Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Do not assign characteristics to this man that has shown us his entire life, he has no integrity.
We know who he is.
He could not have been a better president. He could not have been a unifier. He can not be decent. That is not Donald Trump.
Thus, he is not worthy of decency or respect.

My best Dennis Green impression 😝

Donald Trump is who we thought he is! Trump told us who and what he is! He told us so himself! That's why we took to the vote! Now if you wanna crown him, then crown his ass!!! But he is who and what we thought he is! So this time we turned out the vote! And damnit this time we didn't let him off the hook!

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Did anyone notice that all of trump’s supporters on here can’t write proper English ? And then have the nerve to debate politics as if they are truly informed ? Lol .. There’s a reason why most of his supports are non college educated .. you can tell them anything and they will believe it .. they can’t think for themselves..
Did anyone notice that all of trump’s supporters on here can’t write proper English ? And then have the nerve to debate politics as if they are truly informed ? Lol .. There’s a reason why most of his supports are non college educated .. you can tell them anything and they will believe it .. they can’t think for themselves..

Yeah like, "I lost the election due to rampant fraud." :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Hey cry baby,
You got no fraud. You can get 100 ballots mailed to you by accident. You only can mail in one. You mail in two- your fucked and flagged with your votes not being counted.
Anyone not on the voter file in time, will be a spoiled ballot and not counted. Anyone registering and voting on the same day, will have their ballot segregated from the rest and labeled 'cured'. That means they will have to match names, address and signature to the registration and check for duplicates. That's why a 'count' takes this long.
All of the processes are monitored by people picked from the campaigns or Party on each side.
Count every vote!

Now your turn, tell us of this fraud...
You don't have evidence. It's an anti-Democratic thing to spread in order to retain power. It's why every day of the Biden-Harris Administration I will remind you soft minded tRumptards how hateful and anti-American you are.
Have a shitty day. Hopefully one of many to come. Other than that, enjoy yourself.

Pennsylvania Republican Senator Pat Toomey also claims there is no sign of fraud, and thus contradicts Trump’s narrative!!
The Republicans' success in congressional elections indicates that many Republicans voted for Biden. Also...some of the stock market commenters say investors like the combination of Biden for stimulus and Republican senate for reining in any thrusts towards big time tax increases. (So what does the US do about the deficit? Ever since GW Bush, every president has continued the tradition of increasing the deficit by 1 trillion dollars per year....until this year when the pandemic pushed it up by 3 trillion. }
Pennsylvania Republican Senator Pat Toomey also claims there is no sign of fraud, and thus contradicts Trump’s narrative!!.... Only a total fool would believe anything trump says don`t forget he is the only human to have had the coronavirus for one day & told all fools that believes anything he says that drinking or injecting bleech is the cure for covid-19 & it now looks like joe biden was 100% right when he in front of billions around the world called trump the "worst president America has ever had.".
Truth is, EVERYBODY comes out of that job gray....except Reagan who lost his to shoe polish his 2nd year as CA governor.

Yeah, a lot of people didn’t know/realize that Reagan dyed his hair. I saw him ONE TIME when it was gray and was shocked just because I had not seen his hair like that before. He was very careful and conscientious about keeping it looking jet black at all times, at least when in public.
The Democrats really fucked this election up.....should have been a walk in the park in every area....instead we lost a few house seats...the senate we don't know yet and the pres.....well.....can't say much there should have it.....but it never should have been that close

they should have dumped money...a lot in some of those areas where things were weak...Like Iowa...that senator was not real popular and should have been easy pickings.....we didn't do much and she got re-elected....same with several other areas.....we really fucked this election up and are squeaking by...…..we sat back and tried to let trump hand it to us

the things we back from overseas....minimum rights and a bunch of other things we will need congress AND the senate to approve...especially raising the corporate tax to pay for some of this....and it is all in question now