Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

trump too fucking stupid to know his racist ass was his demise....he played up to the proud boys and etc.....thinking who knows what...…...but he also offended and had words with several others on the opposite side of the fence......already mentioned Cummings......but most probably for got that little thing between trump and Obama over running for election head to head...and trump saying he would beat Obama...….Obama worked his ass off to help Biden!
but trump probably forgot all his little spats with different include his remarks about Abrahams....his spats with Lewis and Cummings....all lead to his demise
I will support this president till another is inaugurated. Go Trump God bless 🇺🇸
hopefully Biden can heal the country....someone or something has to....Gingrich and McConnell did a lot to divide...especially with how they treated Obama....had trump been a lot more honest for ONE he might have got a lot less ******* than he did...but trump pushed even more for the divide...….history will not be kind to trump....and he asked for everything he got and will get!

after he is out of office we will see just how corrupt he really was

Joe has a history of working across the isle...…..will MConnel work with him?

Joe gets things on the road I think with Harris's background she can finish...if the country works toward that
trump too fucking stupid to know his racist ass was his demise....he played up to the proud boys and etc.....thinking who knows what...…...but he also offended and had words with several others on the opposite side of the fence......already mentioned Cummings......but most probably for got that little thing between trump and Obama over running for election head to head...and trump saying he would beat Obama...….Obama worked his ass off to help Biden!
but trump probably forgot all his little spats with different include his remarks about Abrahams....his spats with Lewis and Cummings....all lead to his demise

The ONE thing that I will give Trump is that he did get the Republican vote out. He absolutely did in a record-breaking way. And it was pretty much all him. Pence was out there, but Trump was pretty much a one man show. A record number of Republican votes were cast. His demise was that an even larger record-breaking number of Democratic votes were cast. And in the end, Trump was repudiated, while the Republican party itself was not. You know a lot of Republicans voted against him, but then still voted for other Republican candidates like Ernst, Collins, Graham, and Perdue. No blue wave.
The ONE thing that I will give Trump is that he did get the Republican vote out. He absolutely did in a record-breaking way. And it was pretty much all him. Pence was out there, but Trump was pretty much a one man show. A record number of Republican votes were cast. His demise was that an even larger record-breaking number of Democratic votes were cast. And in the end, Trump was repudiated, while the Republican party itself was not. You know a lot of Republicans voted against him, but then still voted for other Republican candidates like Ernst, Collins, Graham, Perdue. No blue wave.
I saw last night he was taking credit for the Asian and Latino vote.....maybe...…...but had he worked like that for all the country.....people MIGHT have evn overlooked the Russian thing
I saw last night he was taking credit for the Asian and Latino vote.....maybe...…...but had he worked like that for all the country.....people MIGHT have evn overlooked the Russian thing

Had he been more of a unifier versus a divider who only played to his base, he would have been a much better and more effective president . . . and maybe he could have kept more people on his side and won again . . . but he just didn’t have it in him.
🎼 The best part of waking up is Georgia in your cup! 🎼🎼🎼
Official state song of Georgia . . . sung by a black man . . . .

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hopefully Biden can heal the country....someone or something has to....Gingrich and McConnell did a lot to divide...especially with how they treated Obama....had trump been a lot more honest for ONE he might have got a lot less ******* than he did...but trump pushed even more for the divide...….history will not be kind to trump....and he asked for everything he got and will get!

after he is out of office we will see just how corrupt he really was

Joe has a history of working across the isle...…..will MConnel work with him?

Joe gets things on the road I think with Harris's background she can finish...if the country works toward that

I hope so, but they need to give him a chance . . . I'm not optimistic . . . "chinless Mitch" is on my permanent ******* list for the way that he and his cronies treated Obama. He came right out of the gate and said it was his job to make sure Obama failed and was a one-term president. Well, guess who was the one to fail? McConnell's attitude was the same as held by people all over the country, in and out of government . . . including people just like that SUPER ASSHOLE Submission52 . . . they did not give Obama a chance! He had to fight those people every inch of the way, to the point that they even threatened to let the United States default on its debts, just to spite Obama! What kind of ******* was that??? I was so glad for Obama's administration to be over just from sheer mental exhaustion (kinda like after 4 years of Trump) . . . and that was just me . . . look at how gray Obama is now!!! He wouldn't be looking how he's looking had he not been president for 8 years and put up with all of the stress of dealing with the Senate, not to mention everything else.
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Mitch McConnell is on your ******* list for the way he treated Obama , but Donald Trump who has openly, blatantly disrespected millions of immigrants and minorities is your hero ???
Mitch McConnell is on your ******* list for the way he treated Obama , but Donald Trump who has openly, blatantly disrespected millions of immigrants and minorities is your hero ???
who are you talking to?....we are not talking all the "misdeeds"...we are talking about who has worked to divide the country....
Mitch McConnell is on your ******* list for the way he treated Obama , but Donald Trump who has openly, blatantly disrespected millions of immigrants and minorities is your hero ???

Excuse me, but are you addressing that to me??? Because if you are, do you know how to READ (and comprehend)??? You obviously don’t, and you obviously don’t know anything about me. All you would have to do is read (and understand) just a few of my posts in this thread . . . oh yeah . . . YOU CAN’T.
As this topic as shown, some people are here to simply agitate and promote bigotry.. you have poor whites and blue collar workers who vote republican just to show how racist they are . When in fact they are voting against their interest for having financial resources not only for them, but for their families as well . There is no reason to vote republican unless you are wealthy . Simple as that . And the way the Republican Party has turn toward bigotry throughout the several years, there’s just simply no reason to give them your vote.. unless you’re inherently racist .. period . Anyways , Biden is our president now :))))))
As the creator of this thread, AllForWifey can keep it relevant by changing the title to Go Away Trump :p😜😝
sorry but I don't see him doing that...…..have to give him a lot of credit for sticking in there with his opinion and thoughts......even when all else jumped ship and refused to take the heat.....we took out our dislikes for trump on him....I will give him some kudos for hanging in there right to the end

we have heard nothing from hottobe...HH...2bi...and several others here recently
sorry but I don't see him doing that...…..have to give him a lot of credit for sticking in there with his opinion and thoughts......even when all else jumped ship and refused to take the heat.....we took out our dislikes for trump on him....I will give him some kudos for hanging in there right to the end

It was just a joke . . . this thread will become irrelevant and eventually go dormant. Just like AllForWifey said . . . he went down with the ship into the deep a valiant foe, loyal to his cause (even if misguided) . . . amaaaaaaaazing graaaaaaaaaace 🚢⚓