trying to protect still lost. All of this, after Wisconsin put in some of the toughest voter ID and voter registration laws in place between 2011 and 2018, and they still lost but barely.

You're sitting here griping about 'the possibility of corruption' and we have real life evidence across the nation. I can give you several examples more, Texas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania.

So, take your fake phony outrage over bullshit without one iota of proof that your too dumb to see YOUR OWN COURTS are throwing out because TRUMP'S LAWYER ADMIT NONE OF THEIR CLAIMS WILL CHANGE THE OUTCOME.

Kindly fuck off.
Ya Ya whatever you say. You are so intelligent that you even think that Biden is going to do anything positive to help the American people, good luck. By the way if Biden forgives all the outstanding student loans, who is it that is going to pay the balance to the lenders, it won't be the wealthy and it won't be the lower income, that leaves the middle class.
Ya Ya whatever you say. You are so intelligent that you even think that Biden is going to do anything positive to help the American people, good luck. By the way if Biden forgives all the outstanding student loans, who is it that is going to pay the balance to the lenders, it won't be the wealthy and it won't be the lower income, that leaves the middle class.
Leave our country 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸, Russia will welcome you ignorant cult followers along with the 🤡.
I don't know if I should be saying this to you as you are in Canada, but of the two men who can we support, the proven racist Joe Biden who has do nothing for Blacks for over the last 47 years, or Trump who is constantly called racist while doing more for black America than any president since Lincoln. How has he been standing on the necks of Blacks ?
So nice when white folks take the time out of their magnificent days to tell me who's been great for me and my family and friends and community. It's good because, we don't know what racism or racists really are. Just can't seem to recognize it. So happy good white folks like yourself are here to guide us.
barack obama middle finger GIF

What proof do you have that Joe Biden is a racist? A man who supported the Voting Rights Act of 1982? A man who 100% supported, campaigned for and was the number 2 behind the first black president? A man who chose a black woman for his running mate? A man who supported policy for 50 years that were favorably to people of color? A man who is supported by a majority of black people who actually put him in office? He was dead as toast until the South Carolina primary, and then dominated everything after the southern swing?

I'm sure you're smarter than the millions of us, who supported Biden. Some kind of way, we are fooled, but a high school dropout like yourself can see the light and what's best for us. That's how ridiculous you sound. And utterly ignorant of reality.

And, after Lincoln, LBJ was the most significant President to the state of black America. Making it illegal to discriminate in Housing, Education, Banking, Justice, and Employment- was under him. Ending racial segregation, Voter Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, consumer protection orders. Enforcement varied but with the Warren Court then the Burger Court upholding these orders, black made historical gains in education, employment, home ownership, business ownership, and health. Sure most of it was moving from the poverty level to the working class level, but that's was the biggest step since freeing the slaves- and then immediately banning them from owning property in most places.

There is a boatload more but, you said something about Trump. While Obama raised employment levels of black by over 7% from the time he took office, under Trump, briefly it went up another 1.7%- that's the record Trump brags about, that he immediately erased the next quarter.
Trump has been the worst President for blacks.
Racial Violence escalated under Trump and he never addressed it.
For years we've been talking about discriminatory policing and the need for reform, Trump embraces the Blue Lives movement and runs on Law and Order which was code in the South just one generation ago for discriminatory practices and *******.
Unemployment for blacks under Trump, record highs.
Trump continues to downplay Covid, while it kills black and brown people at alarming rates.
Trump removed all diversity training at the federal level, because we all get along so well under him.
Trump trashed the inner cities instead of working with those who do the work everyday to find solutions. Minus the 'solutions' from some celebrity Rappers.
Trump supported the voting suppression tactics talked about earlier that target blacks.
No sir. Trump is not the great white hope that you are making him out to be.

EVERYTHING I write, I can back up with proof. You've been yapping off on here all weekend and have yet to provide any support of anything you said. Well, except to tell us you're a lonely old man with no education. Great, perfect Trumptard, but don't try to put your hero on us. We know who he is. The biggest lying, most anti-American, criminal to occupy the White House.
Ya Ya whatever you say. You are so intelligent
Leave it right there, and you're in a better position than you were yesterday and on a track for a better life.

You never answered the questioned about where was your concern about the voter suppression?
You seem to not have an answer to why Trump's lawyers have all quit but, admitted there is not massive voter fraud.
Aren't you concerned with elections?
Trump's appointees in the courts have made it clear. His people in charge of elections have made it clear.
What is your center base for not having Trump concede this election? He lost more than anyone in history. Time to give it up and start trashing President Biden.
I don't know if I should be saying this to you as you are in Canada, but of the two men who can we support, the proven racist Joe Biden who has do nothing for Blacks for over the last 47 years, or Trump who is constantly called racist while doing more for black America than any president since Lincoln. How has he been standing on the necks of Blacks ?
surely you have a link of some kind to back up that assinine statement
I don't know if I should be saying this to you as you are in Canada, but of the two men who can we support, the proven racist Joe Biden who has do nothing for Blacks for over the last 47 years, or Trump who is constantly called racist while doing more for black America than any president since Lincoln. How has he been standing on the necks of Blacks ?

This kind of stuff is precisely why you deserve a FUCK YOU. You come in here and say all this bullSHYit like “can’t we just get along” and “why can’t we respect each other”, but then you turn right around and show extreme disrespect by insulting my intelligence by writing some ignorant, offensive barf 🤮 like this. DOUBLE FUCK YOU hommes!!! Get your repugnant, Trumpian knee off our necks!!! Trump out of the people’s house NOW!!!
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