Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

This kind of stuff is precisely why you deserve a FUCK YOU. You come in here and say all this bullSHYit like “can’t we just get along” and “why can’t we respect each other”, but then you turn right around and show extreme disrespect by insulting my intelligence by writing some ignorant, offensive barf 🤮 like this. DOUBLE FUCK YOU hommes!!! Get your repugnant, Trumpian knee off our necks!!! Trump out of the people’s house NOW!!!
I just love to entertain you progressive soon to be socialist.
Newsmax TV
The newly established "news" darling of the alt right . . . I mean how dare Fox "News" properly call a "fair and balanced" election for the other guy :rolleyes: . . . may they ALL crash and burn. Divide and conquer!

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Ya Ya whatever you say. You are so intelligent that you even think that Biden is going to do anything positive to help the American people, good luck. By the way if Biden forgives all the outstanding student loans, who is it that is going to pay the balance to the lenders, it won't be the wealthy and it won't be the lower income, that leaves the middle class.

Why didn't you respond to the examples of voter suppression Ed mentioned?

It looks cowardly and weak to try to weasel away by bringing something else up when someone provided a strong argument against your point. You should either respond, or man up and say you didn't know about the voter suppression and you'll think about it.
I'm still here still healthy
still in denial...?

So nice when white folks take the time out of their magnificent days to tell me who's been great for me and my family and friends and community. It's good because, we don't know what racism or racists really are. Just can't seem to recognize it. So happy good white folks like yourself are here to guide us.
barack obama middle finger GIF

What proof do you have that Joe Biden is a racist? A man who supported the Voting Rights Act of 1982? A man who 100% supported, campaigned for and was the number 2 behind the first black president? A man who chose a black woman for his running mate? A man who supported policy for 50 years that were favorably to people of color? A man who is supported by a majority of black people who actually put him in office? He was dead as toast until the South Carolina primary, and then dominated everything after the southern swing?

I'm sure you're smarter than the millions of us, who supported Biden. Some kind of way, we are fooled, but a high school dropout like yourself can see the light and what's best for us. That's how ridiculous you sound. And utterly ignorant of reality.

And, after Lincoln, LBJ was the most significant President to the state of black America. Making it illegal to discriminate in Housing, Education, Banking, Justice, and Employment- was under him. Ending racial segregation, Voter Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, consumer protection orders. Enforcement varied but with the Warren Court then the Burger Court upholding these orders, black made historical gains in education, employment, home ownership, business ownership, and health. Sure most of it was moving from the poverty level to the working class level, but that's was the biggest step since freeing the slaves- and then immediately banning them from owning property in most places.

There is a boatload more but, you said something about Trump. While Obama raised employment levels of black by over 7% from the time he took office, under Trump, briefly it went up another 1.7%- that's the record Trump brags about, that he immediately erased the next quarter.
Trump has been the worst President for blacks.
Racial Violence escalated under Trump and he never addressed it.
For years we've been talking about discriminatory policing and the need for reform, Trump embraces the Blue Lives movement and runs on Law and Order which was code in the South just one generation ago for discriminatory practices and *******.
Unemployment for blacks under Trump, record highs.
Trump continues to downplay Covid, while it kills black and brown people at alarming rates.
Trump removed all diversity training at the federal level, because we all get along so well under him.
Trump trashed the inner cities instead of working with those who do the work everyday to find solutions. Minus the 'solutions' from some celebrity Rappers.
Trump supported the voting suppression tactics talked about earlier that target blacks.
No sir. Trump is not the great white hope that you are making him out to be.

EVERYTHING I write, I can back up with proof. You've been yapping off on here all weekend and have yet to provide any support of anything you said. Well, except to tell us you're a lonely old man with no education. Great, perfect Trumptard, but don't try to put your hero on us. We know who he is. The biggest lying, most anti-American, criminal to occupy the White House.
Thank you for laying this out so well.

Surely coming from you, an American, it will have more merit than coming from someone outside the country as apparently we all live in bubbles and are forbidden from gathering any knowledge whatsoever about countries other than our own 🤦🏻
Newsmax TV
The newly established "news" darling of the alt right . . . I mean how dare Fox "News" properly call a "fair and balanced" election for the other guy :rolleyes: . . . may they ALL crash and burn. Divide and conquer!

I enjoy responding on their youtube site...One cat from Sweden said not Only does the U.S. support and love Trump , but the rest of the World loves Trump...I said as an American that lives in Portugal, that's horseshit...But you are free to love who you want...🖕😂🤣😅
I just love to entertain you progressive soon to be socialist.
apparently you have lived in this country for a period of time, but you must not look around, read, understand anything that goes on around you. You and nearly every other trumpet like to through out the word socialist. just what do you think this country is a hard core strict capitalist society??? if you do, this might be the major issue with you and 73,000,000 other people. the political right has put in a lot of peoples head that strict capitalism is the be all to end all. However, without gov't infusions (tax money and such) we wouldn't have the industries and businesses we have today, we wouldn't have roads, railroads, airports, ambulance service we have today, we wouldn't have the quality of medical care we have today or possibly even the covid-19 vaccine we may soon get. we wouldn't have the American middle class we have today, we would basically have two classes the super rich and dirt poor. governments of the past created these programs and many others for our health, our protection, our welfare and our progressiveness. Without some of these " socialist programs" we wouldn't have the wonderful internet.
So you see America is a little bit of all economic ideas, its made up of people from all over the world, all here as equals.
Your fear should not be progressives moving to socialist, ( i think progressives actually understand what America is suppose to be) but falling under a petty dictator who's hero is the likes of putin and the little guy in north korea.