Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I am so discussed with all of the negative response to what is happening in this country. Donald Trump defeated a heavily favored Hillary Clinton in 2016. sure she won the popular vote but she lost the election not to the republican party but because of a great many Americans frustration with our governments corruption and it's status quo mentality. This mentality has held America back ever since the Pilgrims sailed here and founded Jamestown and Plymouth. A few examples through out our history, the people of the new Plymouth Plantation became divided over the seperation of church and state, America elected John Adams 2nd President of the United States and later John Quincy Adams our sixth President, the beginning of making government a family affair which included the Harrisons , Roosevelts, Kennedy's, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and lastly Bill and Hillary Clinton, not to mention governors, senators and representatives all related.

Donald Trump has received over 71 million votes many not even claiming to be republicans, so where did these votes come from ? I know " Trumpsters" that includes some republicans that only voted republican to vote for Trump, he has many independents and disgruntled life long democrats . These 71 million people are not going to stand by while while a completely torn in thirds democrat party steals this election. Trump has the numbers to start a new government party. Oh well then we will see.
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I am so discussed with all of the negative response to what is happening in this country. Donald Trump defeated a heavily favored Hillary Clinton in 2016. sure she won the popular vote but she lost the election not to the republican party but because of a great many Americans frustration with our governments corruption and it's status quo mentality. This mentality has held America back ever since the Pilgrims sailed here and founded Jamestown and Plymouth. A few examples through out our history, the people of the new Plymouth Plantation became divided over the seperation of church and state, America elected John Adams 2nd President of the United States and later John Quincy Adams our sixth President, the beginning of making government a family affair which included the Harrisons , Roosevelts, Kennedy's, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and lastly Bill and Hillary Clinton, not to mention governors, senators and representatives all related.

Donald Trump has received over 71 million votes many not even claiming to be republicans, so where did these votes come from ? I know " Trumpsters" that includes some republicans that only voted republican to vote for Trump, he has many independents and disgruntled life long democrats . These 71 million people are not going to stand by while while a completely torn in thirds democrat party steals this election. Trump has the numbers to start a new government party. Oh well then we will see.
You have to type slow with these simple minded folks! They can't do math either. They can only read pitchers and watch left handed tellabisions. Ones that don't play real news. Just made up liberal soap opera drama.

They don't get that its physically impossible for 120% of the American voters to vote. Let it go. They will never get it. Let them cheer on their favorite domestic terrorist hate groups. It's like trailer trash and Nascar.
It's like trailer trash and Nascar.
those are both hardcore republican you know!..ever watch a nascar race......I used to be a big jeff Gordon and dale Earnhardt fan.....even been to a few races...…...everyone of those motor homes in the pit area and outside have the stars and bars on it! really have to be a redneck republican to fit in around a race....even from tv you see the flags....nascar trying to clean that up but doubt it....maybe with Michael Jordon buying that team may "hide" some of it...who knows

trailer trash....that is mostly southern as those trailers won't handle the cold weather very again ...your "trailer trash" is mostly in republican states

I won't even go into the rest of your comment......sore loser?...…..conspiracy theorists?.....or just plain a domestic have to fit into one of those categories….all of the trump supporters do....this is a democratic country and democracy has spoken....unless you are wanting to overthrow the government with your proud boy friends.....or you buy the ******* Roger Stone has started...….or......

and then...….and then......and then along came Joe......slow walking...smooth talking ...honest Joe!
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those are both hardcore republican you know!..ever watch a nascar race......I used to be a big jeff Gordon and dale Earnhardt fan.....even been to a few races...…...everyone of those motor homes in the pit area and outside have the stars and bars on it! really have to be a redneck republican to fit in around a race....even from tv you see the flags....nascar trying to clean that up but doubt it....maybe with Michael Jordon buying that team may "hide" some of it...who knows

trailer trash....that is mostly southern as those trailers won't handle the cold weather very again ...your "trailer trash" is mostly in republican states

Yep . . . once more FACTS don’t mean ******* to a Trumptard . . . who does this dickhead think he’s dealing with??? NASCAR and trailer trash is the redneck, Republicunt, dirtbag, DIRTY SOUTH all the way!!!
Sorry all you socialist/communist dumb dumbs! Trump isn't going anywhere for another 4 years! Your cheating pile of ******* representatives got caught! The American Patriots will never let Bendin and Blow in office! You saw that yesterday. If you would have won fairly, that would have been one thing, but your party has to cheat. Your going down!
You sound sore.

Like a person who lost and is sore about it. A "sore loser" if you will
I was being sarcastic with my grammar dumbfucker. You and your hero are done. Time to move out of the White House. I cant wait until he concedes and you become an embarrassment on this site......
There was no sarcasm in your words, because in this one, you made two of the same mistakes. You're just illiterate.
And Trump isn't my hero. He's just the leader that is trying to end leftist corruption. So he has my support.
The hypocrisy on YOUR views on Trump's win over Biden's is insane. Not ignorant, straight up insane.
They both got 306 electoral votes.
Biden won the popular vote and electoral college vote.
Biden is winning in the courts and recounts.
Trump's Administration said this was the most secure election in history.
Yet, you say it was stolen.
Hillary got 66 million votes! You were not concerned about that majority of Americans not being heard, were you?
Trump got 73 million votes and you accept that as fact. Yet, you cannot accept that Biden got 79 million?
Trump got 10 more million votes than four years ago. The Democrats got 13 more million.
You think a majority of states and the population is going to let this 'stolen election' sham go on much longer?
Pray to your god, probably Fred Trump, that we don't decide to throw his do nothing ass before the new year.
You're wrong on your little presidential history, as you are on this election. Very wrong.
I don't accept that Biden and yuck Harris got even a million votes. Trump has changed this country for ever, he has brought forth just how corrupt the scumbag politicians have become. Everything I wrote is completely sane. You watch what happens to this country the day after you Hero Biden is officially confirmed . I would laugh right in your face only the collapse is going to cause a depression for all Americans.
I don't accept that Biden and yuck Harris got even a million votes. Trump has changed this country for ever, he has brought forth just how corrupt the scumbag politicians have become. Everything I wrote is completely sane. You watch what happens to this country the day after you Hero Biden is officially confirmed . I would laugh right in your face only the collapse is going to cause a depression for all Americans.

you really have been skull fucked!

100 Ways Trump Failed America During His First 100 …

want more......I have plenty of it
Donald Trump has received over 71 million votes many not even claiming to be republicans, so where did these votes come from ?
Common sense says "if you're accusing some of the people of fraudulent voting, then some of those fraudulent votes came from the Republicans, too", make sense? I mean, when you look at it, the party that keeps getting "caught" and going to jail over voter/election fraud are mostly all Republicans. Makes sense, again, since the Republican voter base is shrinking and has been for years. They have to do something to maintain their voting base.
Also, again, supposing it could be proven that ONLY Democrats cheated with fraudulent votes, WHY would they just cheat on the Presidential choices but not the Senate or House choices as well? Republicans actually gained seats in the House. Why would Democrats not want to pack the Senate & House with Democrats to give Biden a trifecta in Washington come January, 2021? Will you explain THAT?
Also, the accusations of voter fraud are coming from TRUMP ... someone who lies and cheats for a living to make personal gains in his life. That's a known fact ... hell, he's cheated on all 3 of his wives. All you "cum breaths" are doing is parroting his lies regarding voting. In fact, since Trump has been caught so many times LYING over the past 4 years, the one who probably is guilty of CHEATING is Trump. I mean, he openingly asked Russia to get involved in the US elections, did he not? He's constantly charged the media with biasness ... which they haven't always been biased or dishonest about Trump. Trump's trying to profit from being President ... taking money out of charities & campaign finances for personal use.
Lastly, do you know that there were OVER twenty different people who ran for President this year besides Biden & Trump?
• Jo Jorgensen ............. Libertarian ............... 1.8 million votes​
• Howie Hawkins ........ Green ......................... 381 thousand votes​
• Kanye West ............... Indep. ......................... 65 thousand votes​
• Don Blankenship .... Constitution ............. 59 thousand votes​
• Brock Pierce ............. Indep. ......................... 45 thousand votes​
And about 15 other people who got at least 100 or more votes​
So, did ALL THESE PEOPLE cheat as well, or was it just the Democrats that cheated?
And if the Democrats cheated, how did they manage to limit that cheating on just the Presidential choices and not Congressional choices?

Here's your BIG CHANCE to explain the Democratic fraud and to show your FACTUAL information on those additional 5.5 million people who voted for Biden instead of Trump' sorry ass. If you can NOT provide any sources to your BULL *******, Stanley, why don't you kindly just go "fuck off someplace else?" We'll see you in FOUR MORE YEARS, ok?

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I don't accept that Biden and yuck Harris got even a million votes.
Of course not. Right wing propaganda has been telling you so much ******* your head is mush. However, that's too bad.
Every state controls their elections and say they got what they got, and the media has been calling these races since 1845 and they got what they got. Trump was holding rallies with 15000 people, and telling people not to trust mail - in ballots, Democrats were organizing people to vote by mail-in ballots. Only 67% of the eligible voting age population voted anyway. Trumps red states came out on the low of that.

So, all Democrats did were raised their margins within certain states. Trump raised his percentage with groups across the board, but could raise his margins. That's what happens when you govern with less than a 50% approval for four years, and not give a fuck.

Trump has changed this country for ever, he has brought forth just how corrupt the scumbag politicians have become.
Trump has brought more corruption in his destructive one term than any other president in two terms. They were so bad his own Justice Department could save them. More arrests, indictments, and guilty pleas to crime and corruption that any other administration. If you know of one, please tell us. Trump can use the reference. Not to mention his own criminal and unethical activity that he's used the shield to the Presidency to keep him from being questioned. Not anymore.
3 things alone would have ran any other president out of town:
1. Hiding of his tax records.
2. Mysterious $400 million he owes to another country- China or Russia mostly likely since those were only places that would loan him money.
3. Cheated the tax system to the point that he paid only $750 in federal taxes the year he paid on his personal income but, paid $200,000 plus to China on income taxes. great Patriot there.
4. A secret undisclosed checking account in China with millions in it.
Calling him a scumbag, would be sullying the good reputation of scumbags everywhere, right @submission52 ?

Everything I wrote is completely sane.
Who told you that? Nurse Ratched before beddy time?

You watch what happens to this country the day after you Hero Biden is officially confirmed . I would laugh right in your face only the collapse is going to cause a depression for all Americans.
How the hell do you get off on predictions when you can't even read and correctly relay what's happening now?
Speaking of Great Depressions, you know who had to rescue us from the last one? Barack Hussein-that's my middle name, eat a bag of dicks if you can't handle it- Obama! You forgot the campaigning was cancelled in September of 2008 because W discovered we were fucked and wanted to bring in the potential next president's to let them know what kind of ******* sandwich he's leaving behind? You don't? That's cause six months later, Obama, Pelosi and Reid were handling it.

It's good you're coming around to reality. I have something else to drop on you too. You're not going to like it one bit, but it's time you knew. Santa Claus is not real. Never was. And Christmas, not Jesus of Nazareth's birthday. That guy was a spring baby. December 25th was the pagan holiday the Church commandeered. I won't even go into mistletoe, the tree, or eating meat on Christmas.
You're welcome.
ed4mwf, I was doing real good with your post UNTIL you said Santa Claus isn't real. You just know that's not true ... Santa comes by our house every year and eats the milk & cookies the ******* put out, and my wife's always up to give me some pussy, too. Besides, Santa is a liberal, and totally despises Trump. He told me last Christmas he was going to stuff ALL the ballot boxes, nation wide, with fake ballots for Biden. I think he did a GREAT JOB, don't you?
Just think, the Republicans have the commies, but WE have Santa Claus on our side.
So, let's not talk about Santa, ok? That'll ruin my day.
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