Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Biden & Harris have had the Secret Service around them since they began their campaign.. however additional "padding" was dispatched today yes. I believe it was because it was thought & believed that the winner would be called today.
well I think since Romney was the one in the GOP to denounce trumps remarks goes along way in saying that trump might be right....his supporters do not need much to create problems......

Need McConnell and a few others to say the election was fair!....but not happening
even a couple of gop members on the news would not go along with trump...saying he was out of line....but also would not rule out "issues" either
this thing could get out of hand and very volatile if others don't step up and say trump is wrong....especially someone like McConnell.....their silence also speaks wonders to those that are not the sharpest knives in the drawer

once it starts a little late to speak up....we all know trump has no problem at all creating as much havoc as he can....and right now …...
this thing could get out of hand and very volatile if others don't step up and say trump is wrong....especially someone like McConnell.....their silence also speaks wonders to those that are not the sharpest knives in the drawer

once it starts a little late to speak up....we all know trump has no problem at all creating as much havoc as he can....and right now …...

You should know by now that “chinless Mitch” ain’t gonna do jack *******! I would slug him right in the chin . . . if only he had one . . . not to mention a spine! But I see Lindsay Graham is already runnin’ his bossy mouth again talkin’ about what somebody else “needs to do” after being on TV begging for money to save his own damn self! Literally, “Help me, help me”! These clowns 🤡 have no shame! Or spines!!!
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You should know by now that “chinless Mitch” ain’t gonna do jack *******! I would slug him right in the chin . . . if only he had one . . . not to mention a spine! But I see Lindsay Graham is already runnin’ his bossy mouth again talkin’ about what somebody else “needs to do” after being on TV begging for money to save his own damn self! Literally, “Help me, help me”! These clowns 🤡 have no shame! Or spines!!!
of all the state elections...I was hoping one or both McConnel or graham would not make re-election...graham was really in trouble or so they led us to believe....he once stated how honest and respected Biden was....but under trump I'm sure he won't say that now
Trump plans to run to the Supreme Court to get election handed to him- then he realized he told every
The Democrats really fucked this election up.....should have been a walk in the park in every area....instead we lost a few house seats...the senate we don't know yet and the pres.....well.....can't say much there should have it.....but it never should have been that close

they should have dumped money...a lot in some of those areas where things were weak...Like Iowa...that senator was not real popular and should have been easy pickings.....we didn't do much and she got re-elected....same with several other areas.....we really fucked this election up and are squeaking by...…..we sat back and tried to let trump hand it to us

the things we back from overseas....minimum rights and a bunch of other things we will need congress AND the senate to approve...especially raising the corporate tax to pay for some of this....and it is all in question now
Come back inside and off the ledge with with me, I've got a 1968 Mercury Cougar you can work on while I talk and cold Old Style beer to share.
You are wrong about Democrats fucking up. We raised over a billion dollars. And spent more than that.
Iowa was part of 31 million dollar multi state ad buy this summer. In the Spring, we spent almost 7 million on the Iowa primary to be sure the strongest candidate made it through.
Ernst was not, and is not popular. However, like Perdue in Georgia, she is familiar.
Jaime Harrison of South Carolina had the most money ever spent by a senate candidate.
There is definitely some bullshit happening- but that's for the House Investigation on the Election or whatever committee audits the elections. However, when the counting is done, Biden will have over 300 electoral votes, the highest number of the popular vote ever, and the Senate will come down to two run off elections in the same state. We will take those seats.
Most of these states are not used to doing an early vote, that is as big or bigger than the election day turnout.
So, let's finish this task of counting votes, keep on eye on the current President, and prepare for a bigger push in Georgia. We will figure out how things were so off- again.
We are all fucking dumber just by reading this.
That CNN 'both sides' milquetoast 'everyone is corrupt' bullshit is a weak copout.
There is always a reason something happens. Fault lies with the decisions of one or individuals, not all.
You clearly coach little league in an everyone wins district.
I was there in 2000, my first presidential race. It was the recount that was stopped and the Supreme Court stepped in and decided on Bush.
Another disgruntled Trumptard sore loser. Yes, you're right, not everyone is corrupt, but Donald J Trump sure is, and WAS for the last 4 years. Rejoice everyone, the corrupt Trump family will be gone soon. Thank you Jesus. Lets all shout NO MORE YEARS...........NO MORE YEARS
Did anyone notice that all of trump’s supporters on here can’t write proper English ? And then have the nerve to debate politics as if they are truly informed ? Lol .. There’s a reason why most of his supports are non college educated .. you can tell them anything and they will believe it .. they can’t think for themselves..

The same is true here in Hungary among pro-government theocrats, who also worship Trump alongside Viktor Orbán (a corrupt Hungarian prime minister and Trump believer)! One is stupider than the other!! :D
Another disgruntled Trumptard sore loser. Yes, you're right, not everyone is corrupt, but Donald J Trump sure is, and WAS for the last 4 years. Rejoice everyone, the corrupt Trump family will be gone soon. Thank you Jesus. Lets all shout NO MORE YEARS...........NO MORE YEARS
Trump Jr calling for total war? Jail for him. Jail for anyone who attempts to undermine and discredit the machinery of democracy.
Trump plans to run to the Supreme Court to get election handed to him- then he realized he told every

Come back inside and off the ledge with with me, I've got a 1968 Mercury Cougar you can work on while I talk and cold Old Style beer to share.
You are wrong about Democrats fucking up. We raised over a billion dollars. And spent more than that.
Iowa was part of 31 million dollar multi state ad buy this summer. In the Spring, we spent almost 7 million on the Iowa primary to be sure the strongest candidate made it through.
Ernst was not, and is not popular. However, like Perdue in Georgia, she is familiar.
Jaime Harrison of South Carolina had the most money ever spent by a senate candidate.
There is definitely some bullshit happening- but that's for the House Investigation on the Election or whatever committee audits the elections. However, when the counting is done, Biden will have over 300 electoral votes, the highest number of the popular vote ever, and the Senate will come down to two run off elections in the same state. We will take those seats.
Most of these states are not used to doing an early vote, that is as big or bigger than the election day turnout.
So, let's finish this task of counting votes, keep on eye on the current President, and prepare for a bigger push in Georgia. We will figure out how things were so off- again.

I remember Graham crying for money....and made it fairly easy...… brother lives in Iowa n said Earst would never make re-election and did so fairly easy...….Mac saying tillis would never make re-election and did so.....several others something wrong!.....fuck I hated to see Graham of all people make it...although dislike McConnell and a few others...

68 cougar huh....nice car....old style beer....I am a beer drinker!