Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

It's not Trump losing or Biden winning it's because the GOP will likely retain control of the Senate and thwart The crazies from the squad from implementing their bullshit!
Maybe...and hopefully not....ems just picked up a seat In Az to put them in the lead...but still 5 left to call...…..if the fucking GOP retains control we could go right back into what we did with Obama....the right cock blocking everything Obama tried to do....if the right maintains control it will depend on how all those GOP senators get along with Biden...he was there for years....even Graham spoke up for him earlier this year...will they work to help..or to destroy what Joe is trying to do
Maybe...and hopefully not....ems just picked up a seat In Az to put them in the lead...but still 5 left to call...…..if the fucking GOP retains control we could go right back into what we did with Obama....the right cock blocking everything Obama tried to do....if the right maintains control it will depend on how all those GOP senators get along with Biden...he was there for years....even Graham spoke up for him earlier this year...will they work to help..or to destroy what Joe is trying to do
I would hope they cock block the Green new deal, packing the court, Dc and Puerto Rico as states
Maybe...and hopefully not....ems just picked up a seat In Az to put them in the lead...but still 5 left to call...…..if the fucking GOP retains control we could go right back into what we did with Obama....the right cock blocking everything Obama tried to do....if the right maintains control it will depend on how all those GOP senators get along with Biden...he was there for years....even Graham spoke up for him earlier this year...will they work to help..or to destroy what Joe is trying to do

And don’t forget that we have two Senate run-off races coming up in Georgia. Keep Georgia on our minds!
I would hope they cock block the Green new deal, packing the court, Dc and Puerto Rico as states have not been paying attention......Biden did not support the green new deal...he had his own plan which would take years to go completely into effect......may not have to pack the court if the one that has been talking retirement DOES go ahead and retire and we could talk Obama into taking for DC and PR...they deserve statehood and should get it....your only concern is that the right won't be able to gerrymander there
As this topic as shown, some people are here to simply agitate and promote bigotry.. you have poor whites and blue collar workers who vote republican just to show how racist they are . When in fact they are voting against their interest for having financial resources not only for them, but for their families as well . There is no reason to vote republican unless you are wealthy . Simple as that . And the way the Republican Party has turn toward bigotry throughout the several years, there’s just simply no reason to give them your vote.. unless you’re inherently racist .. period . Anyways , Biden is our president now :))))))
the more you know about politics and the more education you have the less likely you are to vote republican

there are two types of republicans...…..those that lead and steal from the country.....and the sheep who buy the ******* they are selling ...…..what's in your wallet today?
Biden WILL WIN Pennsylvania, and likely Georgia, Nevada and Arizona.

This will not be close when it's all said & done. BIDEN WILL DESTROY TRUMP IN BOTH ELECTORAL COLLEGE & POPULAR VOTE.
I've said it a few times:
Biden will have about 306 electoral votes. The same amount tRump got, and brags about 'like nobody has ever seen'. Although that's lie.
Biden also has the most votes overall by a long shot, a number 'like nobody has ever seen'. That's a fact.
Biden will win more states than tRump.
Had he been more of a unifier versus a divider who only played to his base, he would have been a much better and more effective president . . . and maybe he could have kept more people on his side and won again . . . but he just didn’t have it in him.
Do not assign characteristics to this man that has shown us his entire life, he has no integrity.
We know who he is.
He could not have been a better president. He could not have been a unifier. He can not be decent. That is not Donald Trump.
Thus, he is not worthy of decency or respect.
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I personally am not posting much because of the Peacocks on here that are falsely strutting around bragging about a victory they do not have yet or maybe not at all.
This is America where voting is suppose to be the right of every American to decide in his and her own mind not only who they wish to vote for, but we are suppose elect public servants to do our will. They are suppose to be our employees, they are not suppose to use their position after being hired by us to become corrupt and get wealthy. Before November 3rd I was convinced that the election could go either way, I never believed the polls and I was right. I wasn't convinced either way but even though there was going to be fraud in the voting process, it seems that there has always been some fraud but never close to what level we are witnessing right now. Mail-in voting to the extinct that we have had this election is the cause of all the confusion on both sides. How many of us received more then one application for each voter in our homes? I received 4 so myself like all honest people I ripped them up and threw the extras in the trash, or as my case in the recycling bin. How many use those extra applications to to receive more ballots?
I personally am not posting much because of the Peacocks on here that are falsely strutting around bragging about a victory they do not have yet or maybe not at all.
This is America where voting is suppose to be the right of every American to decide in his and her own mind not only who they wish to vote for, but we are suppose elect public servants to do our will. They are suppose to be our employees, they are not suppose to use their position after being hired by us to become corrupt and get wealthy. Before November 3rd I was convinced that the election could go either way, I never believed the polls and I was right. I wasn't convinced either way but even though there was going to be fraud in the voting process, it seems that there has always been some fraud but never close to what level we are witnessing right now. Mail-in voting to the extinct that we have had this election is the cause of all the confusion on both sides. How many of us received more then one application for each voter in our homes? I received 4 so myself like all honest people I ripped them up and threw the extras in the trash, or as my case in the recycling bin. How many use those extra applications to to receive more ballots?
Hey cry baby,
You got no fraud. You can get 100 ballots mailed to you by accident. You only can mail in one. You mail in two- you're fucked and flagged with your votes not being counted.
Anyone not on the voter file in time, will be a spoiled ballot and not counted. Anyone registering and voting on the same day, will have their ballot segregated from the rest and labeled 'cured'. That means they will have to match names, address and signature to the registration and check for duplicates. That's why a 'count' takes this long.
All of the processes are monitored by people picked from the campaigns or Party on each side.
Count every vote!

Now your turn, tell us of this fraud...
You don't have evidence. It's an anti-Democratic thing to spread in order to retain power. It's why every day of the Biden-Harris Administration I will remind you soft minded tRumptards how hateful and anti-American you are.
Have a shitty day. Hopefully one of many to come. Other than that, enjoy yourself.
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