Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Just can not take his hands out of the cookie jar.....getting to much off the taxpayer and can not leave that free money

Donald Trump wants to run the Republican party even if he leaves office. Can he?

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump may not be president much longer, but he still wants to run the Republican Party for the foreseeable future.

If he can.

From setting up a political action committee to suggesting he might run again in 2024, Trump is already working to keep his hold on the GOP after his term ends – but he also faces formidable obstacles in his future drive to stay relevant, according to advisers and other members of the Republican Party.

"He'll be the head of the party, no matter what happens," said one Trump aide, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity because the president still believes he will prevail in his election lawsuits.

Other Republicans say it won't be so easy for Trump to control the party once he loses the power of the presidency. That will almost surely happen on Jan. 20, after his various legal challenges to the election won by Democrat Joe Biden are exhausted.

"Yes, he has a big following in the GOP," said Republican strategist Liz Mair. "But the GOP tends to shift direction after every presidency/losing candidacy."

Many Republicans, however, expect Trump to continue swinging a big stick within the party for months and maybe years to come.

Republican strategist Brad Todd said the president is beloved among the party’s base, especially among right-leaning populist voters who flocked to the GOP in 2016 and turned out in high numbers for him in this election.

"They tend to like Donald Trump better than most Republicans, but they don’t always vote," he said.

That gives Trump leverage.

What's Trump's next act? Some advisers say a 2024 run is possible

“There’s only one political sun in the solar system and it’s him,” Todd said. “Some voters – a very big chunk – value his brand and it seems completely logical that he would want to continue to that. I think he will want to be relevant, and that he will be relevant.

Yet Trump will also face pushback from Republicans who want the party to move past the divisions that marked his tenure.

John Bolton, Trump's former national security adviser, said he doesn't think Republican voters will uniformly follow him once he is no longer president.

For one thing, Trump will lose the ability to "intimidate" people into backing him, said Bolton, whose book, "The Room Where It Happened," painted a searing picture of the president as an incompetent commander-in-chief.

Bolton predicted that Republicans would ultimately look for new leaders.

"I think his power to influence will diminish dramatically once he leaves the Oval Office on Jan. 20, 2021,” Bolton said. "It's a completely different ballgame ... the dynamic will change dramatically.”

And Trump could face legal troubles after he leaves office.

Authorities in New York are investigating Trump over accusations ranging from tax avoidance to alleged violations of campaign finance laws by paying hush money to keep ex-mistresses quiet during his 2016 presidential race.

What will Trump's role be in Georgia?​

History is also working against continuing relevance for Trump.

Most presidents fade from the political scene after they leave office, often by choice but also because their ability to shape events quickly faded. One exception: Former President Bill Clinton worked on Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, but with mixed success at best.

One test of Trump's continuing political strength comes early: Two Jan. 5 runoffs in Georgia that will decide whether Republicans keep control of the U.S. Senate or cede it to the Democrats.

Trump is publicly backing the two Georgia Republican incumbents who are running on Jan. 5, Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. Some Republicans, however, fear Trump's refusal to concede the presidential election will undercut the party's brand in Georgia, and in other states in future races.

'Call off the legal dogs': Some GOP donors aren't keen to help Trump with election lawsuits

Supporting Trump's intransigence is "a mistake for the country and it’s a mistake for the Republican Party," Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan told reporters. "And especially as we have the Senate hanging in the balance in two runoff elections in Georgia. Doing anything to tarnish the brand and cost us votes is a pretty significant thing."

How Trump handles the 2024 questions may also determine his staying power, Republicans said.

Declaring a 2024 campaign right away might actually undercut his leadership, some advisers said. Many Republicans will hold off endorsing him, waiting to see who else runs, while the Republican National Committee will be obligated to stay neutral.

If Trump keeps his options open for 2024, aides said, more party members will look to stay on good terms with him. Other candidates, particularly in the 2022 congressional elections, will want access to the sources of Trump's power: his fervent followers and donors.

"He has the base of support and the financial base of support" to be a ******* in the Republican Party for a long time, said one GOP official.

Either way, however, Trump will face competition to be the nation's top Republican.

Georgia flipped blue but it's not over: Two Senate runoff races carry national implications

At least a dozen Republicans are considering presidential bids of their own in 2024. While many of these candidates will seek Trump's blessing, others will seek to chart a new course for the party.

Whit Ayers, a Republican pollster and consultant, disagrees that Trump's role will be diminished once the 2020 presidential results are finalized. He said while former presidents typically want to retire from public life as much as possible, few expect Trump will follow that tradition.

"Going away quietly would be very much out of character for this president, and remaining quiet would be even more out of character," Ayers said.

One reason might be due in part to the GOP not being as reflective after having a better than expected election overall.

Republicans have netted six House seats so far despite fears that Democrats might expand their majority. They also fended off closely watched Senate challenges in Maine, North Carolina, Iowa and South Carolina.

'It's an embarrassment': Joe Biden responds to Donald Trump's refusal to concede presidential race

Democrats also failed to flip a single state legislative chamber, which will have major ramifications on redrawing congressional maps after the 2020 census.

"There's no formal autopsy needed because this is not exactly a sign of weakness or failure, and they won most of what they wanted below the presidency," Ayers said.

Whether Republicans view Trump sticking around in the form of a PAC or 2024 candidate as good or bad depends on their opinion of the president currently, but most recognize he isn't going away.

"I think Republicans of all persuasions view Donald Trump's continuing involvement in politics as inevitable," Ayers said.

"We've had populists through American history, from William Jennings Bryant to Huey Long to George Wallace, but we've never had one achieve the presidency before Donald Trump," he added. "We have no historical basis for determining his long-term legacy or value at this point."

Trump family will stay in the spotlight​

Mair, an outspoken "Never Trumper," said Trump's desire to keep running the Republican Party "won’t matter" in the long term. The party tends to move on whenever its leaders lose power, whether it is ex-presidents like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, or losing election nominees like Bob Dole and Mitt Romney.

Trump, however, is discussing ways to stay in the public eye, aides said, from staging more rallies to creating a digital media channel that would stream conservative and pro-Trump content online.

Members of Trump's family also plan to stay involved in politics, particularly Donald Trump Jr. The younger Trump denied news reports that he plans to seek a leadership position with the Republican Party, but friends said he will continue to speak out on behalf of GOP candidates and his *******'s legacy.

Election 2020 updates: Bolton says Republicans 'coddling' Trump, Georgia will do hand recount

Kimberly Guilfoyle wearing a suit and tie standing in front of a crowd: US President Donald Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle listen while Donald Trump Jr. speaks during a Make America Great Again rally at Kenosha Regional Airport November 2, 2020, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
© BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI, AFP via Getty Images US President Donald Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle listen while Donald Trump Jr. speaks during a Make America Great Again rally at Kenosha Regional Airport November 2, 2020, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Ivanka Trump, the president's high-profile *******, has not said whether she will pursue a political career after her ******* leaves office.

Trump is in the process of forming his own "leadership political action committee," ostensibly to give money to state and federal Republican candidates who share his views.

The PAC could also be a vehicle for another Trump presidential campaign in 2024. Aides said they fully expect Trump to at least flirt with the idea of running again, if only to freeze out rivals for the title of top Republican.

Trump could just as easily use his leadership PAC to pay his legal bills, or set up his children for political life, said Mair and others.

"He might run, just to give him a pretext for doing the rallies he loves," Mair said. "That said, he has two ******* who appear to be interested in running. We know he prioritizes his ******* ahead of everything else, and he’s pretty old and unhealthy – so he just may not be up to it or in that frame of mind by 2024."

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Donald Trump wants to run the Republican party even if he leaves office. Can he?

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Never was interested in doing the job...he just wanted the job to get rich

Trump and his White House minimize pandemic surge as he focuses on denying election loss

President Trump finally received some good news this past week: Amid spiking coronavirus cases nationwide — more than 100,000 new cases a day since Nov. 4, with deaths rising, too — pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced that its experimental coronavirus vaccine was more than 90 percent effective.

But the president was furious.

The news came six days after Election Day — too late to help Trump in his contest against President-elect Joe Biden — and he said both Pfizer and his own Food and ******* Administration had withheld the announcement to prevent delivering him the sort of pre-election public-relations victory that could have helped him in the polls. Instead of touting the vaccine success as a crowning achievement of his administration, as advisers encouraged, Trump barely mentioned it except to gripe on Twitter that “the Democrats didn’t want to have me get a Vaccine WIN, prior to the election.”

Since Election Day and for weeks prior, Trump has all but ceased to actively manage the deadly pandemic, which so far has killed at least 244,000 Americans, infected at least 10.9 million and choked the country’s economy. The president has not attended a coronavirus task ******* meeting in “at least five months,” said one senior administration official with knowledge of the meetings who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share candid details.


"You cucks aren't strong enough,.. we don't believe you, you need more people..."

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There weren’t a million MAGA marchers. It was in the thousands. I live in the DC metro area, and the size of the crowd was covered and documented by the local news. There were a million Trumptards there just like a record number of people attended Chump’s inauguration 🤥😆🙄
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He knows it's over... someone contact @submission52 and tell him to pull up the lawn sign.

I remind everyone, Democrats passed bill out of the House to fund a massive update to voting machines and processes. Republicans in the Senate did nothing because the White House liked things as is. Now he bitches about it?
Holy fuck, you're illiterate. "Cant nobody be a stupid as"
Double negative. Incorrect grammar using "can't" and "nobody" together. Missing an apostrophe in "can't". And it's "as stupid as". Somehow, you found a way to make 4 errors in the span of 4 words, and you try to call me stupid? :ROFLMAO: I've seen some whoppers from dumbasses like BBCdouchebag and erectiledysfunction4mwf, but you blow them away with stupidity.

More importantly, I never said Trump will remain in the White House. I just said, it's not over. I said to be patient. Because there is a legal process that has to play out, and no one, especially someone as stupid as you (see, I can form a complete sentence), can predict how this will play out. The one thing you forget is, we have a majority on the Supreme Court. And there's one other big trick up the sleeve I guarantee you don't know about.
I was being sarcastic with my grammar dumbfucker. You and your hero are done. Time to move out of the White House. I cant wait until he concedes and you become an embarrassment on this site......
I was being sarcastic with my grammar dumbfucker. You and your hero are done. Time to move out of the White House. I cant wait until he concedes and you become an embarrassment on this site......
He will never ever rise up to the level of class to concede. Never. He is who he has shown us to be. This whole Trump thing has been nothing but a near farcical criminal family given the opportunity to run this government and them failing historically.
Maybe he's counting using internet math- like when men add inches to their height or dick size online. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I wonder when Trump is going to hire this guy

thanks trump you dumb mom fucker....costing the US a lot while lining your own fucking pockets

Asia forms world's biggest trade bloc, without US

A China-backed free trade bloc, spanning 30% of the world's economy, was formed at a virtual summit on Sunday in a move that likely gives Beijing greater influence and leaves Washington on the outside. David Doyle reports.

Our fucking greedy Big biz people see the chance to make millions more while fucking America....have made China now a dominate ******* in the world and someone who now pretty much controls us...…..and thanks to trump giving china that much more while leaving out our people trying to sell their goods...…..hope the dumb fucking republican farmers see that....but probably won't
I wonder when Trump is going to hire this guy

View attachment 3726423
BAGDAD BOB?! I really liked this guy for a weird reason. I don't think he was a bad guy, just making a living.
Wonder if he's still alive? LOL

Sorry all you socialist/communist dumb dumbs! Trump isn't going anywhere for another 4 years! Your cheating pile of ******* representatives got caught! The American Patriots will never let Bendin and Blow in office! You saw that yesterday. If you would have won fairly, that would have been one thing, but your party has to cheat. Your going down!