Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Well that's false. Trump's sister is the only one. She has failed at life, so her only way to make money is to trash the one President that 70+ million leftist nutjobs with TDS hate. You being one of them.

Everyone else stands with Trump. Nice try though, dumbass.
Trump's sister retired and got the hell out of dodge before the shitstorm. He insists on screaming into the wind (or was it another hurricane?) that he's smarter than the doctors, he's smarter than the generals, and he's smarter than the lawyers and you believe him.
I don't accept that Biden and yuck Harris got even a million votes.
That ONE sentence proves your entire train of thought is wholly irrational and should never be given serious consideration.

Oh, -did I mention, BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!???
Trump's sister retired and got the hell out of dodge before the shitstorm. He insists on screaming into the wind (or was it another hurricane?) that he's smarter than the doctors, he's smarter than the generals, and he's smarter than the lawyers and you believe him.

That ONE sentence proves your entire train of thought is wholly irrational and should never be given serious consideration.
Oh they did! But what I can't accept is the mental condition of the people in America signing on for their own destruction.
Of course not. Right wing propaganda has been telling you so much ******* your head is mush. However, that's too bad.
Every state controls their elections and say they got what they got, and the media has been calling these races since 1845 and they got what they got. Trump was holding rallies with 15000 people, and telling people not to trust mail - in ballots, Democrats were organizing people to vote by mail-in ballots. Only 67% of the eligible voting age population voted anyway. Trumps red states came out on the low of that.

So, all Democrats did were raised their margins within certain states. Trump raised his percentage with groups across the board, but could raise his margins. That's what happens when you govern with less than a 50% approval for four years, and not give a fuck.

Trump has brought more corruption in his destructive one term than any other president in two terms. They were so bad his own Justice Department could save them. More arrests, indictments, and guilty pleas to crime and corruption that any other administration. If you know of one, please tell us. Trump can use the reference. Not to mention his own criminal and unethical activity that he's used the shield to the Presidency to keep him from being questioned. Not anymore.
3 things alone would have ran any other president out of town:
1. Hiding of his tax records.
2. Mysterious $400 million he owes to another country- China or Russia mostly likely since those were only places that would loan him money.
3. Cheated the tax system to the point that he paid only $750 in federal taxes the year he paid on his personal income but, paid $200,000 plus to China on income taxes. great Patriot there.
4. A secret undisclosed checking account in China with millions in it.
Calling him a scumbag, would be sullying the good reputation of scumbags everywhere, right @submission52 ?

Who told you that? Nurse Ratched before beddy time?

How the hell do you get off on predictions when you can't even read and correctly relay what's happening now?
Speaking of Great Depressions, you know who had to rescue us from the last one? Barack Hussein-that's my middle name, eat a bag of dicks if you can't handle it- Obama! You forgot the campaigning was cancelled in September of 2008 because W discovered we were fucked and wanted to bring in the potential next president's to let them know what kind of ******* sandwich he's leaving behind? You don't? That's cause six months later, Obama, Pelosi and Reid were handling it.

It's good you're coming around to reality. I have something else to drop on you too. You're not going to like it one bit, but it's time you knew. Santa Claus is not real. Never was. And Christmas, not Jesus of Nazareth's birthday. That guy was a spring baby. December 25th was the pagan holiday the Church commandeered. I won't even go into mistletoe, the tree, or eating meat on Christmas.
You're welcome.
All that you wrote here simply makes me smile because of the false statements, except for knowledge concerning Christmas, I already knew that the Roman Catholic Church commandeered Christmas, Easter and so many other Pagan celebrations and traditions. If Barry Obama is your hero more power to you, he is still running the democrat party behind the scenes from just down the street in DC so go visit him sometime.
All that you wrote here simply makes me smile because of the false statements, except for knowledge concerning Christmas, I already knew that the Roman Catholic Church commandeered Christmas, Easter and so many other Pagan celebrations and traditions. If Barry Obama is your hero more power to you, he is still running the democrat party behind the scenes from just down the street in DC so go visit him sometime.
Well, using the phrase 'All that you wrote' comes across as 'we don't need no facts and learning stuff, y'all be moving on now'.
It's a factual as the Christmas knowledge. I know you read it all. I know it challenges your world view. And, I know it will be knocking around in your head for a long time to come.
You're welcome. I just set you on a path of enlightenment.
All that you wrote here simply makes me smile because of the false statements, except for knowledge concerning Christmas, I already knew that the Roman Catholic Church commandeered Christmas, Easter and so many other Pagan celebrations and traditions. If Barry Obama is your hero more power to you, he is still running the democrat party behind the scenes from just down the street in DC so go visit him sometime.
I see him when he's here at home in Chicago. And yes, he's a hero, he saved the economy, improved the lives and health of many millions, and made the world a safer place by killing more terrorists under his watch than any other, and improving the American economy after the recession which in turn lifted world markets. In spite of the daily barrage of bullshit and haters, he was dignified and honorable as President, a husband and a *******. Lots of investigations, no scandals. Hell, they stop going after him and started going after Hillary. Still found nothing.
Those are the facts buddy. Let's hear your conspiracies now.
Since he isn't yet correctly ushered in there is still hope to hold of the demise of our nation for at least 4 more years. If the courts rule in his favor, buckle up we are going to crash.
It's not ruling in his favor, it's ruling with the law, or in Trumps favor.
Joe got the most votes. He doesn't need the courts to rule on anything. Trump is crying, and wants his court to intervene, which they are refusing.
These groups disagree with you, but you don't care about working people, the tech industry, the retail industry and the manufacturing industry do you?
It's not ruling in his favor, it's ruling with the law, or in Trumps favor.
Joe got the most votes. He doesn't need the courts to rule on anything. Trump is crying, and wants his court to intervene, which they are refusing.
These groups disagree with you, but you don't care about working people, the tech industry, the retail industry and the manufacturing industry do you?
Are you saying that you have no issue with the possibility that the corruption in this election is could have changed the outcome for Biden or Trump, cheating is just that cheating and it weakens the election process and takes the vote out of the hands of the American people. Do you know for a fact that Joe received the most legal votes?
I see him when he's here at home in Chicago. And yes, he's a hero, he saved the economy, improved the lives and health of many millions, and made the world a safer place by killing more terrorists under his watch than any other, and improving the American economy after the recession which in turn lifted world markets. In spite of the daily barrage of bullshit and haters, he was dignified and honorable as President, a husband and a *******. Lots of investigations, no scandals. Hell, they stop going after him and started going after Hillary. Still found nothing.
Those are the facts buddy. Let's hear your conspiracies now.
You know what would be nice and productive, if we all stopped calling each other names, stopped being so judgmental and showed a lot more respect for each other. I don't hate you at all, your a black man on a very kinky cuckolding website, I am not a racist, I have never had any reason to become one. I don't plan to do so either.
You know what would be nice and productive, if we all stopped calling each other names, stopped being so judgmental and showed a lot more respect for each other. I don't hate you at all, your a black man on a very kinky cuckolding website, I am not a racist, I have never had any reason to become one. I don't plan to do so either.

yet you support racism....and push for it to control the country....talking out both sides of your ass there have to be one or the other